

Written by Funn Lim

A very sad episode in so many ways. And also a rather dumb episode in some ways. And as usual an interesting end which is satisfying. After so many episodes I finally figured out Mo Sek the town is Wuxi, like the Wuxi pork ribs!


Chai Gau saw Pang Hang who saw him and as Chai Gau snarled, Pang Hang tried to run. Chai Gau then went on shouting "4th madam! 4th madam!" and Pang Hang stopped and shouted "You're looking for 4th Madam?" and Chai Gau said "Yes, you seen her?" and Pang Hang said "Yes I did" and Chai Gau shouted "Tell me where she is!!" and Pang Hang said "Do you have money on you? Give me your money and I will tell you" and Chai Gau gave him a jade necklace and said "This is all I have on me. Where is she?" and Pang Hang said "She is at the infirmary, the place for the sick. I saw her there, her leg blown off and she lays dying from her wounds begging for help" and Pang Hang walked away smirking, clearly he was lying but Chai Gau believed him and ran to the infirmary, surrounded by the sick, coughing and dying where some even splurt blood on him as he went "4th madam! 4th madam" and knowing she wasn't there, finally he left, looking until nightfall when he saw a familiar hand underneath a door and went there and found Bo Kei, unconcious and very hurt. He carried her immediately to the church screaming "Dr Brown!! Dr Brown!!!"

Meanwhile Bit Man, dog, Fung Yee and Pang Hang came running out, Bit Man with his hair in pigtail again and Pang Hang now dressed cleanly waving the imperial flag screaming "We welcome our liberator, our imperial army! We welcome our liberator, our imperial army!" and who to march in but that corrupted governer whose name until now I still do not care to know. Is it Lee? Yes a quick check, I shall call him Official Lee, I really do not know his rank which is why I use Governer and Official interchangeably. He walked in like some liberating hero and said "You have all suffered, I am truly sorry".

Chai Gau was sitting in the church and he was coughing violently. Then Bo Kei walked out, still weak as Chai Gau rushed to her and asked "How's your injury? You shouldn't walk around like this" and Bo Kei weakly answered "Dr Brown said my head is fine, just a bit dizzy, that's all" and Chai Gau sat stood there as Bo Kei remembered the past and chatted with Chai Gau "Remember when you were fired when you declared you were 4th Madam gang?" and Chai Gau laughed and said "I am still and forever will be 4th madam gang member!" and Bo Kei smiled and said "You are still speaking those mushy words! Remember what you said back then?" and she began to immitate Chai Gau and reiterated what Chai Gau said about his lowly status, the time when she fired him, ignored him and then rehired him after a well meaning heart to heart talk. Chai Gau smiled and then immitating Bo Kei he said what she said "Chai Gau, I was but a mere servant just months before..." and he said exactly her words until the sentence where Bo kei did say to him that he could rise up again and be a supervisor, 4th manager, 3rd manager, 2nd manager, and then bring to his village carts of sacks with white rice. Chai Gau smiled as he said all those when Bo kei suddenly looked at him seriously with tears brimming in her eyes and asked "Why then Chai Gau did you come back?! Why did you come back at all? You could have been safe with Hoi Tong at the rebel's territory, you could have been saved, so why did you come back?!" and Chai Gau looked at her, not smiling as they both knew the answer. Then the imperial guards burst inside the church and the official Lee ordered "4th Madam, Chai Gau, you're both under arrest for treason!!" but Bo kei and Chai Gau ignored them, they're in their own world as Bo kei said with tears "Chai Gau, I promise you I will instruct Bit Ching to carry the cart load of sacks of white rice back to your village!" and Chai Gau with tears in eyes looked gratefully at her as this was his final wish and when he tried to speak, the guards wanted to arrest him and he pushed him away shouting "Can't I finish my sentence?" and then he looked at Bo Kei and said softly but with conviction in what I believe to be a Titanic moment where he said "4th Madam, you will not die. You will survive this. You will see the birth of your grandchildren, and your grandchildren's children, you will live to a ripe old age. No 4th Madam, you will not die, not just yet!" as she looked at him gratefully and they were dragged away by the guards.

