

Written by Funn Lim

A rather strange but expected sort of story.


Chai Gau rushed in with a pistol with a face of hatred and determination to commit murder and went looking for Bit Man who went running away like a little girl, especially now that he has free flowing shoulder length hair. He ran, Chai Gau chased. Went into a room, Bit Man ran to the bedside, crouched and cried as he begged "Please don't kill me, please don't kill me" but Chai Gau held the pistol to his head...

Pause here.

Eh Chai Gau, you said plunge a knife into his heart?? Why now a bullet to his head?

Anyway Bo Kei, Bit Ching all rushed in and begged him to stop. Bo Kei especially begged "Chai Gau! Don't commit murder for him! It is not worth it! Chai Gau, please don't!!" but Chai Gau remembered how he was knifed, how he was almost drowned, how much he had suffered and in his heart it was still full of hatred and he cried "NO! I MUST DO THIS! HE TRIED TO KILL ME!!" and he pointed the gun at Bit Man's head who now had his eyes closed and begging and sweating and Bo Kei stepped forward and with tears said "Chai Gau, please don't! DON'T!" but Chai Gau refused to listen and almost pulled the trigger eventhough he hesitated. He is not a killer after all, and he hesitated and then flashback to all his sufferings and he was determined to kill Bit Man when suddenly, Bo Kei shouted at the top of her lungs, "CHAI GAU!! PLEASE DON'T!! I DO NOT WANT TO LOSE YOU AGAIN!!!"

And Chai Gau stopped and Bo Kei with tears continued "Do you know how it feels to have someone and then to lose them? Do you know the feeling of that heartache, that longing? When you were missing (flashback we see Bo Kei in a dark room sleeping with her head on the desk) I saw you coming back to me, like you used to and then I woke up (flashback, she woke up happy, smiling but then crestfallen when she knew it was just a dream) and I thought you came back to me and then I realised I was all alone, it was just a dream. Do you know how I felt when I thought you came back to me only to have lost you again? Chai Gau, I do not ever want to go through that feeling again, I never want you to come back to me just to leave me again"

What she said was "Tak yu fuk sat" meaning lost and found again, sort of. If this is not a confession of love, I don't know what is.

Chai Gau looked at her and she looked at him back and he lowered his gun but Fung Yee rushed in with a pistol to Bo Kei's head and threatened "If you don't let my Bit Man go, I will shoot her!" and Chai Gau pressed the gun towards Fung Yee and shouted "IF YOU HURT HER, I WILL KILL YOU!!"

Again, if this is not a confession of love, I don't know what is.

Fung Yee said "Try me! Put down your gun! Bit Man, follow me! You will let him pass!" and she dragged Bo Kei out to the main door as Bit Man like a coward followed. I think the dog was there, kinda stunned as to what is happening. Fung Yee cried "Tell your men to let my son pass or I will shoot!" and Chai Gau cried "Let her and that useless bastard pass!" and they parted ways and yes, Bo Kei was really silent during this time. Fung Yee rushed out with Bit Man and Bo Kei still being held by Fung Yee and Fung Yee said to Bit Man "Bit Man, run! Run!!" but Bit Man said "What about you mother?" and Fung Yee said "Don't bother about me! Run now!! RUN!!" and he ran as fast as he could and Fung Yee dropped the gun and dropped to the floor and cried her heart out. Bo Kei, Chai Gau, Bit Ching all looked at Fung Yee crying hard, kinda have a look of pity on their faces as No. 2 asked "3rd Brother, should we follow him?" and Chai Gau looked at Bo Kei who looked back and said "Let him go" and then Chai Gau left with his brothers as Bo Kei looked at him walked away.

Meanwhile as said in last episode, the Empire has lost, well only that town but the rebels are advancing to the capital city. The I suppose general/assistant to the rebel leader marched in amongst slogan being shouted, not sure what but I suppose is support the rebels, drive off the Manchurians, regain our land sort of slogan. Guess who's the rebel assistant? BEN WONG!! Ahh so confused! SAFE GUARDS!

