Written by Funn Lim
A recap first ...
Chai Gau shouted at the top of his lungs as he whipped Pang Hang;
"Anyone with any sort of sense would want you deadddddddddddddddddd!!!!!!!!!!!"
but rebel assistant whose name I shall not bother to learn since this is last appearance anyway said "Chai Gau, you have said enough. I promise everyone here that I will investigate and give you all a proper answer" and he looked at Bo Kei and said "4th Madam, I trust you will inform me when that prince writes to you again" and Bo Kei said "Yes I will"and he left with Pang Hang following saying "Sir, please listen to me, I can explain..." whilst Fung Yee, dog and Bit Man all walked away. The merchants were on Chai Gau's side and said thanks and all and Bo Kei too said thanks to Chai Gau who then walked away as she looked at him with I suppose thankful eyes? Longing eyes? I still don't buy the romance part yet. Fong and everybody was overjoyed with Bo Kei's release.
Revenge time. Chai Gau and his men moved in to arrest Pang Hang who hid under the covers of his bed. To give him credit he did faced his humiliation like a man. Anyway he said "Go on! Take what you all came for! Take them all!!" and they took his fortune.
Pause here.
Kinda unfair. Ok, so he monopolises BUT the merchants did agreed to pay the sum he earned. He did earned them through transporation work. No indication of those being bribe moneys, so how come his fortune can be taken away so easily? Just because the merchants struck a bad bargain with him as to the fees does not negate the existence of a contract in itself. Caveat Emptor? The principle of BUYER BEWARE. So I kinda feel for Pang Hang, even if he totally deserved it all.
Anyway Chai Gau had another idea of punishment. He said "Bring me 3 bones, I don't care dog bones or pork bones" and the 2 assistants that were formerly Pang Hang's assistant (one forever holding an umbrella, the other a fan) did so. Pang Hang looked at them and snarled "You traitors". Chai Gau made Pang Hang bite on one bone, like some 2 years before I think when Chai Gau suffered the same fate. Interestingly Pang Hang was allowed to keep his sunglasses on so he looked humiliated but cool humiliated. The 2 assistants laughed and Chai Gau looked at them and said "You 2 are such hypocrites. I remember you 2... you two each take a bone and join Pang Hang!" and they were liked "WHAT?!" and so Pang Hang looked at left and right, I suppose a satisfying smile and began to yelp like a dog and run on all fours. Not wanting to be beaten, he tried to run faster than them 2. Later the 3 of them were put to work in shackles, distributing rice to the sick at the infirmary.
Meanwhile Bo Kei and Chai Gau were met by the assistant rebel who asked them politely "How can I ensure this town (as in Mo Sek or Marble? Is Mo Sek = Marble?) is happy and properous? That the shops will reopen and there will be less beggars?" and Bo Kei said "There is a simple solution sir. Ensure that every citizen has 4 ounces (or is it pounds? 4 LEONG in cantonese, I will just use ounces and I stand to be corrected) of white rice each day, they will be happy and life would return to normal" and the assistant was taken aback as he said "How then can we pay for these rice?"
Yeah lor, how ah Bo Kei? Hing Fung Nin give huge discounts? Give free rice?
Chai Gau said "I remember there were some money confiscated from the imperial treasury of this town. Use those money to buy the rice" and assistant said "No no no, those are funding for the frontline" but Bo Kei insisted, the assistant kept saying "No, no, no, can't do" and so the matter was left at that. Then he was asked for dinner and he asked for noodles and said "I am afraid I am still not used to the local delicacies here, I do miss my village's meals" and Bo Kei who knew where he came from said "I know how to cook those; allow me to cook for you" and the assistant said no but Bo Kei insisted.
