

Written by Funn Lim

Remember last episode Cheung Kiu finally dies? And I was kinda hoping that the real power struggle starts from thereon eventhough there was a lot of power struggles before that? Let's just say I find this episode a huge anti-climax.

RECAP first...

Bo Kei put all company seals, cash, accounts books, client lists, etc into 3 boxes as watched by Bit Man and gang. Finally she said to Bit Man when handing the keys to him; "Bit Man, the keys which you have always wanted. Tomorrow morning you can ask the official to be here to witness the handover of the keys and the 3 boxes officially" and Bit Man smiled slyly and said "Thank you 4th mother". Bo Kei walked out and passed Fung Yee and said "You got what you wanted finally 1st sister" and Fung Yee just smiled.

And then of course a scene which totally justified my earlier observation that Fung Yee ain't that smart and clearly Bit Man is even stupid-er.

At night, Bo Kei and gang ran away with the 3 boxes. She gave the wrong keys to Bit Man.

In the morning Bit Man tried to open the locks and failed. Panicking, he was told by servants everyone as in Bo Kei, Bit Ching, Bit Mo, Lau Fong, Man and Hing all disappeared. They broken open the lock (can't they just knock down the door, not like it was made of steel?) and of course the boxes were missing. Fung Yee collapsed in a fit of what I shall call "she is smarter than I" moment and the official said "First madam, come with me to the courts to make a report. I will officially hunt down Hong Bo Kei, the fugitive!" and Pang Hang ordered his men to look for her, everywhere.

And so they looked, even at the church and Father Brown cooly continued with the choir lessons. When they left, we will find out that Father Brown aka Dr Brown aka Dr Bak Long actually hid them in the cellar and whilst bored they all happily joked at the expense of Bit Ching and they were laughing happily when Dr Brown walked in and he told them they will have to stay for awhile. Bo Kei apologised for dragging Dr Brown into this to which he said "4th Madam, please do not say that. I am as always willing to assist. However 4th Madam, you will need to follow me out in the night. There is someone who wants to see you" and of course Bo Kei was thinking who?

In the dead of the night, Bo Kei followed Dr Brown to some deep forest. Interesting that no one actually tailed Dr Brown. Anyway she saw a dark shadow in crutches far away and the shadow walked forward and it was Chai Gau, still frail and pale but looking very angry. Bo Kei was so happy uncharacteristically she ran to him, held his shoulders and in tears said "Chai Gau, you're still alive! How can that be?" ansd Chai Gau, now looking mighty angry said "Only by sheer luck that my heart was a little to the side. When they threw me into the river with a boulder tied to me, I was sinking fast but I knew I can't die like this. I swam up and was pushed down and I swam up again, I struggled for life until a fisherman spotted me and saved me" and Bo Kei was in tears as Chai Gau continued "4th Madam, it was Cheung Bit Man who wanted me dead! But you must promise me; do not seek justice for me. I will carry out the justice myself. Whatever he paid others to do to me, I will do the same on him" and Bo Kei shocked asked "What do you plan to do?" and Chai Gau just walked away and said "Remember 4th Madam, do not seek justice for me. I will handle this myself" and he was carried away as Hoi Tong said "He is still very weak, he needs rest" and Bo Kei though happy he was still alive was now very concerned what Chai Gau had in mind.

Anyway Bo kei is bidding her time waiting for the return of the Lord Prince. I didn't mention this since I missed it myself but Bo Kei knew Cheung Kiu wrote a will but she didn't know the contents.

Search still on and Bit Man assured the workers that everything is fine although none of them believed Bo Kei would run away just like that. Bit Man announced a reward of $100 for any information on Bo Kei and the workers seems concerned rather than interested.