Anyway he marched and met with the rice merchants, knowing all of their names and acknowledging them, especially Bo Kei since she is the representative of the biggest rice merchant. He also acknoweledged Pang Hang who happened to be from the same village as his and Pang Hang saved his life before and all and so he treated Pang Hang as brother and gave the duty of security to Pang Hang. He also acknowledged Chai Gau and thanked him for maintaining peace and made him assistant to Pang Hang, something Chai Gau didn't want. Then back to business, the rebel assistant whose name I still haven't know yet said to the merchants "I will guarantee there will be no looting and crimes whilst I am here. All I ask in return is your support to loan us 30% of your rice, 30% of all your stock that you have. All I ask is you do not lie about the stock and I promise to repay back. Here is the IOU prepared by our leader. We will be advancing to the capital soon and we need the rice for our men in the fields. Can you loan me that?"

And the merchants look at Bo Kei and Bo Kei said "Yes we can"

Chai Gau had a very bad day. Pang Hang bullied him and gave him all the security work plus gathering of I think $80,000 as funding and Pang Hang did nothing. Chai Gau complained bitterly to Bo Kei and said "I feel like quitting! I don't need Pang Hang to direct me!" and Bo Kei calmly said "Do you think Pang Hang can act to unfairly for long?" and Chai Gau said "That rebel and him are like sworn brothers! There is no way I can tell the rebel of Pang Hang's misdeeds! He won't believe!" and Bo Kei smiled and said "You do see the rebel when he walked in didn't you? He didn't achieve his status and his success today by sheer luck. He can see with his own eyes and he knows. And even if he does not see nor know, do this for the people of this town. Without your help, Pang Hang would lord over them all" and Chai Gau looked at Bo Kei and understood what she meant and agreed to stay on. And then he was about to leave. Chai Gau couldn't stop thinking about what Bo Kei said that night and when he was about to leave Chai Gau turned his head to look straight into Bo Kei's eyes and she looked back intently, remembering what was said, what they've been through, what she confessed and he reluctantly looked away, so did Bo Kei as they went their separate ways.

Meanwhile Fung Yee met with Bit Man in a hotel. Bit Man looked like a lost little boy, scared and asked "If Chai Gau coming to get me?" and Fung Yee assured him she doesn't think Chai Gau wants to kill him anymore. Then Bit Man sat down heavily and said "Mother, I have been thinking hard for these past few days. I realised I should have paid more attention in learning the business, I should have worked hard" which is something new for Bit Man. He is beginning to show signs of being good perhaps? But Fung Yee is a terribly bad mother as she retorted "Bit Man, it was never your fault. It was that woman's fault! I was the daughter of a rich man, educated and schooled in the ways of being a lady. I was born very very lucky to have been doted upon by my parents. Then I married very well and I was lucky to have a good son who is the eldest grandchild of Hing Fung Nin, the rightful heir and successor (as she hugged Bit Man to her chest as Bit Man looked confused). Then that woman, she came into my life and snatched everything away! I swear it, I swear I shall regain everything I have lost. Believe me my dear son, you will get back your fightful inheritence!!"

Pause here.

I really pitied Fung Yee when she urged Bit Man to run away. I understood her predicament and wouldn't blame her for what she did, which Bo Kei and Bit Ching didn't blame her too. She did love Bit Man. But this scene convinces me she is that sort that is kiasu. She herself said she was doted upon, which meant whatever she wanted she got. She wanted Cheung Kiu, she got Cheung Kiu, that sort of kiasu. She just couldn't get over the fact Bo Kei got everything. Part jealousy, part hatred, was how she felt for Bo Kei. When Bit MAn showed signs of repentence, not only did she not encourage that, she was so blinded by her hatred and jealousy she was also blinded of her son's inadequacies and she blamed everybody but herself or Bit Man. I lost my pity for her in this scene. Bit Man may be able to change but with a mother like that, his chances of being good is almost nil. Fung Yee is just getting crazier and crazier. And so stupid too. Imagine this;

after all she had done, Bo Kei never kicked her out. She is still wife no. 1 and madam of the house. If she had been nicer and more contented and less angry, she would have had a very comfortable life, and so will Bit Man who will be respected as a brother who assists his 4th mother in business. Fung Yee especially will retain her much respected position instead of being driven to being this crazy old bat who is kiasu and darn stupid. What an idiot!

