

Written by Funn Lim

I have my issues with this episode. First half was almost a joke, the second half reminded me of Moonlight Resonance type of confrontation, except better written and better acted in most part.

First, a recap...

Chai Gau rushed to the restaurant at the request of Bo Kei and found the family there. He asked what was the ocassion and said "Ahh Ah Man, you're pregnant?" and Man laughed it off. It was to celebrate Lau Fong in her own words "I have decided not to be a coward anymore! From this day forward I shall stand up for myself and never be bullied again".

She will eat these words later on.

Bit Ching was also celebrating the handing over the business to him officially. He is now officially the heir apparent to Hing Fung Nin and so the merriment went on...

Eh wait... merriment... I am beginning to sound like narrating a story!

Anyway merriment as I said went on, happily. My question is why wasn't Hoi Tong invited? I mean if this is a celebration shouldn't wives, albeit 2nd wives tag along?

However the merriment was short lived because for all of Bo Kei's genius, she simply forgot to lock doors when she knew in the house lives a wily fox.

Eh wait.. wily fox.. so poetic!

Anyway.. we see that wily fox which is really an idiot actually in the form of Fung Yee happily and smilingly and in her own pace removing some pages from some book.

Chai Gau woke up in the morning and asked Hoi Tong to bring him some clean water to wash his face. Hoi Tong wondered why he was leaving for the office so early as Chai Gau said "I am worried. I have this feeling something bad is going to happen".

Back at home, suddenly I think the rebel assistant himself dropped by and may I just say, if anyone is PMS-ing, it is this rebel assistant. I have never seen a more petty overemotional idiot than this rebel assistant. The way he... you know what, recap first...

Rebel assistant looked at Bo Kei and asked "When I asked you before have you any more truths to reveal, did you not say you didn't have any?" and Bo Kei answered "Yes that's right". He asked further "Did I not ask for your total honesty?" and she said "Yes" and he asked "What is your relationship with the Lord Prince?" and Bo Kei answered "I was his servant for many years" and he asked "Did you correspond with him through letters?" and she said "Yes" and he asked "How many times?" and she said "4 times" and then the PMS-ing began.

He thundered "Did he not tell you in his letter about the Qing army marching into this town and regaining this town soon enough?" and Bo Kei said "Yes he did" and he thundered "How can you not inform me?! Why did you hide this information? I will tell you why! That is because you want this to happen! You're on the side of the Manchurians! You care not for your own people but for them!!" and Bo Kei was beginning to see where this was heading and he said some more "Your diary said it all! Your support for the Manchurians, your snub of us rebels! I read them all, how you wished we are defeated before we entered this town!!" and Bo Kei said "Sir, with due respect, I did say so, but that was before I met you! I was just voicing my opinion as a merchant. Did you not read the part where I said the rebels came in and as promised the peace was maintained? How about the part where I said I met you and you proved to be an honourable man whom I can trust?" and rebel assistant thundered "I read none of those! 4th Madam, you could really make up a story immediately!!" and BO Kei said "No! I did write them. Let me look at the diary..." and Fong and others emotionally said "Please sir, my 4th sister isn't like that!!" and BO Kei could not find those entries and she knew, as she looked at Fung Yee who had a smirk on her face, she knew she was tricked once again! Yes, Fung Yee removed those pages. Bo Kei had no more defence and Mr PMS thundered "Arrest her! Take her away!!!" and Bo Kei was of course arrested, once again. Before she went with Pang Hang's men she quickly and loudly gave Bit Ching the keys and said "Bit Ching, no matter what you hear or what you see, never lose the keys! I give the keys to you, you must now take care of the business and the family!" and Bit Ching nodded as everybody else cried injustice.

Pause here.

I was so annoyed with that rebel assistant. Why is he so darn petty? Everybody knew Bo Kei was on very good terms with the Lord Prince, since he helped her and she was his servant for many years. In fact right at that moment I thought if any scene justified the Qings kicking the rebels' arse, this is it! The Lord Prince was calm and dignified and fair in the way he handled crisis and this rebel assistant was like some hysterical woman who was going through... yes yes yes, PMS. It was just an entry in the diary! I am sure many more wrote worse or said worse, so why pick on a mere woman? Simply because Pang Hang stoke the flame so to speak?