Search still on! Now at home, Bit Man spoke with the workers and thanked them for their continued support. And then he said "Of course there are some of you here who gossipped that Hong Bo Kei wouldn't run away and said she was forced to do so by me. You know who you are. You are all fired! Get out of my house!" and no one moved and so Bit Man read the names and it was all 4th Madam gang so to speak. They protested, said they were just gossipping, they needed the jobs but Bit Man said "I know you are all not loyal to me hence you're all not loyal to Hing Fung Nin! Hing Fung Nin can no longer support such disloyal workers! Get out! All of you! Get out!" and they were pushed as the official, Pang Hang, Fung Yee and all looked but suddenly a voice thundered out "WHAT IS GOING ON?!" and all greeted him and the Prince said "I am here at the bequest of the late Master Cheung to assist him in settling his affairs. Where is Bo kei?" and Fung Yee I think was the one who said "She ran away" and the Prince thundered "Impossible! Did she not receive my letter I am on my way back?" and Bit Man and gang were explaining when someone said "4th Madam!" and there was Bo Kei and entire gang, carrying the 3 boxes and she greeted the Prince and the Prince said "Bo Kei, didn't you get my message? They said you ran away!" and I don't think she did, anyway she said with tears "My Lord, I have returned with the hope that you will assist us in settling our family issues. It is true I did run away but I was forced to because even before my husband was properly buried, these people were already carrying out plans to usurp power, takeover the business and takeover Cheung's family fortune! I had to run away until My Lord could return to judge this problem fairly" and Fung Yee said "My Lord, before my husband died, we all heard his last message which was to give the business to my son, the eldest grandchild, Bit Man" and Pang Hang and official said "Yes my lord, we heard it" and I think even the dog said so. Fong said "NO, HUSBAND DID NOT!"

Pause here. Basically same script as per last night as they were fighting over the keys. Anyway to repeat...

and Cheung Fatt said got, Bit Ching said NO and said father only said his and Bo Kei's name over and over again and Bit Ching angrily pointed at Bit Man and said "And they were cruel enough to want to deny me and 4th mother the last chance to say goodbye to father!!" and Bit Man tried to attack Bit Ching who fought back and even Bit Mo said there was no such thing and pandemonium as Lord Prince thundered "STOP!!" and everyone did and Lord Prince said "There is no need to argue about the division of assets as Master Cheung visited me one night and made 2 wills in this regard" and everyone was shocked except for Bo Kei as Prince said "Bo Kei knew about this but does not know the contents. I shall read out the first will..."

And he read out and we hear Cheung Kiu's voice as well as flashback... and the will was written to Bo Kei...

"Bo Kei, as I sat down tonight writing this last will and testament of mine, I remembered our younger days, when you were 8 and we were sitting on the grass looking into the night sky filled with stars and I remember when you were 15 or 16 (he may have said 14 or 15-meaning I did get her age right!) and how you were having a temper tantrum and the cute way you pursed your lips. Such beautiful memories Bo Kei and I remembered it all fondly. But I couldn't believe myself as I was taking this trip down memory lane and the one person I remembered the most was my useless unfilial son, Bit Man"

Bit Man looked shocked to hear his name.

"How I remembered the most was him, when he was born I have loved him so. I remember doting on him, going home eagerly after work just to look at him, I remember Fung Yee and I teaching him to read and write and he wrote his first words, mother and father and how happy I was.."

Bit Man looked somewhat human again as he has the look of remembering his past, a bit of regret whilst Fung Yee had the same look, sort of...

"I remember when father died insisting the business which then passed to me shall pass to his eldest grandchild that is Bit Man and I remember my father's wishes clearly and the truth is, despite Bit Man having done many misdeeds, I have always intended to carry out my father's wishes. Despite all that he has done, he is still the eldest grandchild of the Cheung family. And so this shall be my wishes; Cheung Bit Ching as my 2nd son shall have 15% of my fortune, Bit Mo as the 3rd son shall have 15% of my fortune and Bit Man shall inherit my business and 70% of my fortune..."

And everyone on Bo Kei side looked glum whilst Fung Yee smiled widely and Bit Man in total disbelief and Pang Hang said "It wasn't 60%! It was 70%! You all heard it wrong!!" and they were celebrating..

and here was the anti climax coming soon...

Lord Prince said "Hold on, I haven't finished yet"

and Cheung Kiu's voice ...

"Although Bit Man shall be takeover Hing Fung Nin, Bo Kei, you're to watch over him and to run the business for the next 5 years. If you feel he is ready, then you will pass to him the keys at the expiration of 5 years"

Ooohh Fung Yee looked offended, Bit Man shocked! Bo Kei, shocked as well!