More idiocy courtesy of Fung Yee to come. And also the mysterious dumbing down of Bo Kei.

Chai Gau was openly scolded by Pang Hang, being called a dog, stupid, etc and Chai Gau didn't retaliate. His men asked him why he didn't and Chai Gau said "4th madam is right. What we are doing, we are doing for the people of this town. Let's be patient"

Fung Yee was seen visiting the grave of Cheung Kiu, and Fong and Bit Ching saw her. Fong being rather weak and kind hearted asked Fung Yee how she was and how was Bit Man doing and Fung Yee lied "Bit Man is doing business with some friends but the rice are hard to come by. His business is suffering. 3rd sister, Bit Ching, do you think it is ok if you give some 500 sacks of rice (I suppose 500 sacks because frankly not sure what is "tham" as a unit is) to Bit Man for him to weather this bad business climate?" and Bit Ching said "I am sorry first mother, I can't. The rebels will know and we can't lie about our total rice that we have" but Fong took pity of a crying Fung Yee and said "Son, help her if you can. Please, for my sake" and Fung Yee cried "You can just leave the sacks of rice at the warehouse near the mountains tonight. Uncle Cheung Fatt and I will collect them. Even if we are found out, Uncle Cheung Fatt and I will bear the consequences, not you or 4th sister. Please help your brother, take pity on him" and Fong begged too and so Bit Ching agreed (stupid!) and Fung Yee said "Please don't tell 4th sister about this" and Fong repeated the same thing and Bit Ching agreed.

Which means Bit Ching will tell her. He has yet to keep any secrets from Bo Kei successfully.

Big trouble. That night Pang Hang said to Chai Gau "We heard rumours of some rice hidden away from the rebels at the mountains. Let's go!" and Chai Gau reluctantly went along.

At the mountain, Pang Hang said "So we have sacks of rice here! Chai Gau, you will go and arrest 4th Madam now!" and Chai Gau said "What evidence you have she is involved?" and Pang Hang said "Every sack is stamped with Hing Fung Nin's logo!" and Chai Gau saw the logos and knew Bo Kei was in big trouble.

THey all went to Cheung Mansion and wanted to arrest Bo kei. Bo Kei by that time was questioning Bit Ching why the accounts book was missing 500 sacks of rice and Bit Ching said "A friend needed my help, 4th mother" and Bo Kei looked at him and gently said "Which friend?" and Bit Ching in the end confessed and right about that time the servants said Pang Hang is here and Bo Kei knew she is screwed.

Pang Hang demanded Bo Kei to be locked in chains together with Bit Ching as well and Chai Gau tried to fight for Bo Kei but as in talk sort of fight but BO Kei said "It is ok Chai Gau. Put the locks on me" and they were dragged before the assistant rebel leader.