Anyway Chai Gau wasn't there. He was outside trying to get donations from a rice merchant who flat out refused him as he said there was no business to make in town, 9 out of 10 shops are closed and they have more beggars now than ever. So the rebels failed then? Chai Gau didn't want to lose to Pang Hang when he was informed Bo Kei was arrested and Chai Gau was veyr worried. He ran to the rebel assistant and said "Sir, I am Chai Gau" and assistant recognised him and Chai Gau said "Sir, about 4th Madam, you must let her go. She is the most respected figure in this town, she has done many for this town, arresting her will only make the people feel disatisfied with your administration, causing unrest" but the assistant refused to listen and said "I have left this for Pang Hang. Don't bother me with this!" and he left.

Meanwhile rebel assistant had to leave town for some business and passed the duty of interrogating Bo Kei to Pang Hang. I think Chai Gau did asked Pang Hang about Bo Kei but again he was called a dog, idiot, stupid, etc. Pang Hang was becoming unbearably arrogant.

Fung Yee was one happy woman. Pang Hang agreed to introduce Bit Man to the rebel leader when he is back so she was happy she could be regaining power soon. However the rest were worried, especially Fong who was very very worried, as they heard rumours Bo Kei was being tortured. They couldn't see her and as they wondered how they can rescue BO Kei, Fung Yee walked in and said happily "Oh I just saw 4th sister and she isn't very well" and Fong panicked but Bit Ching calmly said "What else did 4th mother said?" and Hing scolded "Don't listen to her! All she says is lies!" as Fung Yee said "Oh she was beaten 40 strokes even before she was interrogated. We had a long chat and she said she is tired and is ready to let go of the keys so that she can live peacefully" and Fong panicked bit time as Hing shouted "She is lying! I have lied all my life, I know a liar when I see one. See her eyes; she is lying with her eyes wide opened! Don't listen to her!!" but Bit Ching calmly said "What else did 4th mother said?" and Fung Yee said "She said to instruct you to return the keys to my Bit Man, the real eldest grandchild of this family!".

Frankly I can't remember what Bit Ching said or did, I think he just ignored her because he knew she was lying. Bo Kei would never say those things but Fong believed the torture part and she became ill with worries. Pang Hang walked in and she went to beg him and he said "I most respect 1st Madam. Whatever she says I will do. Only I can help 4th Madam and I will only listen to 1st Madam" and Fung Yee of course smiled. Fong was frantic by then but Bit Ching assured her "Don't worry mother, Chai Gau will sort things out. He is looking for 4th mother, he will find a way".

When Hing and Man walked out,they saw her standing at the door and Hing asked "First madam, what are you doing here?" and
Fung Yee ignored them. They saw a sedan coming and Fung Yee eagerly rushed to the sedan and out came Bit Man. If I had any hopes of Bit Man becoming a decent human, it was all dashed when Fung Yee said "Bit Man, you should have waited until tomorrow to return" and Bit Man said "I can't stay in that place any longer! This is home!" as he walked in, stared at Hing and Man who both stared back.Hing and Man overheard Fung Yee said "Bit Man, it won't be long you will be able to take back control of Hing Fung Nin. When you do remember to donate 3000 sacks of rice (again the number is an illustration as I can't really remember the exact amount or unit) to the rebels" and Bit Man asked "Why? I thought we did before?" and Fung Yee said "The reason you are back in here and could take back the business is thanks to the rebels. We must show our appreciation" and so Bit Man agreed. Hing said "Let's tell Bit Ching about this!"

Pause here.

Bit Man never changes. Fung Yee still the same. As shall be seen later, Fong is still the same. I felt like the story is stuck in a time warp, when things began to show a bit of progress the characters go back to being their same old selves. Very very frustrating to watch. I was losing my patience. More so with what Fong did in the following paragraph!