Pause here.

This to me is a beautiful poignant scene, what started as a memory trip that ended with again sort of a confession of love through actions. I think Bo Kei truly love Chai Gau who was always there for her, not merely just feeling grateful but of course this was spoilt by the fact that the development was too sudden. The hints should have been there much earlier for consistency, but it was a lovely scene, as Bo Kei looked at him with tears and questioned him when she knew the answer; because he loves her and her promise to him as his final wish was also rather sad. The way he said what he said with conviction, that Titanic moment made me believe Chai Gau till his last breath will protect her. So we shall see how he does just that since they're both arrested for treason. They both knew that they would die even when they were conferred the positions by the rebel assistant. It felt sad and heartfelt, their exchange and I must say beautifully acted by Sheren Tang and definitely Wayne Lai. I may have wondered their compatibility but that scene, sort of convinces me they could play lovers. Love Wayne Lai in this scene, the way he looked at her as she asked "por qué?". Sorry, World Cup fever!! por qué? means Why in Spanish.

Bit Ching and Fong rushed to that sleazy official and offered gifts in exchange for perhaps freedom of Bo Kei and Chai Gau, which is ridiculous because we all know that ain't gonna happen when they saw Bit Man, dog and Fung Yee standing there and Bit Man said "Well sir, then it's a deal, 30% then!"

Ermm I can't remember the number so I just put 30%.

Official nodded and Bit Ching asked "What are you talking about?" and Bit Man said "Well I will be taking over Hing Fung Nin and Official Lee here wants to do business and so I invited him to join Hing Fung Nin in exchange of 30% shares of the business!" and Bit Ching said angrily "The business is not for you to divide! I am the sucessor!" and was it Fung Yee that said "Husband in his will said clearly; Bo Kei to run the business until such time it shall be given to Bit Man and since Bo Kei is arrested for treason and soon to be beheaded, naturally Bit Man now takes over the business" and Bit Ching or Fong, can't remember who argued "Bit Man has been disowned in the 2nd will!!" and definitely Fong shouted angrily "You disgusting people! You, Official Lee, my husband has been a friend of yours for decades, assisting you and helping you, and this is how you repay his friendship? I will swear to you all, I will not rest until I get 4th sister released! The people will never support you! If you don't let her go, I will complain to the state and if they won't listen I will go all the way to the imperial court! I will make sure someone listens to me!!!" and so she and Bit Ching angrily left. Fung Yee smiled sinisterly and said to Official Lee; "I think you should denounce the effect of the 2nd will" and Official Lee agreed.

Pause here.


Bo Kei, in prison and hair messy was visited by Hoi Tong and Father Brown. Bo Kei thought Hoi Tong has escaped but Hoi Tong said sadly "The rebels wouldn't let me go so I sneaked out when I reached their place. I had to come back to Chai Gau" and Bo kei asked "How is Chai Gau?" and Hoi Tong with tears welled up said sadly "He is very sick. He is coughing very hard" and Bo Kei asked "What happened?" and Hoi Tong said "He went looking for you at the infirmary and there he contracted the disease!" and Bo kei was shocked as Father Brown explained "I am afraid there isn't much I could do for Chai Gau" as Bo kei began to cry softly. Chai Gau I believe contracted TB. The symptoms are there and even now people do die of TB, more so back then. So Chai Gau's fate is doomed. Either he dies of TB first or from beheading. Father Brown turned to leave and he said sadly "4th Madam, may the Lord protects you"

Official Lee came and ordered Bo kei to sign a confession to make life easier and Bo kei said "I want to see Chai Gau!" and he refused her request and warned "If you do not sign, I will have you tortured!" and still she demanded "I want to see Chai Gau or you can torture all you want, I will not sign anything!" and he reluctantly agreed. What a failed interrogater! She then hastily signed the confession and walked out.