Bo Kei sat down in the study room to write her diaries. She revealed a happy news; "This is about 1st sister, I heard some commotion and saw her, Bit Man and Uncle Cheung Fatt carrying a box they dug out and left the mansion. I have not seen nor heard from them since. And I am cooking for the rebel assistant almost everyday, together with Chai Gau and I had a good time. I am happy to note Chai Gau has matured. He no longer thinks of himself like he used to in the past, but rather he thinks of the town people, always trying to get the assistant to agree to my proposed rice distribution. As for the assistant, I have gotten to know him during these times and I find him to be noble, loyal and hardworking. He was earnest in his desire to better the lives of the citizens here and I find myself liking his attitude. However at times he can be very temperamental and moody. There was a time he became so moody I had to leave. However at most times he seems particularly cheerful despite the news I have heard to the contrary. The rebels are losing, the imperial army gaining power thanks to assistance from foreign forces (French being one of them as she narrated) which uses cannons that killed a lot of the rebels. The rebels' hold on the rebellion is losing ground, and yet the assistant reported nothing but good news. I am not sure if he is cheating himself but he seems hopeful"
The box was the one Fung Yee buried at the backyard for Bit Man's use much earlier. And Bo Kei seems to genuinely like that assistant, for whatever reason it may be. I find him moody and PMS-ing most of the time. I find him more moody and emotional than any woman.
Ah Man and Hing narrated they saw Fung Yee, sometime later. Hing said "She looked forlorn, almost spaced out. She didn't seem to notice us and all the whilst she was muttering to herself, mumbling about something to no one in particular"
Yeap, Fung Yee is going loco. Where else can she go anyway?
Rebel assistant summoned Chai Gau and Bo Kei and said happily "I have 2 great news. Your proposal for the distribution of rice has been approved and our dear Leader has decided to honour the benefactors of our great Godly cause and you two are to be appointed at our official governers of this town!" and Bo Kei and Chai Gau looked alarmed as Bo kei said "Sir, I am just a simple merchant. I know nothing of politics! I politely decline such a great offer" whilst Chai Gau said "Sir, I am just an uneducated ordinary man. I'm better at being chief of security than some official!" but rebel insisted they deserved the title when Bit Ching ran out and said "Sir, make me the official" as Bo Kei looked in shock as Bit Ching said "Sir, I am the heir apparent to Hing Fung Nin. Therefore this is an honour that should be bestowed on me. My 4th mother is just a guardian until such time I am fit and able to takeover the business and she is not of good health lately. Please let me take this honour as the successor of Hing Fung Nin" and assistant hesitated and said "You all think about it over night and inform me next day who will take up this post".
Bit Ching looked serious as Bo Kei walked into the dining room and Fong asked why the assistant was there and Bit Ching answered "4th mother, please surrender the keys and company seals now. I am the rightful successor, therefore I have the right to takeover now!" and Fong was very angry and shouted "How dare you say this! Haven't you know what your 4th mother has done for this family?!" and Ah Man also said "Husband how could you talk like that to 4th mother?" as Bit Ching said "Please return the keys so that I can take the position" and they all asked "What position?" and Bit Ching replied "4th mother was just bestowed with a position with the rebel government" and Man asked "Isn't that a good thing?" and Bit Ching answered "No, because the rebel army is losing. The imperial army will reclaim this town soon and I have never heard of the imperial army pardoning the officials appointed by the rebel government. In fact all of them were sentenced to death" and everyone looked scared as Bo Kei said "Bit Ching, who says the rebel government will surely lose? Don't be so pessimistic" but Bit Ching said "4th mother, let me take this position on your behalf, at least if the imperial army comes in, I am young, I can run away and become a fugitive, 4th mother you're not young anymore" but Bo Kei said "Don't say that, everything will be fine. Moreover if I take the position, at least my relationship with the prince will ensure my safety" but Bit Ching kneelt down and said humbly "4th mother, in the past you have weathered all storms for me. Everytime there is trouble, you were there for me to help me and save me. But now, let me do this for you. Let me grow up and take some respobsibilities, let me shoulder this burden for you"
Bit Ching truly is very noble.
