Written by Funn Lim
You know, Bit Man like I have been saying is one ineffective villain but you can't blame him for not being resourceful when he is forced to be, except for all the wrong reasons. Tonight is clearly all about Bit Man and Chai Gau and Bit Ching as well. I was wondering after the anti climax where will we go? Well, somewhere except I just feel the story seems disjointed. Anyway shall explain more.
Last scene, Bo Kei says ""He said he will plunge a knife into your heart like the assassins you hired did to him, so leave this house now, and you will die" and Bit Man got very very scared as Fung Yee asked the dog "Is it true? Did you see any suspiscious people out there?" and the dog said "Yes I think I did" and Fung Yee looked like she was about to faint as Bo Kei walked away and Fung Yee said to Bit Man "From now onwards you will stay indoor. Don't leave this house. Let me discuss this with your uncle and the official. Don't leave this house!"
Pause here.
When did Pang Hang became Bit Man's uncle? Technically he should be Bit Mo's uncle but suddenly Pang Hang was like family to Fung Yee. Never had that impression he was family, you know?
Bit Ching said to Bo Kei "4th mother, why didn't you tell us Chai Gau didn't die? How did he survive?" and Bo Kei explained again what happened and Bit Ching said "How come that Chai Gau Gor never told us he was alive? Making me and fellow brothers mourning for him!" but Bo Kei said "Chai Gau is now different from the Chai Gau you all knew. He became the Chai Gau I first met, he has lost all reason, he is no longer "human", he wants to kill Bit Man no matter the consequences" and Bit Ching said "But Chai Gau Gor shouldn't be a murderer for Bit Man" but Bo Kei sighed knowing Chai Gau has now become a truly angry man devoid of reason. I can't remember if it was here that Auntie Hing and Man walked in and were very happy to hear Chai Gau was still alive and Auntie Hing said something rather funny; "Ahhh so that bastard may have escaped punishment using corruption but he can never escape the heaven's punishment who let Chai Gau live so as to take this bastard's life! He deserves whatever Chai Gau will do to him!" and Bo Kei just looked at her, no comment given.
Pause here.
So Bo Kei does remember meeting Chai Gau for the first time when he was a hungry villager and she a scared resourceful servant in Episode 1. Never had that impression she did!
Anyway Bit Man... scared witless. He was running in a backalley and screaming "No! No!" when two men held him up against the wall and Chai Gau walked menacingly and plunged a knife into his heart. Bit Man woke up from the nightmare, drenched in sweat and he knew he had to do something.
Now this is where I said he was resourceful. Look, if you know someone is gonna kill you, what do you do? Well in the middle of the night Bit Man went to the other servant and said "You will rent a boat for me to escape to Shanghai tomorrow night. Tell no one, not even mother".
Bit Man was wearing some protective vest on his body, plunged a knife but that knife didn't even make a dent. He pulled on a pistol threateningly. Fung Yee knocked on the door and Bit Man hid the stuff and told Fung Yee he wasn't feeling well so he will sleep early. Fung Yee said why not ask a doctor to see him but Bit Man refused.
Pause here.
For all of Fung Yee's fault, she does care about her son and will do anything for him. I see that as a redeeming quality eventhough she really fails as a mother.
At night, he escaped. He wasn't running though. Boarded the boat and the boat guy said "Shall we go?" but Bit Man said "No, there's one more person I am waiting for" and he sat on the boat, waiting.
AHHHHH this is why he is resourceful. He is taking things into his own hands!! He is luring Chai Gau out and indeed no sooner he sat down Chai Gau came running out like some mad dog and plunged the knife into his heart but the protective vest stopped the knife and Chai Gau was taken by surprise! Instead Bit Man plunged a knife into his other side, severely wounding Chai Gau and as Chai Gau jumped off the boat, Bit Man shot Chai Gau near the back of the shoulder. He jumped in with Chai Gau, kinda gung ho even for Bit Man's standard and fought with Chai Gau under the water as each tried to kill the other but Chai Gau managed to escape and Bit Man cried in frustration.