He was super angry and cried "I gave you my trust and trusted you that you will honour your words! I have honoured mine! So far, no looting! No fights! All I want is 30% of your whole stock to feed the men fighting FOR YOUR FREEDOM and yet you have deceived me! Men, drag them out and put them into the army! Let them feel what it is like to be an army in the frontline!" and Chai Gau stopped him and said "Sir, they have a reason!" and Bit Ching explained "My first mother begged me to help my eldest brother by giving him 500 sacks of rice. I trusted her and did what she asked me to. And that night Pang Hang came. It is obviously a trap! I was tricked sir! Moreover I am to be blamed alone, leave 4th mother alone, punish me alone!" and Pang Hang cried "Don't listen to him. He just recently went into a fight with his older brother over the family fortune, why would he have helped the older brother? He is obviously lying!" and Bit Ching cried "I did helped!" and Bo Kei said "I was the one who told Bit Ching to help" and Pang HAng said "YOU? OF ALL PEOPLE? WHO WOULD BELIEVE YOU?" and Bo Kei said "Sir, my husband wrote in his will that should this useless son ever needs my help I should do all that is within my power to help this useless son. I was just carrying out my husband's last wishes. If you do not believe me, the will is in my study room. I can bring it here for you to inspect" and Pang Hang was arguing when the leader shouted "ENOUGH! I am not bothered with your family squabble! I trust you two were telling the truth! As punishment I am taking away the 500 sacks of rice! Do not ever lie to me again! Go now!" and so Bo Kei was saved and Pang HAng annoyed.

Once back at home Fong rushed to Bit Ching and tearfully asked what happened but Bit Ching was very quiet and ran into his room. Bo Kei and all ran in and he said to Bo Kei in a very serious face, "4th mother, please reassign me back to the warehouses. I am not fit to run the business. I have learned nothing, I am none the wiser, I was tricked. I am truly Cheung Bit Chuen (Chuen = stupid in cantonese)" and Ah Man cried "No, you're Cheung Bit Lek! (Lek = smart in cantonese)" and Bit Ching cried "No I am Cheung Bit Chuen!" and Bo Kei said "Bit Ching, you're Cheung Ho Sam (Ho Sam = kind hearted in cantonese) and your biggest problem as is your best asset is you're too kind hearted. That woman is out to cheat you and there is nothing much you can do about it. Take this as a lesson. If you don't, then whatever you have learned today, you have learned nothing. Don't quit" but Bit Ching said "No 4th mother, I am useless!" and Fong saw how her son has become took his hands and dragged him out of his room.

Fung Yee was eating rice, and she was eating with a wide smile, I assume remembering what she thought would happen to Bo Kei. What a despicable woman.

Fong rushed in, walked straight up to Fung Yee, Fung Yee looked up with the chopsticks in her hands and Fong gave her one resounding hard SLAP on her face! Oh, soooooo Moonlight Resonance! But good though. I would have done the same! FUng Yee shocked as was everyone else and Fung Yee stammered with anger "How dare you.." but Fong cut her off and said angrily as she cried "1st sister, when I first came into this family, I looked up to you. I was scared and in awe of you. If you stood I dared not walk. If you didn't eat, I dare not touch my chopstick. If you didn't speak, I dare not even breath! Everything you ask of me I did for you. But now, from today onwards, I shall not respect you anymore. After what you have done to my son, I will show you no more courtesy than you deserve!" and Fung Yee looked at her, now standing up and said "Which mother wouldn't do everything for her son?" as she pushed Fong and Fong pushed back harder that made Fung Yee almost lose her balance and said angrily "And so will I! Don't you forget 1st sister, before I married into this family, I was a security guard!! I am not easily bullied! If you ever hurt my son again, I swear it, I WILL KILL YOU!!" and Auntie Hing chimed in "Madam, count me in too!!" and they all walked out as Fung Yee looked on with shock. When she was alone with her maid, she suddenly and angrily pushed the dishes away, breathing hard with a look of utter madness. I tell you, she is going to Tanjung Rambutan!

I think it was Bo Kei who said "Look at your mother, even someone as coward as she was before could stand up and defend you. Take this as a lesson, don't give up" and Bit Ching finally understood and said "I promise I will smarten up and will not jeapordise the business again".

Chai Gau and his men were walking when they saw the dog walking out of a restaurant. Chai Gau wondered "What is he doing? He is a man who is frugal, why is he walking out of an expensive restaurant?" and Chai Gau borrowed the whip from No. 2 and followed him.