"... however if that useless unfilial son, Bit Man does any misdeeds which in your opinion qualifies as a misdeed, whatever the misdeed shall be, as long as you say it is, with or without proof, this will shall be nullified and tore up and my 2nd will shall be read out by you and shall be applicable"

Oh pandemonium!!! Bit Man now very scared. Lord Prince said to Bo Kei, "So Bo Kei, this is the 2nd will which you need only open if you feel.." and Bo Kei immediately said "My Lord, there is no need to wait anyway. Let me tear up the first will.." and Fung Yee protested and said "4th sister, that is not fair to Bit Man! You can't just say he has done some misdeed and nullify husband's wish!" and Bo Kei looked at Bit Man and angrily said "Does hiring assassins to kill Chai Gau qualify as one?" and everyone was shocked as in Fung Yee and Fung Yee said "Where is your proof? You can't just say Bit Man did that!" and Bit Man protested and said "I did not do that! I did not!" but Lord Prince took the 1st will and said "Didn't any of you paid any attention to what Master Cheung said? She doesn't need to show proof, if she say it is, it shall be" and he tore up the first will!!

Pause here.

I know kinda unfair that she says so and so it shall be but we all know and even Cheung Kiu knows Bit Man in the end would have done something bad anyway. This was Cheung Kiu's way to secure Bo Kei's position and she knows Bo Kei will not simply allege something that is entirely not true. So I do think Cheung Kiu when he made the first will hoped for the best but knew Bit Man that useless son will not change and so put in the proviso. Luckily the prince was there, he was powerful enough to carry out the wishes.

Lord Prince said "Here Bo Kei, read the 2nd will" and Bo Kei tore open the will and read...

"I would not wish for this 2nd will to be read but if it is, it is my last will and testament that Bo Kei shall inherit the business and my entire business and she shall distribute my wealth as she deems fit. I trust her judgment and whatever her decision may be shall be my decision and I shall have no regrets over her decision. Meanwhile from today onwards my useless unfilial son Bit Man shall no longer be my son and his name will be removed from the family ancestry book and he shall no longer have any connection with Hing Fung Nin and the Cheung family ..."

and of course Lord Prince walked to the official and angrily said "You must clean your ears! How can you hear so differently from what the will says? Do you duty! Investigate the murder of Chai Gau and I trust you shall carry out your duty properly and justly!" and the official nodded and ordered Bit Man to be arrested pending investigation. Bit Man cried for help, begged Pang Hang who pushed him away and walked out whilst he was carried out by the guards as Fung Yee cried and followed him out. When they were gone, Bo Kei thanked the prince who said "Please do not thank me. Master Cheung has been a great benefactor of this empire, I am only doing my duty to assist Master Cheung" and he asked if he could stay there for the night for convenience and Bo Kei asked Bit Ching to arrange. They all then celebrated.

Bo Kei alone in her room re-reading the 2nd will and it seems she did not read out the last 2 lines where Cheung Kiu wrote "... however, that useless son and myself have spent some 20 years together. And so Bo Kei, if ever he is in deep trouble and you could help, please try your best to help him, for my sake"

Bo Kei was in a dilemma, how she could help or should she when Fung Yee came in and crying... "4th sister, you have won! You have won everything! Please, please save my son, just say it was all a misunderstanding!They're beating him, 30 lashes, as he passed out, they made him wake up and beat him some more! Bit Man can't stand these beatings! You and I can't co exist! We are destined to cancel each other out! You already won!" but Bo Kei said "He did do what he did! He did hired assassins to kill Chai Gau! Whatever situation he is in now, it is his own undoing! He reaps what he sows!" and FUng Yee saw the will and the last line and shouted in frustration as she cried "How can you not carry out Husband's last wishes? It is written here, you must help Bit Man!! Hong Bo Kei, the moment you walked into this family, you had the business, you had husband physically and in the end you even had his heart all to yourself! What else do you want? What else you want to take away from me? I can relinquish my right in this house! Whatever you want, you can take but please... please... return my son! Return me my Bit Man!!" as she kept kow towing again and again but Bo Kei said "There is nothing more I can do" and she walked out.

Pause here.

I kinda pity Fung Yee for a moment here. Everything she did, she did it not for her position. Basically she is secured, no one is fighting her for authority but the way I see it she did it all for Bit Man. Unfortunately Bit Man is kinda like a wrong investment here. I do pity her.