Chai Gau was wounded severely, he dragged himself to the church knocking the huge wooden door screaming "Dr Brownnnnnnnnnn".
At home Fung Yee asked the servants where was Bit Man and everyone didn't know except for that other servant who confessed what Bit Man asked him to do. Fung Yee was angry and worried and asked them to find Bit Man.
Bo Kei meanwhile was worried about the civil unrest between the rebels and the empire.
Pause here.
I have yet to do any research on the civil unrest of the "Cheung Mo Chak" or I suppose literally Long Haired Thieves but I have a realiable source who told me a bit of the Taiping Revolution which she said was mounted by a large group, one of the deadliest attack on the empire formed by like minded people who grew tired of the empire's corruption. The leaders or some of them were Christians and they met during boxing training or something. That they may have lost eventually but their efforts severely wounded the empire and the Qing empire weakened further. Not sure how accurate but I suppose until I do a proper research I think the story is consistent.
But from the viewpoint of the ordinary people, they wouldn't care who wins or lose. But what they're worried about is got food or not, got job or not. Bo Kei was very worried not of the situation now or the aftermath but the time of in between where things may be lawless.
Anyway I think Bo Kei was discussing something with Bit Ching and family when someone came in and said Dr Brown sent for Bo Kei. Bit Ching wanted to follow.
At the church, Chai Gau was very hurt, Dr Brown saved his life and Chai Gau was even angrier. Bo Kei saw Chai Gau like that and quickly rushed to him and asked "What happened?" and Chai Gau looked at Bo Kei and asked angrily "Did you tell that bastard I am still alive?" and Bo Kei taken aback by his anger didn't quite respond as Chai Gau asked "Did you warn him about my plans to plunge my knife into his heart? Did you? DID YOU?!" and Bo Kei quietly said "Bit Man did this to you?" and angrily she said "Cheung Bit Man!" but Chai Gau said "Why 4th Madam? Why did you tell him?" and Bo kei said "I told him to scare him off! I told him so that he won't do anything but stay at home. Chai Gau, don't be a murderer for him! It is not worth it!" but Chai Gau angrily cried "4th Madam, you're the one person I most respect here and yet you're the one who betrays my trust! You knew I was going to take his life and after all, he is your husband's son! You will always protect your husband's son! Who am I to you? What does it matter that a low life like me lives or dies? That to you if I were to live or die does not concern you!!"
Pause here.
This was a very emotional scene. The actual words used were even harsher than above, Chai Gau was saying "Lei sei lei jin" which in English wouldn't do justice to the impact of the words but you could say it is akin to saying Bo Kei didn't care if he dies or lives dishonourably but the word JIN is worse than dishonourbly. I am not sure how to translate that to show its impact but Chai Gau was certainly wounded emotionally, unable to believe his most trusted person betrayed him for her husband's useless son whilst Bo Kei was taken aback by the severity of his choice of words. Powerful words I tell you. And however unfair those accusations were, Chai Gau does have a point.
Bo Kei said "Chai Gau, please listen to me..." but Chai Gau stopped her and said "You saved my life 4th Madam, countless of times. You gave me my career, you made me the 3rd manager, you looked upon me when no one would consider me, you took my hands and led me to safety when surrounded by Pang Hang's men...so 4th Madam, these wounds, consider them as payback for your help in the past. From this day forward you and I are no longer on the same track, I do not owe you anything anymore and I will have no regard for you in whatever I do!!"
Pause here.
I don't believe Chai Gau one bit. He would never abandon Bo Kei. These are just words of a very hurt person, you know hurt emotionally.
Before leaving he said to Bit Ching "I know you won't hurt me the way she did. We are still brothers young master" and Bit Ching nodded solemnly.
And so that was it. An apparent end of the great friendship between Bo Kei and Chai Gau. But even then I felt like it was a son's temper tantrum against his mother. And what makes him think Bit Ching won't help Bit Man? Well he won't. He did wanted to report Bit Man to the authorities when he thought he killed Chai Gau.