Chai Gau was in a prison cell too, and he was coughing very very hard, blood on the cloth! Bo Kei walked in and he said between coughs "4th Madam, please don't come near me, this disease is contagious" and so Bo Kei stood by the door, looking at him, almost crying. Chai Gau smiled and said "4th madam, do not worry about me. I thought Hoi Tong has escaped but imagine how lucky I was to have opened my eyes in here and saw her standing before me. I have Hoi Tong back with me! As for you, as I have said before, you will live to a ripe old age, you will not die in prison. I will not die in prison. I will bring sacks of rice back to my village and when I do die at my village, the villagers will honour me and build me a simple tombstone. Oh no, we will not die in here at all" but his back was facing her and she was in tears whilst he sounded optimistic but his face, not facing her was of pure sadness as he knew he was going to die soon, probably from the disease. Bo Kei faced his back...

and here I wished she would rushed to him and hug him from behind. She didn't. Not very acceptable to do that in the past but now I am sure she would hug him hard as she cried.

Anyway she said gently "Chai Gau, please turn around and look at me... please..."

and he composed himself and turned to face her, looking less sad and Bo Kei looked into his eyes for a long time and then said simply "I have to go now" and so she left.


Official Lee walked out and it was raining and the entire street there was everyone kneeling and Bit Ching holding in his hands he said "Sir, this is a petition for the release of 4th Madam! She is the pride of Mo Sek, our benefactor and she has helped us more than we have asked for! Release her! She is innocent of all charges levied against her!" and everyone screamed "RELEASE 4th MADAM!!" but Official Lee warned them all to leave or else.. and the people, men, women, old and young, rich and poor charged forward and there was chaos!

Fong at home and Bit Ching said "This won't do! We must send this petition to the Lord Prince himself. Only he can help 4th mother now..." but I think it was Hing who said "But Lord Prince is in the middle of the war zone right now, it is far too dangerous for you to go!" but Bit Ching said "I have to go or else 4th mother will surely die!" and that was that.

Later Hing came by to see Fong and she said "My good in laws, I may sound selfish but I can't let Bit Ching go for this suicical mission. My Ah Man is pregnant, she needs him here more than ever" and Fong said "I know, but Bit Ching is very determined" and Hing said "Not if...." and Fong looked at her curiously.

Next morning, Bit Ching woke up and was ready to go when he was told by Ah Man that Fong and Hing were missing and Bit Ching couldn't find the show with hidden dagger and Man asked "What does that mean?" and Bit Ching said "Mother was a security guard and everytime she leaves for work she would wear the shoe with dagger..." and he quickly rushed to follow their trail with his trustee servant (NOT THE DOG!!) but the people doing business by the forest said they had left early in the morning and the servant said "Master, that means they're too far ahead of us, we can't keep up!" and Bit Ching knew it was too late to stop them.

Fong and Hing did managed to reach Lord Prince who read the long petition and a look of sympathy was on his face as he said "I understand Bo Kei's predicament and I too do not believe she is a traitor. I know her well and that is not her" and Fong and Hing were happy to hear that but Lord Prince said sadly "As much as I am very touched by you two coming here even in the face of danger, I am sorry I could be of no help to your cause" and they were shocked and asked "WHY?" and Lord Prince said "I may still have my title and I may look like I am still in power but I am just a mere puppet right now. I have lost consecutively 4 wars and the Emperor is not pleased with me. I hardly yield anymore influence in the empire, I am very sorry. Please return to Mo Sek, I will have some guards to protect you along the way"

So sad!!! How can?!

Anyway Fong and Hing left feeling very sad when suddenly there were bombs hitting them nearby and Hing fell. Fong rushed to her, held her hand and cried "RUN!!!!"

Bo Kei in prison and Official Lee came, smiled and said "I have orders to execute you after 3 days. As I am compassionate, I have decided to allow you to go home to your family for 3 days after which we will come to take you back for execution. As for Chai Gau, he has been released for that 3 days as well"

Bo kei looked at him wearily and said "Then can I go now?" and he said smilingly "Yes please do".

