

Written by Funn Lim

Ok, after like so many episodes I finally knew the priest is Dr Bak Long or as ASTRO translates it, Dr Brown. So Dr Brown he shall be!

Where was I? Frankly THIS IS the episode many of you are waiting for, the one where the real fight begins and I wasn't paying attention because house under renovation!

Meanwhile Bo Kei is in a dilemma. Fung Yee is being stupid together with Bit Man but she managed to calm the situation down when Fung Yee said "Let's report this to Husband!" and Bo Kei said "In fact let's report this to the authorities! We must! You weren't there but Uncle Cheung Fatt heard how Lord Prince promises to protect Chai Gau so if Chai Gau is missing or hurt, I will have the authorities investigate this! The governer would investigate this!" and Fung Yee of course backed off and said "Well, let's not make a big issue out of it then" but Cheung Fatt noticed Bit Man's hands shaking and he knew.. he knew...

In the room, Cheung Fatt asked Bit Man directly; "Did you hire the assassins to kill Chai Gau? Please tell me you didn't! Bit Man, how could you?!" but Fung Yee said "Uncle Cheung Fatt, surely you can't believe Bit Man is capable of such things? No, our stance is he didn't. Our solution now lies in Husband dying. We must prepare ourselves, we must carry out our plans, we can't retreat now, not now!" and Bit Man and Cheung Fatt looked rather scared of Fung Yee's determination.

Bo Kei in the room, she scolded Man and Hing and as everyone wondered what about justice for Chai Gau, Bo Kei sat down and said sadly and emotionally "I have promised Chai Gau that if anything bad happens to him, I will spend the rest of my life to do only one thing; to bring the murderer to justice. And the murderer is before me and yet I could not do anything. I have failed Chai Gau, I feel I have let Chai Gau down!" and she cried sadly. In fact I think this is one of those rare times she cried really hard.

4th Madam, I feel for you!

So I don't know how but Chai Gau's sworn brothers found Chai Gau, barely alive and in coma and they were told by a fisherman that he found him somewhere the river some 2 weeks ago and he has yet to wake up. The brothers quickly sent for Hoi Tong and hid Chai Gau, warning everybody not to tell anyone Chai Gau is still alive. They also needed a doctor and one of the funniest scene ever, they KIDNAPPED Dr Brown! Dr Brown was gagged and tied up and dragged to the hidden place and the No. 1 and No. 2 exclaimed "Why you tie him up?!" and they answered 'He refused to follow us! Said he had to go to some church or something!" and Dr Brown now freed said "Of course I won't follow you! I don't even know who, what, where and why!!" Hoi Tong came forward and said "Dr Brown, we need you to look at my husband who is a close friend of 4th Madam" and Dr Brown hearing her name agreed. After some time Dr Brown said "He will be fine. He needs deep rest for a month or so but he will be fine". No. 2 said "3rd Brother is so lucky he didn't get killed! The knife was in his heart!" and Dr Brown said "He is not lucky, but incredibly unique. His heart is not where it is, it is in fact a bit to the side so the knife didn't get plunged to his heart. I have heard of this condition but rarely documented" Hoi Tong was very happy and held on to him as No. 1 said "Who did this to you my brother? Tell me so that I can avenge you!" but Chai Gau was too weak and so Dr Brown said he must rest and he promised he will stay until Chai Gau wakes up and gets better.

Cheung Kiu looked slightly better but still very frail. I can't remember when this scene was but Bo Kei told Bit Ching "I think if you really love Ah Man, then better hurry up with the nuptials. Cheung Kiu prayed for at least 6 more months of life but Dr Brown did say he probably had only 1 month left. I don't want your father dying not seeing you married" and so Bit Ching agreed and he was married and Cheung Kiu's spirit lifted a bit.

Meanwhile, Mo was on a horse, half dead, assisted by some security guards and Cheung Kiu's faithful servant whose name I do not know. He alighted from the horse and cried NOOOOO when someone took something and he grabbed that thing back and it was a white urn and Mo cried "Mother..."