Anyway Bit Ching was very angry, he said "How could brother have done that?!" and he rushed home with Bo Kei and asked one of the servants "Where is eldest master?" and the servant said "He just returned home, very wet looking" and Bit Ching immediately went inside the house, took a huge stick and found Bit Man in the gardens and Bit Ching shouted "Cheung Bit Man! I will teach you a lesson on behalf of father!!" and he went on to beat the crap out of Bit Man who cried "What are you doing? I am your big brother, how dare you beat me?" and Bit Ching cried "I dare because I represent father! How could you do that to Chai Gau again? How could you hurt father the way you did? When he said in his will you get 70%, everyone was surprised, but I wasn't because I knew despite whatever father said and how he ignored you, he loved you the most!! How could you hurt him so?!" as he beat Bit Man again and again and Bit Man cried "I too wasn't surprised!! I know father loves me! I know!" and as Bit Man beat him some more his wife came and screamed "Stop! Stop! You will kill him! Stop!" and everyone urged him to stop, even Hing and Fong and I think Bo kei as well and as he was about to strike some more Fung Yee reached them and said "What do you think you're doing?!" and Bit Man ran to his mother and cried "Mother, this bastard brother is trying to beat me to death! Report him to the officials, arrest him!! Arrest him!!"
Some people never change.
Fung Yee calmly asked the servants standing behind did they see Bit Man being beaten and Bo kei said "Did anyone see anything? I don't think so" and Hing said "Nope, didn't see anything" and Man said "Neither did I" and Fong was there as well I think and said "I didn't either" and Fung Yee asked the servants again who all said "We just arrived, we didn't see anything" and Bo Kei before leaving said to Fung Yee "I know Husband has asked me to help him but now how could I after what he had done now?" and Fung Yee looked like she was about to say something but shut up whilst I can't remember what was Bit Man's expression. Worry perhaps?
Interesting gang up sort of scene. Quite funny actually.
Anyway Bo Kei looked at Bit Ching and overheard Man said admiringly "I didn't know my husband could be so manly, I like!" and Bit Ching teased "Of course, never make me angry!" and Bo Kei smiled a little.
Pause here.
Exciting scene with never heard before of young brother beating the crap out of older brother. Bit Ching is always someone who follows the traditions but this time he stepped out of if because he was damn pissed off with Bit Man. He felt Bit Man owed Chai Gau and to plan to kill Chai Gau again to him was the last straw. He beat Bit Man in place of Cheung Kiu. When he said what he said about Cheung Kiu and Bit Man specifically agreed with what he said, I feel then why Bit Man must be so useless? Why did he hurt Cheung Kiu so much like Bit Ching asked if he knew what he did was wrong? I believe if Bit Man were to repent, Bit Ching would forgive Bit Man but right now Bit Man is still stubborn as ever.
However in defense of Bit Man and like I said earlier, who would sit down and let themselves be killed? So I kinda understand why Bit Man did what he did as much as I understand why Chai Gau wanted Bit Man dead.
Chai Gau went back to his brothers, life went on when suddenly news came No. 1 was deeply injured. The brothers carried him in and Chai Gau ran to him and found out No. 1 was struck by bombs. Crying, Chai Gau tell him to hold on but No. 1 said "3rd Brother, swear to me you will take good care of our brothers! Swear to me!!" and Chai Gau cried saying "I swear I will" and No. 1 died in his arms. Very sad, I really liked the loyalty of No. 1 and No. 2 and their brothers. Even in death he thought of his brothers.
After the funeral, No. 2 said "Brothers, I plan to distribute our wealth equally amongst all of you so that you can leave and start life anew somewhere" and many were shocked by this plan as No. 2 explained "The rebels are fighting hard. I can't even be sure if the rebels will win or the empire will win. With such uncertainty, I hope you will find somewhere and start life anew. There is no more business for us to do here anymore" and the brothers cried "Brother, we will not leave! We will stick together!"
So loyal!!
Chai Gau stepped forward and said "Brothers, permit me to say something. I disagree with disbanding our association. We have gone legitimate and we musn't back down. We musn't leave! I believe the rebels are only fighting for the good of this nation, they wouldn't come in and destroy businesses. I believe whoever is the new leader, we can do business with that new leader, be they rebels or the empire. We must take this opportunity to usurp Pang Hang's business as well. Why only Pang Hang get to enjoy his monopoly over this town? I say it is time we get a share as well! How many more decades does one have? Seize the opportunity presented to us! Let's takeover Pang Hang's business as well!"
