

Written by Funn Lim

This is it. The final episode. I must say there is a closure for all characters, seen or unseen. And we finally know Chai Gau's true age. Get ready with your tissues...

I didn't recap this part in last episode where Lord prince said to Official Lee that "You will write a report, and in your report you shall exonorate 4th Madam and Chai Gau of all charges". Scene opens with the official looking scared after a whole lot of big names dropped on him and Lord Prince reminded him "Remember, the report" and the official cowardly said "Yes, My Lord" and went away. Hing and everybody else shouted at the 3 stooges to "Go away!! LEAVE!!" which they did.

Bo Kei and Chai Gau walked up to Lord Prince and thanked him for his help but they did say "But how sure are we he will write as you directed? That we are safe?" which is a question rather than an accusation. Lord Prince looked at them kindly and said "Do not worry. When I return to the city, I shall donate all my wealth to the empire in return for one favour and I will use that favour to make sure you two will be alright!" and Chai Gau said "My Lord, we do not deserve such kindness! How can we ask you to do that?!" and Lord Prince smiled kindly and said "This is one thing which I will gladly to. Didn't you Chai Gau always say, how many more decades does one have, why not live life to the fullest, seize the day?" and everybody rejoiced.

Not long later Bit Ching was cleaning Fong's room when he saw a letter. He ran out and said the letter was by Fong to Bo Kei, Ah Man, himself and Mo. They all sat down as he read the letter then we hear Fong's voice and some flashback;

"I hope you will all never get to read this letter but if you did, it would mean I have passed away. Bit Ching, you're my son and I love you. I have never felt much worth until the day you were born and someone said you were a handsome baby, and you looked like me that I felt pride in myself in giving birth to you. You're such a good son but I never thought you were like me at all. You were more like 4th sister and I resented that but after a while I see your virtue. I love how you look when you chased after Bit Man and caned him. I love your attitude of never claiming glory and working well with your fellow workers. I love your look when you stood up for what's right. Never be like me Bit Ching, I am happy for once you're nothing like me. Ah Man, when you first entered Bit Ching's life as a swindler, I must confess I disliked you. But over time I got to know you and I know you're a true blessing in my son's life. Take good care of Bit Ching for me. 4th sister, when you first entered the mansion, I disliked you. I thought you were so unladylike, when you took the pistols and fired them. And then Mo was kidnapped and I saw that one look on your face when nobody else noticed (Bo Kei looking worried and crying in one scene) that I knew you have a kind heart. I am so happy to have called you my sister. I know you will blame yourself for my death. But you have done so much for me and Bit Ching, you didn't have to take on the position with the rebels but you did and saved my Bit Ching, an act of kindness I could never repay. I am indebted to you, and now you're indebted to me. But 4th sister, let us stop talking about indebtedness, shall we? Let that be nothing at all. Take good care of Bit Ching for me" and Bo Kei cried and laughed as she said "Yes 3rd sister, we shall stop talking about indebtedness".

Bo Kei writes in her diary;

"Lord Prince assured us we will be pardoned. We weren't so sure but indeed some time later the imperial decree came and Chai Gau and I were free! However Chai Gau's condition didn't get any better..Hoi Tong later told me he wasn't well at all but when he received news we would be pardoned, his spirit lifted and he actually could manage to leave the bed to come and tell me the news. But now, he is unwell again..." as Bo Kei stopped, tears brimming in her eyes. Also the Official Lee was arrested and charged with corruption.

Chai Gau coughed violently as we see things were rather hopeless and Bo Kei wrote in her diary;

"Everyone in the town dropped by to ask me how was Chai Gau. They were as worried as me and even offered me some medical recipes and soup recipes which would help. I decided to use one of the soup recipe and boiled it for Chai Gau to drink every day. It Worked! It truly worked! Chai Gau coughed lesser and could get off bed! He even said the soup was delicious!"

Chai Gau walked into the hall and was greeted by everyone who was there. They were far away because his cough is still contagious though he seemed better. He looked deathly pale, with dark rings around his eyes, pale chapped lips but he managed to smile and asked good naturedly "What is the ocassion for celebration?" and I think it was Hoi Tong or someone who answered, in fact I think it was Bit Ching who answered "To celebrate your birthday!" and Chai Gau smiled and said "MY birthday? Isn't that next month? Why so early? Afraid that I won't make it till then?" and he smiled but everyone looked gloomy and he said "Did you make me my favourite dishes?" and Hoi Tong answered "Yes, at that table, all there, your favourite!" and Chai Gau walked to that table set apart from the others and sat down heavily and asked "What about a cup of wine? May I have that since it is my birthday?" and Bo Kei looked at him and said smilingly "Chai Gau, you may have a drink, but that would be the nutritous soup I boiled" and Chai Gau smiled and said to no one in particular ...