She walked out of the prison and was greeted by many well wishers, all villagers and also the rice merchants who all said "4th Madam! You've suffered much!" and they ushered her to the rattan sedan although Bit Ching and gang weren't there. The Cheung servant said "4th Madam, you must thank the merchants for this 3 days release. They threatened the official that if you're not released for these 3 days, they will close shops and move elsewhere. And they have presented this petition to the Lord Prince.." and she took the heavy petition and opened it as they carried her home and she read (and we do see flashbacks)...

"I am a resident of Mo Sek and I have been given the honour to draft this petition where we are petitioning for the release of Hing Fung Nin's 4th Madam. Before there was 4th Madam, my family and I were too poor to buy rice because of the excessive transporation fee charged by Pang Hang. But then there was 4th Madam, a mere woman who dared to stand up to the oppressive Pang Hang and demanded him to lower his fees. From thereon I could afford white rice for my family. Then there was the attack of the locusts and no one did anything but 4th Madam, again a mere woman took charge and again saved us from a disaster. The rebels came in and a mere woman, she could have packed her bags and run with her fortune but she stayed with us and weather the storm together. She bravely accepted the position given by the rebels when she knew full well the consequences, again for us, the people of Mo Sek. 4th Madam is indeed a one of a kind woman, she has shown herself as someone brave, honourable and with integrity who thought of herself but of Mo Sek as a whole. She is a good person. She should not have been arrested in the first place. I will never understand the logic why such a good person should be beheaded. Please spare her her life. Signed XX on behalf of the people of Mo Sek"

Bo Kei cried as she read the hearfelt plea for her life and along the way she was overcome by exhaustion and fell asleep. She reached home and she was woken up and she opened her eyes and the first thing she saw at the front door were white/blue lanterns that connote someone in the family has died. Shocked, she cried "Who died?! WHO DIED?!" and no one dared answer her and so she ran in and saw Bit Ching, Man, Mo and Hing crying over a figure that was Fong. Bo Kei hugged her tightly and cried hysterically "I just left for a few days!! Why 3rd sister has died?! WHY?! SOMEONE EXPLAIN TO ME?! and Hing explained...

"There were bombs everywhere ..." Flashback...

Fong took Hing's hands and ran fast when Hing fell down and Fong way ahead ran back to hold her up to her feet and cried "RUN!!!" when suddenly like Pang Kiu's situation, a bomb dropped near Fong and she was blasted forward. Hing rushed to her and cried "Fong! Fong!" as Fong slowly closed her eyes and died.


Bo Kei cried very very hard, knowing Fong sacrificed herself for her.

Pause here.

Don't know why, I pitied Mo who was holding onto Hing, crying. He has lost his father, then his mother, now another mother, and potentially another mother, he was like an orphan 3 times over. Really pitied him.

At home Bit Man, Fung Yee and dog brought I think 2 other stranger to the rice warehouse and Bit Man instructed the workers there who looked at him wearily "These 2 are relatives of official lee and they would be joining us as Hing Fung Nin shareholders. You will all listen to them and we shall all work together to rebuild Hing Fung Nin" but the workers didn't look too happy as Bit Ching came in and rushed over and said "Don't listen to these dogs and this useless unfilial son! There will be no change at Hing Fung Nin, I am running the company" and Bit Man arrogantly said "You all better listen to me if you want to continue to work here and take Hing Fung Nin's salary!" and no one answered him and he grabbed one worker and said "YOU LISTEN TO ME!!" but the worker was silent and stony faced, then another who bravely said "I'd rather quit then!!" and all of them cried "YEAH!!" and Bit Man was very angry but Bit Ching looked at them gratefully as they said "Master, with permission, we would like to pay our respect to 3rd Madam" and Bit Ching "Yes, let us all go together" and they simply ignored Bit Man. Fung Yee said to the potential investors "Look what we have to deal with?"

Bit Man and Fung Yee are so disgusting!!! What makes them think the workers will listen to them? If I were Bit Ching, I just fold up the business and go away since Bit Man is disowned already. And then reopen the shops later. I am sure Mo Sek would understand.