Frankly I get what Chai Gau is saying although not quite understand how he will implement his grand plan or whatever.
No. 2 was impressed and said "Brothers, we shall do as 3rd brother said and meanwhile I propose we elect a new leader of our association. I myself shall remain as No. 2 and I propose 3rd brother as our new leader!!" and Chai Gau said "No 2nd brother. If following ranks, it is your turn, never mine, I refuse" but No. 2 said "You have the brains to lead us and to usurp Pang Hang's influence and make our business bigger! To honour our first brother's memory!!" and Chai Gau finally agreed and said to rousing support and calls for the end of Pang Hang's monopoly "Alright my brothers! When I am done with my personal business I shall lead us all to glory, in memory of 1st brother!!". Hoi Tong standing nearby looked at the fierce looking Chai Gau and smiled, a look of immense pride and love clearly on her face.
Bo Kei sat down to write her diary. Time passes and Bo Kei narrated how they all heard gun shot and saw Bit Man dressed as a woman running into the house. He was trying to escape again but Chai Gau's men were waiting out there and she said "He was lucky he had a gun for protection. Chai Gau is still as angry as ever, I don't think he will ever let go of Bit Man. Time may have passed but he is still very much intent on killing Bit Man" and people were getting more and more worried as Bo Kei worried about rioting in the times of uncertainty. Bombs were everywhere and Bo Kei was scared too. She narrated how the official tried to persuade the merchants that everything is fine whilst asking for funding, she then passed by his house and saw servants burning official records and how his wife and children were being taken to safety and that made Bo Kei very worried as even officials are running away.Bo kei then asked herself "Was I right to insist on staying?"
Meanwhile she tried to mend the relationship with Chai Gau who was there to inform Bo Kei some rice successfully delivered and he is still very cold to her as she happily greeted "Oh yes Chai Gau, I should change the way I greet you. I should call you Master Chai now!" and Chai Gau just looked on coldly as Bo Kei teased "But Chai Gau, you're still tehnically an employee of Hing Fung Nin. You never did resign. So should I still refer to you as 3rd manager?" but Chai Gau said "Thank you" when she finished aknowledging some papers and he left. Bo Kei looked disappointed.
Pause here.
Ever since Chai Gau came back from death twice and after that outburst with Bo kei, there was a definite change to him. It felt like their positions are now equal. It used to be master-servant or saviour-"savee" so to speak, a certain reverence from Chai Gau and Bo Kei and respect from Bo Kei to Chai Gau but unequal but now they seem to be on equal footing. I feel Chai Gau being angrier and colder seems to be manlier and much older. I find this Chai Gau very attractive and if you were to tell me Chai Gau now has a relationship with Bo Kei, I would say they're a match.
Anyway Chai Gau went and greeted his former fellow workers with Bit Ching there and the workers asked "Chai Gau gor, what really happened? We heard you were killed but now you're alive, we heard you were missing and now you're the leader of your association! Which is true and which is not?" and Chai Gau smiled and said "Brothers, whatever it may be, you will always be my good brothers, and that is including you young 2nd master" and Bit Ching smiled and said "Well we will treat you to a drink, how about it?" and Chai Gau laughed and said "No no, I will treat you all! The dinner's on me and no one shall leave until we are all drunk!!". Bo Kei walked in and teased "How about me? Am I not your friend as well? Am I invited?" and Chai Gau subdued said "4th Madam, maybe another day. They wouldn't be able to chat freely when you're there" and Bo Kei smiled sadly since she was snubbed and she said "Chai Gau I do hope to sit down with you, I have something to discuss" and Chai Gau said "Ok".