"Do not feel sorry for me. I am a truly blessed man. I came to this town with nothing, not even money, or food or clothes to call my own. And yet I worked my way up and I became a supervisor, I was once a 3rd manager, I was lucky enough to be a businessman, I earned myself a vast fortune and the best of all, I have found myself great friends..."

He used the word "Ji Kei" which can be very close friends, soulmate or sometimes in context, most loved. In this context it is close dear great friends..

Chai Gau slowly continued "If I were to die tomorrow I will die with no regrets. I have achieved so much, surrounded by you all, I shall leave this world without any regrets at all..."

Yeah but Chai Gau, maybe one regret? Your love for Bo Kei not fulfilled?

Hoi Tong was upset and said "Chai Gau, can you not talk about death?" and Bo Kei too was upset and said "Chai Gau, have you forgotten that you as 4th madam gang member promised me you will live past 40, see 50, then 60 and reach 70 years of age?" and Chai Gau smiled sadly and said "Indeed, indeed" and he toasted everyone with the soup and everyone toasted back.

Meanwhile Bit Man and Pang Hang are up to no good. The money in the box they dug up was depleting and Bit Man cried "I can't stand this anymore!" as Fung Yee told him they could start life anew in another town, open a small rice shop but Bit Man refused as Fung Yee said sternly "Why not? Your grandfather opened his first small rice shop next to a noodle (I think she said that) shop, he worked his way up, so can you!" and Bit Man cried "Don't you see mother? I used to run a big franchise, with hundreds of workers at my disposal, dealing with thousands worth of contract! I won't start again! NO!" and he left hurriedly much to Fung Yee's disappointment.

He gambled with Pang Hang and he said "Uncle, find me a way to get back my fortune! I will share 30%.. no! 50% with you!" and Pang Hang slyly said "Well there is a and my men can rob the Cheung Mansion whilst you create a diversion by setting fire to the rice warehouse, a way to take revenge against them by burning all their rice!" and useless Bit Man actually smiled at that idea!

That night, Pang Hang and his men went into the mansion, tied everyone up and gathered them at the living room, and they didn't know these men were since Pang Hang and men's faces were covered. THey stole everything and left.

Meanwhile Bit Man was getting ready to leave the hotel to burn down the warehouse, opened the door and there was Fung Yee. Fung Yee asked "What are you going to do?" and Bit Man said "Leave me alone! I am going to burn down the warehouse, the uncle and all of us are going to run away with the fortune and live the rest of our lives in luxury!" but Fung Yee was horrified and said "You can't do that Bit Man! You can't be that stupid! You will be a fugitive, forever running! You can't!" and tried to stop him but Bit man pushed her away roughly and she fell and he left as she cried "Bit Man! Bit Man! Uncle Cheung Fatt!!!!" and dog came out and she said "Bit Man wants to burn down the warehouse! Chase after him!" and the dog ran after him.

At the warehouse Bit Man threw kerosene I suppose everywhere when Uncle Cheung Fatt arrived and stopped him and shouted at him "Stop this! Stop it!! Don't you realise this is your grandfather's warehouse? He worked hard for this, and you're going to burn it to the ground?!" and Bit Man cried "I damn well will!" and dog said "And then what? You will run away?" and Bit Man said "Uncle has rented some boats for us. We can all run! We can live in the country's borderline!" and Cheung Fatt scolded him "You can't!" and Bit Man cried "Uncle can, so can I!!" and dog said "Of course he can. He is Pang Hang! He is a roughneck! You're not! You were born with a silver spoon in your mouth, you can never live like that, you won't be able to withstand that sort of life!" but Bit Man refused to listen and set fire and it was burning all around as dog struggled with Bit Man who fell and hit his head. He was off for a while as the place was burning and dog rushed to him and cried "Master! Young master!!" and he woke up, shocked to see the fire was getting out of hand. They tried to leave but was surrounded with huge fire. Fung Yee arrived and cried "Bit Man! Bit Man! Don't worry! Mother will save you! Someone, anyone, please save my Bit Man! Someone, anyone!!!!" but there was no one as Bit Man reached his hand out and cried "Mother! Mother! Save me! Save me!" and Fung Yee stood helplessly there and cried "Bit Man! Mother will save you! Mother will save you!" and she fell to the grown, kneeling and crying as the fire engulfed the place and we last saw Uncle Cheung Fatt standing next to Bit Man as Bit Man began to faint and probably die first from the smoke rather than burnt to death and then the place burnt and burnt as Fung Yee looked on, kneeling and crying "Uncle Cheung Fatt!! Save my Bit Man! Uncle Cheung Fatt! Save my Bit Man! Bit Man!!" but of course Uncle Cheung Fatt himself perished in the fire.