I knew this was coming but what I didn't expect was how incredibly moving it was.

Mo came back, weak and tired and Bo Kei asked "Where is 2nd sister?" and Mo cried and said "Mother died from a blast when escaping the city!!" and of course Pang Hang heard that and started scolding and all and blamed Cheung Kiu for killing Kiu and ...


"... you only treated my sister as a ghost repelling talisman!!"

I swear and I hope this will be the last time I hear this stupid sentence ever again!

and Bo kei scolded "It was the rebels who killed 2nd sister, not Husband! Anyway let Mo rest and eat first and then let him narrate what happened".

So Mo cleaned up, hugged by his weak father, he began to narrate with a far off eyes, haunted eyes in fact.

Pause here.

Kudos to the actor for the haunted eyes.

Anyway he narrated and we see images...

"The rebels attacked the city not long after mother and I arrived. We hid in the bomb shelter but there was chaos everywhere. We heard how they killed everyone on sight and I was very scared but..."

Flashback to Kiu who cried "Don't worry Mo, we will escape, we will get home. Oh heaven I pray to you, let Mo and I safely get home. We just want to get home. I swear I understand now, I understand everything. I will not fight anymore, I will not insist anymore, I will let go, just let us go home, please..."

Mo continued... "and everyone else decided to run. Mother thought for awhile and then decided to run as well..."


Out in open field, Mo and Kiu were running with everyone else, the bombs were getting closer and closer and Mo was dragged away by the sea of panicking crowds, briefly separated from Kiu who cried "MO! MO!" whilst Mo cried "Motherrrrr... Motherrrr" and he rushed back to her against the crowd and found each other. Kiu hugged him close and took his hands and continue to run and one bomb hit nearby and Kiu cried "Please let us get home! Please! We just want to go home!", praying to the Heavens as they ran and then a bomb hit nearby her and she fell with Mo. Mo got up, ran to her and said "Mother, are you ok?" and Kiu got up and said "I am fine! Let's go home!" but within the next few steps she fell down hard and was weakened and Mo turned her back and saw shrapnels on everywhere on her body and he cried and held her as Kiu began to fade away slowly as she muttered "I will not insist anymore.. I will not fight anymore... please... please let me get back to home... please..."

Back to present, everyone, even Fung Yee was crying as Mo cried with vacant eyes and said "I held on to mother for sometime and she faded away slowly. As she died she kept saying she wants to go home. When she died, I didn't know what to do. I just held her until morning, and the place was deserted and then I saw them (the guards and the servant)..." and Mo cried very very hard and Cheung Kiu held onto to him, crying as well and Pang Hang just pointed at Cheung Kiu knowing that he can't be blamed, speechless Pang Hang angrily left.

Pause here.

I may say Pang Kiu's character is rather pointless most of the time but her death serves a very good purpose. Somehow it seems disconnected to the entire story and struggles but managed to inject a moment of humanity and sadness to the often time rather loud powerplay. The scene of Mo narrating what happened was very moving, how Kiu died was rather sad. I would have hoped she could get home and look at Cheung Kiu and tell him she is sorry and is ok with everything, or even help with the power struggle but well.. as gossip has it, even Kiki Sheung grew tired of her one note character. And yet interestingly her death scene or moments to that and thereafter probably gave this series a quiet moment of reflection. I felt very sad, also because the actor who played Mo did an excellent job in here and I like how Cheung Kiu comforted Mo, as he held onto Cheung Kiu. THis is almost modern in concept, a patriach comforting the young one, the way he held on to Mo, gently consoling him.

Funeral was held out of camera and Cheung Kiu was on the bed, sitting up, looking very pale. Mo came in and held onto Cheung Kiu in what I believe is one of the most tender moment in this series, and said "Father, mother is buried at that favourite place of hers, remember when we were little you took us 3 there?" and Cheung Kiu said "Yes I remember.." and Mo said "Father, get better soon. Then you can take us all there again..." and Cheung Kiu weakly looked at Mo and suddenly his hand fell limp...Mo shook him and panicking ran out and saw Fung Yee and told her "Father isn't gonna last any longer!" and he ran out and saw Bit Ching and told the same. Fong cried and Bit Ching administered the medicine Dr Brown gave and I think it was Fong who said "Go find 4th sister quick!" and he quickly rushed to find Bo Kei.