Fong walked to Bo Kei and tearfully said "4th sister, I agree with Bit Ching. If you let him do it, I will immediately offer an incense to dear dead husband's altar and say proudly that Bit Ching has truly matured and grown up" and Ah Man said "4th mother, let Bit Ching do this. If worse comes to worse, I can run away with him" and Bo Kei was so pressured (even Hing agreed) that she said "Ok ok, let me think about it".
Pause here.
Bit Ching is such a wonderful guy. I like how he wants to shoulder the burden for Bo kei. BUT if Bo Kei alone does this, she alone will run. If Bit Ching does this, he, Man, Hing, and Fong had to run. It is a dead end sort of job and a job where the recipient will either run or die. The math doesn't add up for Bit Ching though.
Next day, assistant came and Bit Ching was ready to take the position when the assistant read the decree and appointed Bo kei. Everyone was shocked. Did Bo Kei secretly went and asked the assistant to name her? Not shown but I presume yes. Bo Kei was dressed in an awful low budget sort of unisex costume. Assistant left and Bit Ching asked "Why 4th mother? Why?" and Bo Kei smiled at him and said "Don't worry, everything will be fine" and Fong came over and cried hard "4th sister, I do not know how to thank you for what you're doing for Bit Ching!" and she cried very hard as everyone cried too, even the servants were crying.
Meanwhile Bo Kei met with Chai Gau who himself was dressed in a soft pink awful costume like those Ming + Mongolian sort of design and Chai Gau was smiling happily and said "Look at me! Someone like me, an official!!". He took it good naturedly and Bo kei too smiled and said "Indeed! And Chai Gau, look at your hat, it is askew!" and she corrected the hat and Chai Gau smiled. A very funny scene actually as these 2 knew they had been put on the spot and sad also because the consequence is death for sure when the imperial army comes in and they know the rebels lost the main war. Chai Gau laughed and as he smiled he said "4th madam, have you packed your stuff yet in a big box?" and Bo kei was like huh? and Chai Gau said "Well, better get ready with your luggage. The imperial army is coming in soon, we may have to run away at last minute's notice" and Bo Kei smiled rather happily as Chai Gau said all these good naturedly but we all know he was right and Bo kei said "Chai Gau, how can you say our great rebel government is going to fail? How dare you?!" as she mocked him good naturedly and they had a good laugh.
Diary time.
Bo Kei says excitedly "Ah Man is pregnant! Couldn't believe it that I will be a grandmother soon. I wonder what name I shall give the baby?"
But things aren't looking so good for the rebel leader.
Chai Gau and BO Kei were summoned but the assistant at that moment only wanted to see Bo Kei so Chai Gau said he will wait whilst Bo Kei knocked and went in and saw a very drunk and morose looking assistant. She asked "Sir, are you alright?" and the assistant drunkardly said "Ahhh 4th madam, you're here! Come, drink with me" but Bo Kei refused and the assistant pressed further and Bo Kei said "Please, sir, I think I better go" but the assistant stopped her, locked the doors and said "Why are you leaving me too? Why is life so unfair to me?! At my age, I should be happily married with children of my own but I have dedicated myself to this great cause in the name of our Heavenly Lord (he was referring to Jesus Christ by the way, they're Christians) and our great leader himself. But why, why life is so unfair to me?" and Bo Kei kinda stunned by his emo-ing again (I wasn't) tried to leave and he took her rejection as an insult as he shouted "I like you 4th Madam, I like you! You cooked me my village's food! My village! My beautiful village, destroyed by the imperial army, razed to the ground, all the villagers killed, my entire village killed!!!" as he despaired and Bo kei said "Sir..." as she tried to leave and he held her back and yes, he tried to rape her.