The dog brought expensive lunch to Bit Man who ungratefully threw it aside when he was told he shouldn't come out like this and he was afraid of Chai Gau killing him. And Chai Gau walked out, with whip in hand and Bit Man ran but Chai Gau whipped him as he scolded "You useless bastard! How dare you make life difficult for 4th Madam again and again? Do you not remember how 4th Madam saved your arse when you were caught with Hoi Tong? Did you not feel grateful for all she had done? And yet you still try to bring her down! You useless bastard" as he whipped Bit Man and the dog grabbed hold of Chai Gau and shouted "Stop! Stop!" and Chai Gau threw him aside and said "You too deserved to be whipped! You especially! You're supposed to teach him, and yet everytime he did something bad you protected him. You never taught him the lesson of life and look how he turns out to be! It is your fault! If you ever hardm 4th Madam again, I swear it I will kill you!!", that is meant for Bit Man. Bit Man looked mighty scared and the dog shocked.

Back at home, Hoi Tong happily greeted Chai Gau and wanted to have dinner with him as Chai Gau good naturedly spoke of his day at work and saying he regretted listening to Bo Kei about working for Pang Hang. Hoi Tong listened happily and was feeding him as Chai Gau said "But at the end of the day my happiest time is returning to you with food on my table and a cup of good wine in my hand" and the servant walked in and said Bo Kei wanted to meet with him for dinner at the restaurant and Chai Gau without hesitation said ok and left. Hoi Tong wasn't angry though, she just looked and smiled wistfully.

Next few episodes, again Bo Kei got tricked but this time she was punished severely as Fung Yee won back Hing Fung Nin and Bit MAn returned to inherit it. But he didn't look triumphant, he looked rather morose.

What I hope? That Bit MAn would realise he is no businessman material and just handover the business back to Bo Kei despite what his mother did for him. He did have that look of regret in that preview scene. Can Bit Man be saved?

Like I said, a strange episode because SUDDENLY love is in the air for CHai Gau and Bo Kei. Suddenly we see scene of her missing him so badly and that lingering look into each other's eyes in the restaurant. I mean kinda expected but since it was so sudden, to move from respect to love all of a sudden, it felt strange. And suddenly Bo Kei seems less effective, like she said less and Chai Gau did more of the saving. I want the steely strong Bo Kei and not the damsel in distress waiting for Chai Gau to rescue her sort of Bo Kei even if in the past he did the rescuing but somehow now it feels forced, almost embarassing to watch.

THe confrontation between Fong and Fung Yee may be overly dramatic but good for Fong to have such a tough scene. It is time she slapped that Fung Yee. BUt she should also slap herself since her own stupidity almost cost Bit Ching his life.

I understand Bit Ching's dilemma and his disappointment. I feel that scene is necessary to show Bit Ching at his lowest and of course seconds later his spirit lifted again thanks to his mother.

Again Fung Yee is so darn stupid.

Performance wise, everybody did well, especially Pierre Ngo and his cowardly Bit Man and in one scene that he almost felt regret for what he did.

Susan Tse is good at acting crazy though even if her acting is a bit old fashioned for my taste.

Wayne Lai looks fierce!!

Ben Wong is like overemotional hyper sensitive woman in most scenes.

Sheren TANG is great as usual eventhough the sudden love connection just doesn't suit her no nonsense 4th Madam. I think I prefer mentor-student sort of relationship with Chai Gau than a lover sort of relationship. I can understand why Chai Gau fall for her but Bo Kei for Chai Gau? MAybe all along there was deep admiration and respect that translated into that urgent moment as love as she was forced to acknowledge she really really really missed him but again still too sudden even if all signs point to that eventuality.

Great episode though.

None. Safe Guards was never that melodramatic. But doesn't mean this episode ain't entertaining and well written in some parts!

Favourite line?