Meanwhile Fung Yee rushed Bit Man and Cheung Fatt and said rather coldly "He won't last any longer. Hurry up and carry out our plans..."

Cheung Fatt went to see Bo Kei at the office and said "4th Madam, Dr Brown just came back and said he has new medicine! He said to see you at the churh!" and Bo Kei very happy rushed to the church. Cheung Fatt looked at another old servant and kinda winked.


Bit Ching came to the office and asked where was Bo Kei and that old servant said "In the warehouse" and another young servant said "But isn't she left for the church?" and the old servant said "Tsk,tsk... don't get involved!"

Meanwhile Pang Hang and even the governer I think or that official arguing about the rice in last episode (not sure his rank) were there and quickly surrounded the bed as Bit Man cried "father! Father..." and Fung Yee cried and said "Husband, do you have any last wishes?" and Cheung Kiu whispered "Bit Ching.. Bit Ching.." over and over again and Fong, Man and Hing knew they were up to no good but was pushed further back as Fung Yee loudly said "Oh Husband, you have forgiven Bit Man? I will teach Bit Man well, I promise!" and Bit Man said "Thank you father, I will not disappoint you!" and she said "What about the business?" and Cheung Kiu whispered "Bo Kei..., Bo Kei..." and Fung Yee said "Oh Husband! You want to give the business to Bit Man? He will do you proud I promise!" but Cheung Kiu shook his head and said "No.. No.. Bo Kei... Bo Kei..."

Meanwhile Bo Kei arrived at the church and knew she was tricked and ran back.

Fung Yee meanwhile continued her devious scheme...

"Husband, you said 20% to Bit Ching, 20% to Mo and 60% to Bit Man? Yes I will carry out your wishes!" and Fong stared at them...

Once back with Bit Ching they rushed in and they tried to block them but Bit Ching and Bo Kei managed to rammed straight to the bed and Bo Kei held on to Cheung Kiu's hands and cried "Cheung Kiu..." as Bit Ching cried "Father..." and Cheung Kiu took one last look at Bit Ching and then at Bo Kei and whispered "Bo Kei.. Bo Kei..." and he closed his eyes and died. Everyone cried very hard except for that 3 + 2 (that is official who I think is governer and Pang Hang)

You may ask what Pang Hang gets out of all these? Well, his fees for example...monopoly of the business remember? The governer? Well money of course!

The funeral was held. Some cried genuinely, some cried falsely, and after that Fung Yee took charge of everything. Bo Kei was coughing, pale and sick and crying too hard.

Once in the living room, governer and Pang Hang were there, Fung Yee went straight to point..

"Now that Husband has passed away, I as the eldest and legal wife shall carry out his wishes and run this household. Before Husband's death, he left 3 messages; one, he has forgiven Bit Man, two, the fortune will be divided into 10 parts, Mo takes 2 parts, Ching takes 2 parts and Bit Man takes 6 parts and three, he said 4th sister has worked so hard for our family and we are forever indebted to you. Bit Man, go and kow tow to 4th mother.." and Bit Man walked over and said "4th mother, thank you for all that you have done for us.." and he began to kneel as Bo Kei stopped him and said "I did what I should do, you don't need to do that" and so Bit Man walked back as he said "4th mother, you have worked hard and have done enough" and Fung yee I think said "It is time for you to stay at home and enjoy your well deserved rest my sister"


Like the way she put it. What a way to kick someone out. They didn't know there are 2 wills eh?