Chai Gau heard Bo Kei's scream for help and the assistant's assistant refused him entry but Chai Gau rushed into the room and saw assistant on top of Bo Kei and he screamed "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!" and rushed forward and punched the assistant but Chai Gau was no match as he was held back by 3 or 4 other assistants and punched till he vomitted blood as Bo Kei sceamed "STOP! STOP!! Chai Gau, are you ok?" and Chai Gau said "Yes I am" and the rebel assistant at his most girly emoting moment shrilled "Chai Gau has offended me by bursting into my room without permission!!" and Bo Kei said "Stop!" but he continued "He.. Chai Gau... he is a spy for the imperial army! He shall be punished by death!!" as he tried to cover his ass so to speak and rushed to his table, took a pistol and pointed it at Chai Gau when Bo Kei stepped in between then and angrily said "That is not the truth! I will tell everyone the truth! You tried to rape me, Chai Gau saw what you were trying to do and he stopped you and you are now going to kill him to cover your tracks!" as she said to the men holding Chai Gau who was silent and on the floor kneeling as assistant cried "That is not true! He is a spy!!" and Bo Kei pleaded "Sir, I know you are a good man, despite what you tried to do. I know you are earnest and sincere in your wish to help this town. You have govern us well. Do not tarnish that with this one act of lunacy! Don't destroy your good work! Contunue to govern us well..." as the assistant looked at her and suddenly laughed and said bitterly "Govern? I don't think I will have that chance anymore. I am doing God's work, serving God and in the end, we have lost the war! We have lost! And the imperial army is on its way to enter this town soon and they wull show us rebels no mercy at all" as his men cried "Sir, be strong! Don't give up!" and he continued "You should all run, run for your lives and I... I will stay and share the town's fate with them..." and he sat down heavily and then he walked to Chai Gau, bowed and said "I am sorry" and he walked to Bo Kei and bowed deeply and said "I am sorry".
He walked out despondently out of the room with the pistil still in hand. Not much later Bo kei and Chai Gau heard a single gun shot sound, they rushed out and saw the assistant falling to his face after having shot himself. His men rushed to him and cried. Bo Kei and Chai Gau, shocked with what they saw.
Chai Gau went home, announced the disbanding of the association and distributed the entire wealth to his brothers, those with family gets a bigger portion. No. 2 said "NO brother! You promise us, we will share our burden together! Allow us to go with you!" and his other men said the same thing but Chai Gau said "Didn't you all said you will listen to my orders? I order you to take the money and start life anew somewhere. You won't be punished for being associated with me. Running with me won't do! You will be abandoning your family, it is not something I want!" and No. 2 said "If that is the case, here, take the money!" and he gave Chai GAu a lot of money and Chai Gau took a qaurter of those and said "I will take these, the rest, distribute amongst yourself" as Hoi Tong looked on.
Bo Kei meanwhile said her goodbyes. She said to the workers "I thank you for all your support. From now on I hope you will serve Bit Ching as you have served your Master Cheung and myself" and the workers cried "4th madam!!" and Fong cried and said "Take good care of yourself and promise me you will come home" and she said yes and then she said to Bit Ching "Take good care of the business, make it thriving" and Bit Ching promised as Ah Man promised "I will take good care of this baby so that when you come back you will see a healthy cute grandson" and Bo Kei nodded and Hing promised to take good care of Fong and everybody cried as she said to Mo "Take good care of your 2nd mother and help you brother" as Mo agreed tearfully and she said "Good bye" as she had to leave as the imperial army was coming into the town.
Pang Hang heard of the news and tricked one of the rebel who was running away to release him and he in turn killed the 2 assistants who betrayed him earlier and he ran.
Bit Man, dog and Fung Yee heard the army was coming in and they were very happy as Bit Man took out the imperial flag which Fung Yee said "You kept that? You could have been killed!" but she said it with pride at Bit Man's ill used resourcefulness as Bit Man said "I will hang this outside now to welcome the imperial army. Mother this is our chance to rise again!" and Fung Yee agreed but dog said "Outside is chaotic. Let's wait till the chaos died down first" and Bit Man smiled and agreed.
Why can't the bombs rain at that motel? Anyway any big plans hatched by Fung Yee and Bit Man won't be successful since we have 2 more episodes till the end of this series. What can they do which TVB won't solve in 1 episode?