Bit Ching was told Bit Man is back and he looked I suppose concerned. Then Fong rushed in, weak and pale and cried "Son, I dreamt your 4th mother being tortured! We owe her too much to let her be hurt like this. Give me the keys, let's just give them back what they wanted and save your 4th mother!" and Hing and Man also urged Bit Ching to do so but Bit Ching stood firm and said "Mother, we don't really know what is going on. I promised 4th mother to take care of the business" and Fong shouted in desperation "Your 4th mother's life is more important than this business! Give me the keys, son, GIVE ME THE KEYS!!" and Bit Ching said "No mother, I won't!" and Fong said "GIVE ME THE KEYSSSS!!!!!! I WILL FIND THEM MYSELF" and she searched the desk, found it and ran out together with the business seals and Bit Ching ran after her. Bit Ching really can't stop her?

Fong ran to Fung Yee and Bit Man with the dog there, both eating dinner and Fong angrily extended the box of seals and keys and said "HERE! These are what you always wanted! Here, take them! Just take them! Let 4th sister go!" and Bit Man looked at them hungrily and Fung Yee was extending her hands when Bit Ching rushed in and stopped his mother and gently said "Mother, don't give these to them. Remember your promise mother? That you will no longer be a coward. 4th Mother would never have given these to them to easily. She would never have surrendered" and he saw Bit Man and he said "What are you doing in this house? Get out!" and Fung Yee said "Don't you dare to be so rude! He is still your oldest brother and his status is higher than you, so who are you to tell Bit Man to go?" and Bit Ching said "Father in his will left the business and the managing of the household to 4th mother. When 4th mother was arrested, she said to me with everyone listening that I am her successor. There comes my power. Now, YOU GET OUT!" and Bit Man refused and Bit Ching angrily said "You really are an unfilial useless son! If you refused to go, fine!" and he asked one servant to bring a stick and he took some big stick and chased after Bit Man to beat him. Bit Man taunted him "For every stroke that you hit me, I will make sure Hong Bo Kei get hit 4 times more!" and Bit Ching hit Bit Man and Bit Man cried "I will make sure she gets hit hard!!!" and Bit Ching shouted "You unfilial useless son!" and he chased after Bit Man and Fung Yee stood in front of Bit Ching and said "If you dare, hit me too! I am this family's legal wife! Do you dare?!" and Bit Ching didn't hesitate and hit Bit Man by pushing Fung Yee away and ran after Bit Man and the dog shielded Bit Man and said "He has lost his marbles! Go back to your room!" and Fong and the rest held Bit Ching as Bit Man said "I wil make sure Hong Bo Kei gets beaten hard!!!" and Bit Ching wanted to chase after him but he was held back.

Chai Gau meanwhile was drinking all alone in his house, as he remembered how Bo Kei led him to safety during the Hoi Tong scandal, her confession of love, etc etc. Kinda bored seeing all this. And he also saw or rather imagined how she was being whipped and in prison looking bloody and all and crying for help which is ridiculous because Bo Kei won't be tortured, I said so when I saw this scene. We are shown rumours and all, and Fung Yee playing psychological games with the rest, using Bo Kei's unknown whereabouts and fate as a bet, so I knew Bo Kei wasn't tortured at all. Earlier it was shown how he went to 2 rebels asking to see Bo Kei and paying them bribes but they said they can't help him because Bo Kei is not in the prisons. No one know where she is, which leads to Chai Gau drinking all alone. Also earlier he went to Pang Hang wanting to see the rebel assistant and of course Pang Hang insulted him and said no and told him to get the $80,000 ready. I remember it was $80,000, however it could be another sum so I just use $80,000 as an illustration.

Pause here.

I was very frustrated with this scene. First, Bo Kei is now like the unseen damsel in distress. Then we have Chai Gau, useless and being called names by Pang Hang and yet he didn't punch the daylight out of Pang Hang. It was like Chai Gau lost all his machoness, his anger. HOWEVER, this isn't permanent of course as you shall see.