Pause here.

Put on fire also cannot do properly! Bit Man is useless. Not sad at all at his death. But I feel a tinge of sadness for old foolish Uncle Cheung Fatt. He may have been a dog but at the end he spoke human language as he scolded Bit Man. He truly loved Bit Man, so did Fung Yee but stupid Bit Man was just too stupid to acknowledge that. As for Fung Yee, I do feel sorry for her. Everything she did she did it for Bit Man, all blind love and her selfishness in the end killed her son because she never taught him well.

In the morning the new official came to take down the facts of the robbery when 2 workers rushed in and Bo Kei already knew there was a fire that night and Bit Ching asked "Is everyone ok?" and the workers said "We found 2 charred bodies!" and worried Bit Ching cried "Who were they?!" and the workers said "All of us are accounted for. We don't know who they are!"

Suddenly Fung Yee came, dirty, hair very very messy and angrily she pointed at Bo Kei and shouted "You! You she devil! You evil bitch!" and everyone looked at her, not realising why she looked like that, so they all kept quiet as Fung Yee ranted "You and I are meant to destroy one another! You are my unlucky star! You are meant to do me harm and I to you! The moment you stepped into this house, I knew you will destroy all our lives! You killed Husband. You killed 2nd sister! You killed 3rd sister! And now.. you have hurt me! You win! YOU WIN!!" and Bo Kei stil didn't quite get what she wanted as Hing shouted "Get out! You're not welcomed here!" but Bit Ching said "Let her be" and he said it gently, not knowing what is going on as Fung Yee ranted on as she walked around aimlessly and crying "You, Bit Ching... you're smart, you're capable but unfortunately you're not the first born! My Bit Man, he was first born..."

I said WAS as we know he is dead but in Chinese there is no grammar so Bo Kei and gang didn't know yet she ranted because of grief over Bit Man's death

"... he was born as the eldest grandchild of this family. He was a good boy, a very good boy! My Bit Man was a good boy!! He was to inherit the fortune! But you! You, Hong Bo Kei, you took away my everything. Why did you take away his fortune and his birth right? Why did you mean him so much harm? Haven't I said if you want to hurt, you hurt me, it is our war, not the young ones, why did you hurt Bit Man? Why did you take away my Bit Man?!!" and Bit Ching was like "What do you mean first mother?" and Fung Yee cried "Have you lost a lot of treasures last night? It was Pang Hang and his men. And he taught Bit Man to burn down the warehouse! My Bit Man was trapped and killed in the fire, and you didn't even let go of Uncle Cheung Fatt! You cursed us all!!" and now everyone realise what was going on as Bit Ching held onto Fung Yee and asked "First mother, what did you say about brother? What did you say?!" and Fung Yee said "I am the first lady of this house! You're just nothing! A nobody! You took away my position! You took away my Bit Man!" and she dragged the old servants to her, probably knew them very well as she cried and they cried too "Tell this woman! Tell her how evil she is! Tell her!" but none did although they cried out of pity for her as Bo Kei was crying hard too as Fung Yee looked at her and sneered "Is that tears for me? I don't need your pity! You're a hypocrite! Those are fake tears! I curse you Hong Bo Kei! I curse you all! I curse that the grandchild you will soon have shall die at birth! I curse you and everyone of you! Curse you all!! I didn't lose! I didn't lose at all! Never!!" as she stumbled out of the house and Bo Kei said nothing, she just stood there and cried hard.

Pause here.

A dramatic and long scene but a necessary one. I kinda pity Fung Yee until she cursed Ah Man and her child but understandably so. She was overcome by grief.

Life goes on. Later we found out Pang Hang was arrested and charged. What exactly happened I do not know.