Guards came in the morning seeking urgent meeting with Prince and said the rebels were reaching town or somewhere. So he had to leave and before he did he advised Bo Kei to save the rice and all as the attack may reach this town. Lau Fong panicked, everyone did but Bo Kei said no worries. Meanwhile Fung Yee overheard that and quickly ran to the accounts room, broke the locks and took a lot of money. Bo Kei and Bit Ching saw her and tried to stop her, but not really did that will all their power and she ran away.

She ran to the prison, paid the money to the official and said "The prince has left! The situation is messy anyway. You can release my son, take this money" and the official reasoned that since Chai Gau's body can't be found, there was not enough evidence and moreover the Lord Prince might die or stripped off his power anyway and so Fung Yee, hair very messy went to the prison and Bit Man was on the floor crying for help and released him. Bo Kei and Bit Ching were on the streets looking at the chaos and was very worried if they should leave town as she was in a meeting and the merchants decided to leave but she couldn't because who then to feed the people when they saw quite openly Fung yee with a few guards carrying Bit Man home. Bit Ching angrily said "That corrupted official! Once the Lord Prince has left, he let brother go! I swear when the prince returns, I shall inform the prince of this!" but Bo Kei was silent. I mean what could she do?

Pause here.

Remember what I said no one is stopping Fung Yee or usurping her authority? This is the perfect example. No matter what Bo Kei will still take care of her, give her allowance, feed her and respectfully call her first sister. Her position is secure. It was funny how openly she had Bit Man carried home!

At home, Bo Kei was informed Bit Man is back but again what could she do? Even if Cheung Kiu kicked him out, Fung Yee can still bring him back and Bo Kei can't usurp Fung Yee's authority in that. That's why Fung yee is so stupid. Even Bit Ching won't do that.

Anyway at night, Bo Kei was asked to see Chai Gau who looked better now as Chai Gau said "4th Madam, thank you for giving me justice. I heard how you had that bastard arrested. But 4th madam, let him be. Let me handle the situation from now on" and Bo Kei asked with concern "What do you plan to do?" and Chai Gau said "He may have insulted me and called me a useless dog in the past but this time he has gone too far! I was stabbed in my heart by the assassins hired by that bastard and I shall repay in kind. I shall personally stab his heart once with a knife and we shall see if he can survive this like I did, whether his life is "hard" or mine is "harder" and Bo Kei was very afraid of a very angry Chai Gau.

Pause here.

If you don't understand "hard" in chinese it means whether one's life is more difficult to be stripped away than the other, not luck but more like will to live or rather will to live in accordance to in a way fate.

Bo Kei begged "Chai Gau, don't do it! Don't be a murderer for him! Don't!" but Chai Gau refused to listen and left.

At home, Bit Man who never learns wants to leave town and open a business elsewhere to fight Hing Fung Nin because no one respects him here, etc. This is like back to square one. Fung Yee scolded him but he refused to listen and ran out and said "I AM LEAVING!!!"

Bo Kei was walking into the house as she noticed some familiar looking faces disguised as beggar, fruit or whatever seller and she walked in and said to Bit Man coldly "If you want to die, then walk out of here by all means!" and Bit Man coldly said "What do you mean! I am leaving!" and Bo Kei said "Chai Gau has sent his men to observe you and the moment you leave this house he will have you taken away" and Bit Man went out, looked around and walked back in very scared as he asked "Chai Gau, isn't he dead?" and Bo kei said "He said he will plunge a knife into your heart like the assassins you hired did to him, so leave this house now, and you will die" and Bit Man and Fung Yee became very very scared and Bo Kei looked at Bit man I suppose with a bit of indifference? Anger?

Next episode, Chai Gau now very angry together with many brothers rushed into Cheung mansion and demanded for Bit Man.

Drama eh?

On one hand I think this is an exciting episode because of how Bo Kei won back the power and Chai Gau's threat but on the other hand, I feel it was such a big anti climax. So now that Bo Kei won the business, then what? Well back to Chai Gau's story. But it felt disjointed, like drama for drama sake. There isn't any consistency as in flow of story, like you reach the ultimate high and now came crashing down. The will story should be the last or almost last scene so for now that Bo Kei won, what else for Bit man and Fung Yee? Maybe the rebels will play a part in the story or I suppose the story will shift back to Hing Fung Nin itself.