Anyway he drank and drank and drank and turned the table in frustration and No. 2 and his men and Hoi Tong rushed in and No. 2 said "3rd brother, don't drink like this! Let's quit the security job tomorrow and we will go back to the mountains. We may lose all the transporting jobs but we can manage. We stay together and enjoy the good times and bear the burdens together! Come on, what say you?" and others chimed in and said the same thing and Hoi Tong gently said "Chai Gau, I know you're worried about 4th Madam but this won't help. You haven't slept in days. Have a rest and you will think more clearly tomorrow about how to save her" and suddenly Chai Gau had an idea and said "I have to go now" and zoom he went leaving the rest rather confused.

Chai Gau walked right up to Pang Hang and again Pang Hang insulted him and said "If you're here asking for my help with Hong Bo Kei matter, you can forget it!" but Chai Gau looked at him straight and said "I am not here about that. I am here about another matter. I wish to ask you a few questions about the $80,000. Am I to collect all $80,000 and not $1 less?" and Pang Hang making that ugly annoying face said "NOT $1 LESS!!" and Chai Gau asked "Can I collect lesser?" and Pang Hang said "NO!" and Chai Gau said "By any means necessary?" and Pang Hang said "BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY!!" and Chai Gau said "Even if it disrupts the lives and livelihood and security of the people of this town?" and Pang Hang said "YES!!!" and Chai Gau said "Fine. You shall have that sum, not one $1 less by tonight, that I guarantee!" and Chai Gau walked away and Pang Hang sneered at him, wondering what just happened.

Well, what just happened is Chai Gau finding his machoness back!

So Chai Gau went to collect money from one rice merchant who refused to pay since he had none and Chai Gau said "You won't pay?!" and the merchant said "Chai Gau Gor, what happened to you? How come you've changed into Pang Hang?!" and Chai Gau thundered "Who are these people?" and he said "My mother, my father and my wife" and Chai Gau said "Arrest them all and they will be released when you bring $8000 by today" and so his men forcibly took the wife, mother and old father as the rice merchant shouted for them to stop. Next Chai Gau went to a merchant having lunch with his wife and young son and he asked the same thing and the merchant said timidly "Chai Gau Gor, you promised that I can pay $1000 in 2 days time" but Chai Gau demanded $8000 now and he couldn't pay and so Chai Gau took hold of the young kid and said "Arrest this kid, put them all in prison!" and of course the merchant cried for help but Chai Gau took the family away.

What a strategy eh? Certainly they will all complain to the rebel assistant!

Meanwhile, Fong had a nightmare and she woke up sweating heavily. They all rushed in as she was weak and pale and also panicking big time. Again Fong's character just stuck in a time warp, the same same same. Suddenly Fung Yee walked in and smiled. She said "Remember when I said for every stroke your son hit my Bit Man, 4th sister will get 4 times the strokes? Well your son didn't just hit my son 4 times but I just let it be. I thought you might like to see this" and she showed Fong a napkin tainted red with blood and she said "Poor 4th sister, she coughed up so much blood. Now she has a high fever, she won't last long in prison" and Fong held the napkin and cried hard when Bit Ching, Hing and Man and I think even Mo was there, can't remember, rushed in and Bit Ching said to Fung Yee coldly "Get out!" and Fung Yee laughingly walked out as Fong held the napkin and Bit Ching said "Mother, don't listen to her. From now on, lock your doors, don't let her get in" and Bit Ching assured her Chai Gau is looking for Bo Kei but Hing said "I don't know what is wrong with Chai Gau. He is just busy arresting people today!". Fong was still crying hard whilst Bit Ching looked worried.

Pause here.

Hasn't anyone thought of throwing Fung Yee out? She is a trouble maker. Or maybe kidnapping Bit Man and torture him in return for Bo Kei's freedom? Or locking doors? Or closing Hing Fung Nin in protest?

Frustrating to watch.

Meanwhile rebel assistant is back and Pang Hang prepared some home cooked meals for him and he was very happy and said "Brother, I just met with our leader and he said this town must be protected at all cost. Now there are so many beggars and so many shops closed. We must keep the businesses afloat, as an example" and Pang Hang chatted with him and said "Brother, I have one person to introduce to you" and so he took him to another room and there was Bit Man, dog and Fung Yee and Pang Hang said "This is Cheung Bit Man, the real and rightful successor of Hing Fung Nin" and the assistant said "Yes I have heard about the family squabbles" and seemed happy to meet Bit Man and sat down to eat when someone rushed in and said "Sir, there are a lot of people out there wanting to see you, they said they wish to report some injustice!" and assistant was confused and went out.