Chai Gau was out of the town with Hoi Tong when the bombs rained on them. He was disorientated but unhurt.
Meanwhile Bo kei was not yet out of the town as the bombs rained on her as she saw many people dying before her and she was very afraid.
Chai Gau panicked and asked Hoi Tong "Where is 4th madam? She was supposed to meet us here" and Hoi Tong said "There is such chaos everywhere. Maybe she has left town" but Chai GAu said "No, she promised to wait here. She is hurt!" as he saw those escorting Bo kei injured and walking to him and he rushed to them and asked "Where is 4th madam?" and they explained she was probably trapped in a resturant as the bombs rained on them and Chai GAu panicked ran to save Bo kei as Hoi Tong grabbed him hard and cried "No, don't go Chai Gau Gor! Don't leave me!" and Chai Gau gave her some money and said "YOu follow them! I promise I will keep up! I must find 4th Madam" and he ran quickly as Hoi Tong shouted and cried "Chai Gau Gor! Don't leave me! Chai Gau Gor!!!!"
Chai Gau reached town, dead bodies everywhere, silence and almost a dead town. I wonder how is Bit Ching and gang? Anyway he turned the bodies, looked everywhere, sick with worry when he heard some sound, he turned and came face to face with a snarling but dirty looking Pang Hang who looked back.
A showdown? At this time??
Next episode, Pang Hang revealed where is Bo kei, and when Bo Kei is found she asked Chai Gau why he had returned for her and later we see Chai Gau in prison, coughing hard.
This is heading towards the K-drama route and it isn't the present K-Drama but the olden days sort of K-Drama and it can only mean tragedy!
Good episode, especially Bit Ching's nobleness.
No more comment except poor Hoi Tong, abandoned by Chai Gau. If Chai Gau marries Bo Kei, Bo Kei will indeed be wife no. 1.
And I like how Bit Ching is now practically Bo Kei's son and her joy at being a grandma. Imagine if Fung Yee weren't that hung up on status, Bit Man's son will be like Bo Kei's grandchild too and everyone will be happy. Anyway Fung Yee and Bit Man have stopped evolving as characters.
Performance wise, a big nod to Nancy Wu. Her last scene was pretty ugly as her face got distorted as she cried hard but to me that is good. That is convincing and I really do pity Hoi Tong sometimes.
Pierre Ngo nothing to do, Susan Tse nothing as well.
Ron Ng was effective in tonight's episode since all he needs to do is to look morose which he did well because that is his only face throughout. I like Bit Ching but Ron Ng didn't do justice to this role. Can't Sammul Chan take this role? No, he will be rather arrogant looking. He can be Bit Man and Pierre Ngo can be Bit Ching. Pierre Ngo can play decent noble gentleman.
The actors playing Bit Mo and Pang Hang did well respectively even if the former is just a few minutes scene, I find him rather good thus far and the latter, a veteran doesn't need any explanation how good he was.
Wayne Lai was great in last episode, in this episode I thought he was fantastic as usual, especially when he good naturedly joked about his new costume and role in the rebel government.
Sheren Tang as usual wonderful.
Ben Wong, a rather sad character. Despised his hypocrisy but redeemed himself later by killing himself. I find this character interesting in the sense he is so emotional and yet noble in certain ways.
Everybody else is ok, as usual.
So soon approaching the end. Time flies so fast. I think I will write a review proper for this series as my Episodic Thoughts are more recaps than analysis.
Anyway favourite line.. the one that tugged at your heart...
"4th mother, in the past you have weathered all storms for me. Everytime there is trouble, you were there for me to help me and save me. But now, let me do this for you. Let me grow up and take some respobsibilities, let me shoulder this burden for you"
- Bit Ching to Bo Kei
June 16, 2010 at 5:08 PM
Pang Hang - Lee Shing Cheung
Bit Mo - Kelvin Leung Ching Ka