3 days has passed and Lord Prince arrived to pay respect for Fong. He was warmly welcomed when suddenly official Lee came with the 3 stooges tagging along and said "Hong Bo Kei, 3 days has passed. Follow me now!"

Meanwhile, not long before that, Chai Gau was coughing badly. He asked Father Brown "How is my disease?" and Father Brown said "I will not lie to you. There is no cure. You're dying and there is not much I can do" and Chai Gau simply nodded when No. 2 walked in and Chai Gau said "Brother please, wear your mask!" and he covered his face (everyone else did cover their faces) No. 2 told Chai Gau what is happening at Cheung mansion. Chai Gau coughing hard stood up as Hoi Tong said "Chai Gau, you must rest! You can't leave like this! You're very sick!" but Chai Gau was determined to save Bo kei, once again. As he walked there, he coughed hard, blood on his handkerchief.

Meanwhile at Cheung Mansion, Official Lee wanted to arrest Bo Kei again, he kinda ignored Lord Prince who was sitting down with his eyes closed, face not registering any emotion when suddenly Chai Gau coughed very hard and his voice boomed "ON WHAT CHARGES?!" and everybody avoided him as he coughed and he stood in the middle, cloth covering his face as official Lee said "For treason of course!" and Chai Gau shouted "What treason? What act of treason have 4th madam and I committed?" and Chai Gau walked to the Lord Prince, still eyes closed and he said very gently "My Lord, I am sorry I have to reveal the truth here"

What truth? Ahhhh the cleverness of Chai Gau!!

Chai Gau said "What act of treason? 4th Madam and I were actually spies for the imperial dynasty, appointed by his Lordship himself! 4th Madam, remember what happened to that rebel assistant? Remember what he said to us in the study room?" and Bo Kei catching Chai Gau's meaning came forward and said "He said the imperial army will soon enter Mo Sek and we will all be killed!" and Chai Gau said "And what did she do? 4th Madam took a pistol and shot that rebel through the head!!"

True, who is to tell otherwise? There was Chai Gau and Bo Kei and the rebel and his men and I presume his men all died and so only Chai Gau and Bo Kei would know.

"We were actually spies who risked our lives for the glorious emperor!!!" and Bit Man and gang shouted "NO WAY!! LIAR!!" and Chai Gau angrily said " We are liars? Guess who are the liars? Brother.." he gestured No. 2 and he immediately pulled Bit Man's hair which came lose and revealed the rebel's favoured hairstyle and there was gasps as Chai Gau thundered "HE IS THE TRAITOR!! Even before the rebels came into Mo Sek, he had already cut his hair!!!" and Pang Hang screamed "You're such a liar! You're the one who served the rebels!"

Pause here.

Pang Hang was very funny here as he spoke he covered his face and yet wanted to gesture with his hands!

Chai Gau walked near Pang Hang and said "And who was the one who claimed to be brothers with that rebel assistant? PANG HANG!! How you 2 wore the same trousers, ate from the same plate, grew up together! You enjoyed your good times whilst with the rebel and I? I was forced to work in the infirmary, serving the sick which caused me to contract this disease which I am dying from!!" as Chai Gau repeatedly coughed onto his face as Pang Hang kept trying to talk and cover his mouth and Pang Hang shouted "LIAR! I WAS THE ONE WHO WORKED THERE! I WAS THE ONE WHO WAS SENT THERE!!" and he rushed to Dr Brown and said "You! You are a priest! You can't lie. You were there to treat the sick and you saw me there! Tell the truth!!" and Dr Brown look at him defiantly and said loudly "I DIDN'T SEE YOU AT ALL!" and Pang Hang snarled "You liar! Your god will punish you!" and Dr Brown retorted "My god will punish only bad people, not good people!".