There were the businessmen, the rice merchants whose families were arrested by Chai Gau and immediately they surrounded the assistant with Fung Yee and gang looking on at the back and Pang Hang standing beside the assistant as the men cried "My families were arrested when I could not pay the amount asked for! Chai Gau arrested them! My father is 80 years old!".."My family too!"..."If this is the case I might as well just close my shops and go away! We are not doing good business anyway!!" and the assistant was like confused what the hell is going on when Chai Gau walked in, holding a bit pile of bank notes and walked right up to the assistant and said "Sir! You're here!" and he walked to Pang Hang and said "Here is your bank notes. I still need a day more to collect the rest of the sum, so please accept these first" and the assistant looked at Pang Hang with shock on his face whilst Pang Hang snarled and the merchants whispered "So... it was Pang Hang..." and the assistant shouted (PMS-ing again) at Pang Hang "Is this how you control your subordinates?!" and Pang Hang said "No sir! Chai Gau is just making trouble!" and Chai Gau said "You were the one who said by any means necessary with not one $1 less and within the time period and so I did what I was instructed to do" and Pang Hang angrily whipped Chai Gau as Chai Gau said to the assistant "He also said he didn't care what methods I used or whether the people are burdened, as long as I could collect that money" and he was whipped again and assistant said "I did not authorise this! I have said if you're not happy with the way things are, tell me!" and Chai Gau said "I tried to, remember? But you refused to listen!" and assistant said "You were talking about 4th Madam, not this town!" and Chai Gau said "4th Madam is this town! She is highly respected here, and by arresting her you have caused unhappiness and now an unrest! And you even tortured her!" and assistant in shock said "No I didn't! I just held her to be interrogated, I did not authorise any torture on 4th Madam! Who said I did?!" and Bit Ching, Fong, Mo, Hing and Man arrived and Bit Ching shouted as he pointed at Fung Yee "She! She said so!!" and Fung Yee was put in the spot as Fong angrily showed the assistant the napkin with blood stains on it and tearfully said "You tortured her until she coughed up blood!" and the assistant now seriously denying all charges and emotionally said "I DID NOT!! I just held her here whilst I investigated the charges! Men, bring 4th Madam out!" and he continued "I was only investigating the charges about her and the Lord Prince" and Pang Hang said "She colluded with the enemy! The letters are evidence!" and Chai Gau snarled "If she is guilty of receiving 4 letters from the Lord Prince, then I am sure with some search we can find a basket full of correspondence between you and the previous governer! You have colluded with him so many years, squeezing the people of this town of every dime with your transportation fees as you colluded with that governer! Shall we search your house?" and Pang Hang said "She wished the end of our great leader's occupation!" and Chai Gau thundered "So did you! Didn't you said you wish the rebels to die and the great leader to be cursed with no children at the time your sister was buried? It wasn't only I who heard it, there were hundreds of witnesses!!" and Pang Hang was speechless and Chai Gau said to the assistant "Do you want peace in this town? It is very easy! Remove Pang Hang!" and Pang Hang looked scared as he continued "If you want the people to support the rebels, very easy! Strip Pang Hang of his ill gotten fortunes and buy rice with that money and redistribute them to the people of this town! I am sure over the years he has amassed at least $20,000 if not at least $10,000!" and now Pang Hang became even more scared as Chai Gau went on "If you want this town to prosper, very easy! Arrest Pang Hang now and chop off his head! Everybody hates him and with him dead, everyone will be much happier! Do you not agree!" and the merchants cheered and said "Arrest Pang Hang!!" and everybody shouted the same but the assistant said calmly "Chai Gau, you have said enough. You all have my assurance I will investigate this and give you all an answer" and he was about to leave as Pang Hang too followed the assistant, smiling happily when Chai Gau took up the whip and whipped Pang Hang as he shouted "How many decades does one have? Why not just remove this bastard now!!!!" and Bo Kei walked out and shouted "WELL DONE CHAI GAU!! WHIP HIM ONCE MORE ON MY BEHALF!! THIS USELESS BASTARD! WHIP HIM!" and Chai Gau looked at Pang Hang eyes full of hatred, like he was with Bit Man.