Bo Kei, Bit Ching visited grandma now on wheelchair and she looked surprisingly cheerful so maybe she didn't know Bit Man died? They were thinking names for the baby soon to be born and amazingly Ah Man is only THREE MONTHS PREGNANT! ONLY 3 months?! Old lady said "I know this pregnancy will bear our family a pair of dragon and phoenix children (as in twin boy and girl combo) because the Heaven knows I love sons whilst Cheung Kiu, after 3 sons wanted a daughter and he had done so much charitable causes, the heavens can't deny his small request!" and she named the son as "Tou" and I suppose "Cheung Bit Tou", something along the line of honour and integrity. My young nephew said "Bit Tou? MUST ESCAPE!" which is kinda true. So Must Escape shall he be! Then Bo Kei saw an old lady in white sweeping the temple's floor, her hair mostly white/black/grey, she looked older and she turned and it was Fung Yee! Grandma said "She found her way here. She now spends her day sweeping floors and helping the temple. Not a bad thing really..." as Bit Ching said "Grandma, her hair..." and she said "It was like that when she arrived". True. Fung Yee had black hair, she kept her looks youthful I suppose but now she is a bit dressed down. Fung Yee looked at Bo Kei, Bo Kei looked back and Fung Yee gave a small smile and walked away.

Yeap, Fung Yee has officially gone loco = crazy = insane because if she was sane no way in hell she would smile at Bo Kei. Grief overcame her and relieved her of her pain through insanity. Not a bad thing indeed.

Reopening of the shop and there were merriment around the shop as everyone cried SPEECH! SPEECH! and Bo Kei walked to the front and said "Everyone, Master Cheung and I once had this conversation; we said if our shop was to be on fire, who would come to help us? No one we concluded. But the workers here would help one person. Guess who?" and everyone guessed and Bo Kei said "Cheung Bit Ching!".

True. The workers really like him.

Bit Ching came forward and Bo Kei handed him the keys and said "The entire Hing Fung Nin is now yours. Take very good care of it! Everyone, serve Bit Ching as you served Master Cheung and myself! Dear friends (merchants) do teach this young one the ropes of the business, guide him well" and everyone said ok and she went to the lion dance troupe and Bit Ching looked at her back and said in his mind "4th mother, you have always said "Man Yi Sik Wai Tin" (which I suppose can be roughly translated as The people value above all else food which kinda means most important element in a person's life is never to be hungry" and I will always remember that. I will take all you have taught me and I will take good care of Hing Fung Nin. I promise. Father, I will make you proud. I promise. Mother... I will be both like you and 4th mother, both kind and resilient. I promise..."

Meanwhile Chai Gau was coughing hard again. Dr Brown said "I propose we take you to Shanghai. There is a medical facility there that may ease your disease" and so Chai Gau was carried to the river with a boat waiting for him. Bo Kei, Bit Ching, No. 2, and everyone was there. Hoi Tong held Chai Gau as he weakly walked to the boat and he looked hard at Bo Kei as Bo Kei said "Remember to come back Chai Gau, come back and we shall run the business together like we used to" and Chai Gau nodded weakly although in his eyes he knew that was impossible. As he was carried to the boat with Dr Brown and Hoi Tong, everyone said goodbye as Hoi Tong said gently "Chai Gau, it is cold out here. Let's go into the boat" but Chai Gau's eyes was fixed on Bo kei who was fixed on his and he said "No, I wish to stay here until the boat sails" and Hoi Tong looked at both of them and knew what she had to do. She stepped out of the boat, walked to Bo Kei and quietly said "Dr Brown said the facility might help but the chances for Chai Gau to survive long is very low. I think he wishes to live the rest of his days with someone he loves most, and that is you 4th Madam. Will you accompany him on this trip?" and BO Kei was crying and she looked at Chai Gau who just looked back hard at her as Bit Ching said "4th mother, go, don't worry about us and the business" as Hoi Tong said "I will have your stuff sent to you later" and Bo kei looked at Hoi Tong and Chai Gau and nodeed tearfully and walked towards the boat.

2 years later...

Bo kei was on a rattan sedan leading the way of carts of white rice being pulled into a poor looking village and there was the single most amazing person in this series, the kawaii grandma still very much alive greeting Bo Kei who greeted back with a smile. She then took a walk by the cliff and saw a high tall stone erected there with a long message in red. She read it and it said as we see flashbacks;

"This memorial is to commemorate and celebrate the short but eventful life of Chai Gau, our great benefactor and a man of outstanding virtue and fortitude. He came to the city with nothing and he worked his way up at Hing Fung Nin, from supervisor to 3rd manager and he then tookover the management of the association and ran the business. He helped save the town of Mo Sek, and even became an official for some time. Together with his "Ji Kei" (now it would mean the love of his life), the 4th Madam of Hing Fung Nin, Hong Bo Kei, he gave a lasting memory to the people of Mo Sek with his righteousness and his quick thinking. When his Ji Kei was missing, he went in search of her, thus contracting a terrible disease, TB. He was very sick and moved to Shanghai to seek treatment"

and we see Bo kei and Chai Gau at Shanghai together and smiling happily, taking pictures together, Bo kei taking care of Chai Gau...