Then Chai Gau angrily said "When Mo Sek fell to the rebels, where were you?" pointing at the official. "You and your wives and your children and your fortune have all left earlier!" and Official said to the guards "Arrest him!" but Chai Gau angrily gestured at the guards and said "You were not here to fight with Mo Sek as well! Don't you dare touch me!" and Chai Gau screamed "How may decades does one have? Oust these bastards!" or something like that and the merchants and all shouted after Chai Gau and Official Lee came forward and said "What proof you have that you were a spy for us? Where is the evidence?!" and Lord Prince finally opened his eyes and came between them and spoke "I am the proof, I am the evidence" and the official arrogantly said "With due respect my Lord, we all know you have lost all your influence, who are you for us to believe you?" and Lord Prince said "Am I to report to you everything I discuss with the emperor? Am I to report when I sleep, eat or what and when I do anything? Who are you to have me report to you?" and the official gulped a little and said "I don't believe you!" and Lord Prince snarled "Does it matter if you do? Don't you forget I still have relatives in high places. Shall I get the opinion of my --- or my --- or maybe ---?" and he was saying ranks and names of high ranking officials. Idiot isn't he? He may have lost favour but god damn it, he is still a royalty with many relatives!!

And Chai Gau and all screamed the name of one high ranking official and the official Lee gulped even more as Bit Man, FUng Yee, Pang Hang and everyone else looked on.

Next episode, Bit Man sets fire to some building and dies in it as Fung Yee collapsed to the ground in grief.

The official is darn stupid. Fantastic last scene and a bit kudos to Chai Gau for standing up for Bo Kei. What will Bo Kei do without Chai Gau? Even coughing he could still command fear and he really scolded them well. And he may have twisted the facts but who are the others to argue? I love how Dr Brown retaliated as well! Very funny scene. Well written, dramatic but still logically dramatic. The Lord Prince can now use Mo Sek as his success story, how he planted 2 spies that prevented a massacre in Mo Sek, etc!

I love the sentimentality of this episode as well as the confrontation.

A big kudos again to Wayne Lai's excellent performance as Chai Gau who somehow could inject this rather romantic side of Chai Gau as he told Bo Kei how she would survive this and he kept his promise.

Sheren Tang was wonderful too, her tiredness, her weariness, her grief, he admiration for Chai Gau, etc. Her eyes spoke volumes, so was her expression.

Lee Sing Cheung however almost stole the show in the confrontation scene. He can be both disgusting, vile and hateful and yet darn funny and cute. I love the way he held his sword and when Wayne walked near, he dropped his sword quickly and covered his mouth with the thin strip of cloth that is his belt! Brilliant performances and I hate Pang Hang!

Kara Wai may have died but he death scene was effective. Same as Kiki Sheung but as sad. But I thought Kiki Sheung's death scene was more dramatic, more sadder probably because I have a soft spot for Mo.

Pierre Ngo and Susan Tse had little to do here and frankly I am bored with their unchanging characters. But good performance though.

Ron Ng... I am not convinced now that Bit Ching is a good businessman. A bit of crisis and he will start holding the shoulers of the other person, shaking them as he hunched and deliver his lines. Hardly threatening, hardly authoritative. He was more begging than giving orders. Look at Wayne Lai; stood up straight as he delivered punch after punch. Ron Ng is just terribly inadequate.

KWok Fung was brilliant. What more can I say?

Ahhhh yes...

Reveal of the short hair of Bit Man, in Safe Guards much earlier, in here almost the end. And poor Kara Wai, she was also in Safe Guards who died protecting the people she cared about. Except I would say her death in Safe Guards was even more dramatic and sadder even if by sword instead of bombs. Same same same.

Ok, I am going to be sad. Tomorrow is the last episode, I know Chai Gau will die and I am getting ready for his grand death scene. Grand as in perhaps a sort of finality to his life. I know I am giving away a bit spoiler but Dr Brown says Chai Gau is dying from TB and so we all know he will die. I just hope before his death, he gets a hug from Bo kei. Just one hug, this man deserves that after all he had done for her. He is like her knight in shining armour, her protector... oh dear, I am feeling sad as I typed these. Why Chai Gau? Why him? Kill Bo Kei! Let Chai Gau survive and assist Bit Ching! Bo kei should be the one dying!

Anyway, favourite quote, too many but had to choose one...

"My god will punish only bad people, not good people!"

- Dr Brown to Pang Hang


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