Next episode, a reversal of role as Pang Hang now is the dog carrying the dogbone in his mouth whilst Bo Kei pledges her allegiance to the new government formed by the rebels?


What an episode.

First half was mundane, boring, repetetive and frustrating. The characters just never grow at all and even in the end any hopes of Bit Man showing signs of change either for better or for worse never happened. Fung Yee is just insane and again her plans thwarted. And she is still there! Someone should kick her out! Bo Kei became helpless, Chai Gau no more machoness, only Bit Ching showed some progress, and a steely character and determination. And we have an over emotional rebel assistant who needed a few slaps on the face for his pettiness.

The second half was exciting as Chai Gau found his machoness again, the things he did and what he said at the end. Yes, very exiciting stuff and I do love seeing how the rebel assistant tried to justify everything he DIDN'T do and how Pang Hang got his comeuppance. The speech by Chai Gau on how to better manage the town by getting rid of Pang Hang was excellent stuff and a pity I couldn't remember word for word but what I wrote is a representation of it. I love the way Chai Gau told the rebel assistant what to do. And the rebel assistant is trying to be the nice guy you know, however he is just as foolish and dumb as the Qings were corrupted. At least the Lord Prince was wise.

Performance wise, Wayne Lai rules. His angry eyes, the way he delivered his lines, the way he exuded power and raw machoness in that last scene made up for the lame first half. Must be seen to be believed!

Ron Ng is ok even if on paper Bit Ching is better written than he is acted. Still one look, one expression!

I can't stand Lau Fong but Kara Wai did well with the role.

Susan Tse is in good form as the manipulative Fung Yee but the problem is the Moonlight Resonance format. One crisis in 1 episode and solved within 1 episode. It just didn't give Fung Yee room to grow as a villain since her plans are always thwarted. I would love to see a continuos growth and so I feel Fung Yee is such a failed villain.

Pierre Ngo is good but the problem is Bit Man just stopped growing. He is stuck, he is neither the changed man I hoped for or the super villain he should be. Still a coward standing behind his mother. How disappointing.

Not much for Sheren Tang to do in this episode.

Ben Wong should stop being so overemotional in this role or similar roles. I felt it was such a terribly inadequate performance.

Whilst Wayne Lai is clearly the star in this episode, the one equal to him is of course the actor who played Pang Hang. I can't remember his name right now but he was excellent. Really felt like slapping him! This is one fine veteran actor and I really enjoyed his confrontation with Wayne Lai, making that potentially dramatically over the top scene just right simply because the acting was superb.

Ok, favourite line, what else...

"Do you want peace in this town? It is very easy! Remove Pang Hang!...If you want the people to support the rebels, very easy! Strip Pang Hang of his ill gotten fortunes and buy rice with that money and redistribute them to the people of this town! I am sure over the years he has amassed at least $20,000 if not at least $10,000!...If you want this town to prosper, very easy! Arrest Pang Hang now and chop off his head! Everybody hates him and with him dead, everyone will be much happier! Do you not agree!...How many decades does one have? Why not just remove this bastard now!!!!"

- Chai Gau to the rebel assistant and everyone in the room



  1. "It was just an entry in the diary! I am sure many more wrote worse or said worse, so why pick on a mere woman?"

    This reminds me of thought police during YongZheng's time. A whole family + students can be executed just because one guy wrote some anti-qing articles.

    Anyway, the assistant rebel does seem not very bright in here. When Bo Kei told her about the diary entries and then couldn't find it, he should have suspected there's amiss.

  1. He thought she was play acting, making up stories

  1. I like Bit Ching's fortitude in this episode. He really has grown.

  1. He did the same a few episodes before!

  1. Thank you for posting this. I appreciate it. =P

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