Bo Kei said "Remember this restaurant?" and Chai Gau nodded and said "Where you begged me to save Mo" and Bo kei said "Yes, you were such an arrogant twit then, I felt like hitting you but I had to be patient. Remember how you were then?" and she impersonated Chai Gau as she repeated what Chai Gau said back then about knowing and having observed something ".. and yet you refused to tell me" and Chai GAu said "Yes, I was very annoying back then wasn't I?" and BO Kei said "But you had that something. You were capable and I trusted your judgment which is why I need your opinion on an issue. What do you think will happen here in this town?" and Chai Gau seriously said "4th Madam, people here will suffer now, but when the war is over, they will suffer even more. In between now and the new administration, there would be chaos" and Bo Kei agreed. Bo Kei voiced her worries and Chai Gau said "4th Madam, I will say what I have always said..." and Bo Kei stopped him and smiled and said "Ahh those cringe worthy words again. Let me guess; 4th madam is the one person I respect the most here and..." and Chai Gau completed the sentence as he said ".. and I will do my utmost to assist 4th madam" and Bo Kei smiled, remembering his promises and then she said "Chai Gau, you will do as I say? Can you promise me one thing? Just one thing?" and Chai Gau said "Anything 4th Madam, I will promise you anything except for one. Please do not ask me to spare that bastard's life" and Bo Kei sighed as Chai Gau said "I have to go 4th Madam" and so he left.
Dinner at night, merchants, Pang Hang and Chai Gau all invited. Bo Kei said "As the chairman of the association of merchants, I hereby convene this meeting. As we all know, it has been a few days and not one official or imperial guard in sight. We are not sure who is winning and who is losing. People are scared. We are all alone here. I propose each of us put up a bit of money to hire private security guards to patrol the streets and guard our warehouses" and the merchants agreed and Pang HAng laughed and said "Well my 3000 men can come in handy and indeed I can easily deploy my men to guard the street and warehouses. But the question is can you afford my men's services?" and Chai Gau looked at him, annoyed. One merchant stood up and said "How much?" and Pang Hang said "Oh, simpplify the sum shall we? $88000" and the merchant cried "WHAT? $88000? Why are you taking advantage of us right now?!" and Pang Hang snarled "Well, try finding 3000 men at your disposal!" and Chai Gau stood up and said loudly "Gentlemen! I Chai Gau am willing to offer the same services, and let us not talk about fees! Just give us a generous ang pow packet, that will do!" and Pang Hang stood up and angrily said "You? With only 600 men? What can you do with 600 men?" and Chai Gau angrily and quite manly kinda way said "We 600 men are more effective than your 3000 men! My men are all healthy and able bodied but your men are all bloated from all the drinking and visits to the prostitute dens!" and Pang Hang retorted "So we shall see how you can manage! I can't guarantee my men will be happy with all the fee reduction and now this and they may do something during these troubled lawless time!" and of course the merchants asked if Pang Hang was threatening them (YES HE IS) as Pang Hang left I think and Chai Gau said loudly "Gentlemen! You have my guarantee! We will patrol the streets and guard the warehouses and you have my word you will not miss even one grain of rice!" and I swear I saw Bo Kei smiling admiringly at Chai Gau, especially during the time he was arguing with Pang Hang.
So Chai GAu planned the details who to protect what. 600 men? I often seen at most 30 people in the room. Anyway there were looting and No. 2 used a whip to stop the thieves and Chai Gau told Hing Fung Nin to open business, and this went on for some time, Pang Hang didn't do anything to create havoc, interestingly.
At home, Bo Kei assured everyone the war sounds like it was over since no bombing when Fong ran in in a panic and said "The empire has lost the war!" and so everyone was scared. Meanwhile Chai Gau told the men they can stop patrolling and the men said "I never thought I could do some good for this town! So what now?" and not sure who said this but it was said "It doesn't matter. We shall see who enters this town, rebel or the empire and we shall do business as usual".
But... won't these rebels rape, pillage and plunder? Why Chai Gau was so confident all will be normal irrespective who is the leader?
Then Chai Gau packed a gun and said "Since we are now effectively lawless, I plan to finish my personal business" and No. 2 said "Brother I know what you intend to do. Let me help you!" and Chai Gau refused but everyone said "Your vengeance is ours too! Let us help!" and Chai Gau agreed.