"The disease was fought hard and Chai Gau managed to extend his life for a further 2 years with his Ji Kei by his side at every step of the way but unfortunately in the end he lost his battle against the disease and he passed away peacefully with his Ji Kei by his side, with a smile on his face" and we are shown Chai Gau dying smiling on a hospital bed as Bo Kei held his hand and cried.

"Chai Gau had lived the life following his favourite saying; "How many decades does one has, live life to the fullest, seize the day!"


"Chai Gau was only 35 years old"

The last scene we see was Bo Kei and Chai Gau sitting on a field together, not very close but not far apart, looking and smiling at each other and then looking at the sunset together.


Let me take a moment here...


Anyway ...

I felt like crying at the last scene. But Chai Gau died a happy man. No indication they married or even consummated the relationship. They're not best friends and yet not lovers and yet they love each other deeply, I would say they're soulmates. I like the ending even if it is sad. Chai Gau had a happy end. I thought he would die immediately but luckily and wisely the script gave him 2 years, enough for him to spend his dying days with Bo Kei who too found solace and love in that 2 years. Sad but a great ending. And I love the memorial, well written and so badly translated by me because I can't remember every words.

So Chai Gau was 35 when he died. Probably the whole event from 1st episode to last was 5 years so he met Bo Kei when he was 35. If Bo Kei was 15 and missing for 20 odd years, she would have have almost 40 when she met Chai Gau and a further 5 years, she would have been about 45 and above when he died, as in late forties. So their age difference would have been more than 10 years. I would Bo Kei probably was pushing 50, so the difference was 15 years or so, less 2 years I think. Nowhere was their age differences mentioned or was it a taboo. I think I like that approach. Let me think about that first because I will express more in my review later.

As for performances, I too shall write more in my review but let's just say, Wayne Lai rules.

SAME! Very very same! The scene where Fong left a letter, same! Even some words seem same as well!! But somehow Safe Guards was sadder because Cheung Chi Kwong was a far better actor in expressing grief than Ron Ng.

Before I end my final posting for this page, I would like to say thank you to all for reading and commenting. I enjoyed your responses, even the silent ones because I know more than 3 were reading this blog and I hope you enjoyed reading the recap as much as I have writing them.

And now before I end this final recap, my choice for most favourite line because it was the final line and because it was such a sad line as 35 years was such a short time on earth and yet he did so many things...

"Chai Gau was only 35 years old"

- The nameless, faceless narrator to us the viewers



  1. ""Do not feel sorry for me. I am a truly blessed man. I came to this town with nothing, not even money, or food or clothes to call my own. And yet I worked my way up and I became a supervisor, I was once a 3rd manager, I was lucky enough to be a businessman, I earned myself a vast fortune and the best of all, I have found myself great friends..."

    You life out one person. Chai Gau also mention him having a wife as one of the blessing. He used the word 'Chai Fong' and the camera zoom into Hoi Tong.

    Sorry, have to mention this because to me this is important, that his heart has Hoi Tong (even though not as much as Bo Kei), at least.

  1. When Cheung Kiu just died and Fung Yee and gang was pressuring Bo Kei for the keys, said you married Cheung Kiu at 18 and have been married for 31 years. Counting back, that was more than 2 years before the death of Chai Gau. The Taiping occupation must take some time too.
    Since Bo Kei was supposed to be the first wife of Cheung Kiu, that means at the time Bo Kei became fugitive, Cheung Kiu and Fung yee not married yet. So, if Bo Kei was 15 at that time. When Cheung Kiu died, she would be at least 46. Plus 2+ more years, she would be 48 or 49. That's my calculation.

  1. Then both our calculations tally then.

    I frankly didn't hear the Chai Fong word but yes camera did zoom into Hoi Tong but it seems his eyes was all the while staring at Bo Kei though.

    Frankly my memory is a bit fuzzy which is why I didn't also recap on what the Wong Yeh said properly in the last episode but I believe I have faithfully recapped about 80% accurate.

    He does appreciate Hoi Tong but he doesn't love her. Very obvious the way his eyes lingered on Bo Kei.

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