"1st sister, when I first came into this family, I looked up to you. I was scared and in awe of you. If you stood I dared not walk. If you didn't eat, I dared not touch my chopstick. If you didn't speak, I dare not even breath! Everything you ask of me I did for you. But now, from today onwards, I shall not respect you anymore. After what you have done to my son, I will show you no more courtesy than you deserve!"

- Lau Fong to Fung Yee


  1. So, it's Fung Yee's bad mothering that caused Bit Man to become like this. Maybe he started out as an intelligent boy with great potential. But, all the bad values imparted to him by his mother ruined him.

    As for Safe Guards sameness. Kara Hui's character in both series are security guards. Haha, during the confrontation scene, she was practically channeling her role in Safe Guards. Lol. I see it as a shout out to Safe Guards.

    I still think that moment of resourceful act when he set a trap for Chai Gau shows his intelligence.

  1. "So, it's Fung Yee's bad mothering that caused Bit Man to become like this."

    The series seem to suggest that in this episode whilst when Cheung Kiu remembered an intelligent filial young boy. Maybe along the way Fung Yee did indulged Bit Man too much but in the end it is a matter of personal character.

    "As for Safe Guards sameness. Kara Hui's character in both series are security guards. "
    Yes I notice that too but doesn't count here since I am talking about scene per scene.

    "I still think that moment of resourceful act when he set a trap for Chai Gau shows his intelligence."
    Indeed but also showed how he wasted his resourcefulness. In the end again a matter of character. Compare him to Bit Ching who is a bit dumber but is much much kinder and it does him more good to be less smart more kind than more smart and less kind.

    As for the whole love story, weird lor but I can see Bo Kei falling for Chai Gau since he was with her every step of the way but the story was too late in developing that.

  1. It's not only indulge him too much. Fung Yee not only did not impart him with good moral, she most probably impart him with the bad ones like how she did in this episode. Maybe she impart him the kiasuness, the sense of entitlement, the self-centeredness etc.

    Fong's although cowardly, has a kind-heart. So, she would have imparted some of the values to him.

    Now, Mo is a curiosity. He's so unlike his mother. His mother is loud and uncouth. But, her son is so scholarly and quiet.

    Btw, I notice that Bit Ching, although nice and upright, hasn't done anything brilliant. He's mostly following instruction from Bo Kei and Chai Gau. I don't know he can actually look after the business well or not in this dog eat dog world. Maybe he would be like Lau Bong in TCS. Himself not very smart, but, a lot of smart people were willing to work for him and die for him because he appreciates them. I think Bit Ching will be this kind of leader. Because so far, he really hasn't displayed any smartness of his own.

  1. Bit Ching can surround himself with smart abled bodied people. He is a natural leader, commanding respect and so people willingly work for him. He is not stupid, just gullible.

    Talking about Lau Bong, I always felt those statements about him being dumb and his wife smarter etc can't be true. You can't fight back a "kong san" with just smart people and smarter wife with him being dumb. He must be a shrewd man, someone who knows how to use smartness to his advantage.

    Bit Ching isn't shrewd but the workers like him and a man as difficult and as loud as Chai Gau willingly pledge his loyalty to Bit Ching, so it shows Bit Ching has this nobleness, like Lau Bei,

  1. By the way Lau Bei is also portrayed as kinda dumb to me, but Lau Bei is the leader of brave men and one super smart advisor. What makes them work for him? Nobleness, a certain integrity and honour, very rare quality. Bit Ching has that even if Ron Ng has only one face to show.

  1. Lau Bong in real history definitely was not stupid. He appeared shrewd and cunning to me. When I made the Lau Bong comparison, I meant the TCS's Lau Bong portrayed by Adam Cheng specifically. Lau Bong in TCS is like an accidental hero. TCS dumbed down Lau Bong, but, make him nobler and more kind-hearted than the historical Lau Bong. The historical Lau Bong was kinda selfish when he threw his wife and son off the carriage so that the carriage can move faster. In fact, he threw the boy out twice (the first time, his subordinate caught the boy and brought him back).

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