Such brotherhood. And so all of them were marching towards Cheung mansion.
Meanwhile at Cheung mansion the dog and Fung Yee brought in basin with water and scissors and told Bit Man he must cut off his pigtail since the rebel will be entering soon.
Wait! But the rebels won't win for long so when empire comes back, wouldn't no pigtails mean death?
Anyway Chai Gau arrived, knocked on the door and said "Where is Cheung Bit Man?" and servant ran inside as Bit Man cut his pigtail and was disturbed by the servant and he said "WHAT?" and servant said "Chai Gau is here for you young master" and at that moment he dramatically swing his head, the hair messy and that scene frozen. I kinda thought he looked rather pretty!
Next episode, Chai Gau puts a gun to Bit Man's head as Fung Yee puts a gun to Bo Kei's head. I tell you, love shall triumph over hate!
What a long recap! Since the anti-climax in last episode, I kinda thought this episode is exciting for disjointed from the main story. All those fighting for fortune is truly over and Bit Man lost and the story now shifts back to Hing Fung Nin and the town. Not boring at all, just inconsistent. I mean after the entire storyline concentrating on Hing Fung Nin and Cheung family, suddenly now everything is going private again.
Frankly I am not sure what to say about this episode except well, rather exciting to see Bit Man trying to escape the clutches of Chai Gau.
I do like how Hoi Tong looked at Chai Gau admiringly and how Bo Kei in her own way also looked at him admiringly.
As for Chai Gau, he is scary.
And that being said, KUDOS TO WAYNE LAI for an amazing portrayal of Chai Gau in this episode. How he suddenly changed. I mean he was hardened as in his soul before but this episode he became even colder, somehow wiser but so much more determined and a harder sort of man. Like I said, I see him now as Bo Kei's equal.
I also like how Bit Ching beat the crap out of Bit Man who totally deserve what he got BUT I kinda pity him you know; I mean if I were him I too will take matters in my own hands rather than sit and wait to die. But still... Bit Ching did the right thing. And so a praise to Pierre Ngo for the whole desperate Bit Man sort of performance and a special note to the fantastic close up of his face with mid length hair blowing to his one eyes half closed and another eyes opened wide look. I mean I don't know, I just like that freeze frame moment, so dramatic!
And there it is; everything about this episode is dramatic. But somehow I still feel like such a big anti climax and I am still waiting what else is there to tell? Maybe for Chai Gau and Bo Kei yes but for Bit Man and Fung Yee? They seem like their purpose is over whilst for Bit Ching and others seem the same as well. Only Chai Gau and Bo Kei seems to have a story to tell.
A special note on the performance of Nancy Wu. Very short scenes but she was effective. I did like her look of pride as Chai Gau took over the association. That is the look a wife should have for her husband. That pride look.
And yes Ron Ng... more expression today since he had a dramatic scene today, but still I swear his muscle on his face didn't even twitch one bit. How can someone beat and scold someone and still have the same expression?
Frankly no other comments except for ...
Ahhhh not so same anymore. Whatever sameness should end after the will reading, but I suppose this is like the beginning of Safe Guards, where there was an encounter with the rebels? We shall see if Bit Man may align himself with the rebels?
Ok, favourite line... favourite scene.. a bit torn between Chai Gau crying his heart out at Bo Kei's "betrayal" or my choice as below...
"I dare because I represent father! How could you do that to Chai Gau again? How could you hurt father the way you did? When he said in his will you get 70%, everyone was surprised, but I wasn't because I knew despite whatever father said and how he ignored you, he loved you the most!! How could you hurt him so?!"
- Bit Ching to Bit Man
June 14, 2010 at 4:14 PM
I can totally understand and feel Chai Gau's hurt, being betrayed by the person he trusted most. Bo Kei has good reason, but, that won't make it hurt less. Chai Gau really really look up to Bo Kei.
I also agree with you. I can understand Chai Gau's love for Bo Kei. But, Bo Kei has just became a widow. Up to Cheung Kiu very last breath, Bo Kei has shown that she loves her husband. How come she suddenly loves Chai Gau in a romantic way?