Let's go to...

Very the same but very different impact. In Safe Guards, the will reading by the official was the ultimate punch in the stomach, the revelation of all revelations. It might be a convenient end but the impact was felt and gave the story the ultimate end and ultimate high. Anything after is of course just an epilogue since it was the final episode. That was why Safe Guards was so brilliant in consistent storytelling. In Rosy Business, with so many episodes to do, one wonders what's next? Of course you may say oh because the real story is Hing Fung Nin. Not quite since the struggle has always been there. In Safe Guards there was a satisfaction in the bad guys getting their comeuppance but in Rosy Business, for all of Fung Yee's bad luck, I did kinda hope she wins for once instead of winning for just a few seconds and then to have all that stripped away in mere seconds like you know anti climax. But yes, story same except purpose is different. In Rosy Business the will reading was a solution to the problems but not quite resolving the issues. In Safe Guards the will reading was the ultimate solution to all problems that resolves many many issues. I also like the fact that in Safe Guards the official (not a prince) was a rather busy man and also the guilt involved in having the will read that was borne by the old matriach that is the grandmother. In Rosy Business, Bo Kei didn't have to have such guilt since Bit Man is terrible but in Safe Guards what was done was also as terrible but it took a terrible toll on the old woman to have the will read, that it was clearly the end of all ends. For Bo Kei, it was just a tool. You know what I mean?

That is why Safe Guards is so brilliant in the storytelling but yes, Rosy Business very very exciting like Moonlight Resonance sort of exciting except Moonlight Resonance fails in all aspect of good storytelling whilst Rosy Business, thank godness still has a coherent story to tell.

Performance wise, ok Susan Tse was ok. She did looked mad for a moment in that scene with the official bargaining for Bit Man's release. I find it incredibly impossible that the official would dare to release Bit Man. I mean who gave the orders to investigate Bit Man? Not just some powerful official but a relative of the Emperor himself! Even if prince is gone, country in chaos, the official would not risk his position and offending the powerful prince for some money and for Cheung Bit Man. I find that utterly ridiculous. But Susan Tse did the mad look well and her best scene was the begging scene.

Sheren Teng is in fine form although I suspect when she asked Chai Gau to reconsider killing Bit Man was because of Cheung Kiu's sake.

Elliot Yu died already in last episode but you know I kinda miss Cheung Kiu. His will reading moment with flashback was probably the highlight of this episode, something tugging at my heart as he spoke how much he love Bit Man and how he remembered Bo Kei. I think he would wish Bo Kei gave birth to Bit Man because surely she will teach him well. What went wrong with Bit Man? He seems like such a good kid but what happened? Fung Yee's fault perhaps? Or it is in Bit Man himself? It would even more emotional if one line about how Cheung Kiu blames himself for how Bit Man turned out to be is inserted because I believe Cheung Kiu shares the blame. He clearly didn't have much time to teach this son.

Everybody else was ok as usual, except Ron Ng who is as wooden as ever.

One praise for Ron though; he did sing the wonderful themesong very well. The fact that he sang well didn't mean he sang well, it meant the song was good in the first place. Imagine a proper singer singing that song!! The opening theme does remind me of those China production though. I never really commented on that have I?

Anyway looking forward to see how Chai Gau kicked Bit Man's ass and how again Bit Man escaped. Like I said, he will never learn.

Favourite line....I suppose that one that for that one second Bit Man and Fung Yee thought they won...

"Despite all that he has done, he is still the eldest grandchild of the Cheung family. And so this shall be my wishes; Cheung Bit Ching as my 2nd son shall have 15% of my fortune, Bit Mo as the 3rd son shall have 15% of my fortune and Bit Man shall inherit my business and 70% of my fortune..."

- Cheung Kiu in his Will


  1. It's Sheren TANG lol, not Teng. Teng is the Taiwanese way of spelling her Chiense surname. Sheren is from HK and she is a Cantonese, so it's TANG. I've noticed this is your previous posts as well, so I thought it will be good if I pointed it out to you. :)

  1. But nevertheless, great job in recapping this series! I enjoyed watching it. :)

  1. Momo, thanks!

    BUT allow me to defend myself; Teng and Tang same what! Can lar!! Ok lar, I will change to Tang.

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