And so Fung Yee said "So sister, since it was Husband's wish for Bit Man to run the business, please handover the keys" as Bit Man said "4th mother, the keys please.." but Lau Fong angrily stepped forward and said "I did not hear Husband said that at all! In fact Husband was crying Ching and 4th sister's name the whole time, he did not mention about distribution or business or the keys!" and Bit Ching said the same with Hing and Man saying the same thing as Pang Hang walked forward and shouted "What do you all know? You were all so far away then! I heard he said those 3 messages!" and Mo stepped forward and said "I didn't! Father did not say such things!" and Pang Hang angrily look at Mo who angrily stared back and the governer said "Let me be the judge! I heard the 3 messages and so as the official of this town, it is within my power to pronounce the wishes of Master Cheung! Surrender the key!" and everyone cried surrender the keys as the other side denied such was said and Bo Kei was coughing hard and someone said "Let her rest first, we will then give you an answer!" and so Fung Yee said ok and let Bo Kei take her medicine. In the room everyone was worried but BO Kei quietly drank the medicine and servant came in and rushed her out and she did and again same thing, surrender the keys. Bo Kei walked right up to Fung Yee and said "1st sister, I would wish to ask you one question but before you answer, please remember your status, that you were from a prominent family and has been brought up to be a genteel woman and that you came into Cheung family at the age of 18 and has been married to Husband for 31 years."

Pause here. That makes Fung Yee 49. I know a few episodes back Cheung Kiu said she is in her 50s. That is an inconsistency but just let's ignore that because this is one explosive scene...

"Answer me this; did Cheung Kiu really said to give the business to Bit Man?"

Ahh Fung Yee, you're well brought up remember!!

Fung Yee coldly said "Yes he did"

Bo Kei walked to the Dog and said "Uncle Cheung Fatt, I was told that you came into this family a young boy and old Master Cheung liked you and educated you in the business and taught you how to use the abascus and trained you. So tell me Uncle Cheung Fatt, did husband said Bit Man to inherit the business?" and Cheung Fatt gulped a bit and said "Yes" and finally Bo Kei walked to Bit Man..

I was like Bo Kei that is pointless exercise. These people have no conscience!

And she said "Bit Man, you have done so many wrongs, but this is the time for you to redeem yourself. Did your father said to give you the business?" and Bit Man said "Yes he did and 4th mother, the keys, please.." and Bo Kei smiled sadly and cynically and said "Ok, fine. Give me 2 days to gather all the account books, the keys and prepare the handover. I will surrender everything after 2 days" and Fung yee said "Fine".

Next episode, Bo Kei runs away!! Bit Man gives reward to anyone who finds her AND Bo Kei saw Chai Gau and tearfully said "Chai Gau, you're alive?!"

So how does Bo Kei solves this? Running away with the company seal? Bit Man still takes over the business. Anyway I thought the last scene was just pure drama. Someone as intelligent as Bo Kei knew better than to ask them 3 those questions.

Anyway Cheung Kiu finally dies. And what a death! Poor guy! But before I proceed...

SAME! SAME! SAME!!!!! All those trickery during patriach's death, same EXCEPT Fung Yee used that to gain power and ask for distribution of wealth whilst in Safe Guards, the old man was saying business to Seung Chi but the son and brother cried loudly and said "What? Don't die before leaving a message! What? What?" to drown out what he wanted to say! And the aftermath with Ben Wong crying the hardest and loudest will make you scream HYPOCRITE! Bit Man should be given such a scene, with him beating his chest and all. What a pity no such scene! Frankly whilst FUng Yee was clever to do what she did I still feel Safe Guards was better in the hypocrite sort of scene.

One question; did Fung Yee ever love Cheung Kiu? And yet here she was planning for his death and executing as he died. How cruel! And I was happy to see Mo and Fong standing up for what's right!

Performance wise, standout tonight is the actor who plays Mo. He plays him young, inexperience and terribly haunted. His narration in part that left me feel for Kiu's death scene. If he had been Ron Ng, I would have been laughing. Imagine Ron Ng, haunted. No way!! He would be stoned!

Yes Ron Ng was terrible as usual but you know I still like Bit Ching. I did heard Bit Ching calling Bo Kei "Mother" instead of "4th mother" in one scene!

Elliot Yue! Good bye! Farewell! Good scene and a good death! Love the final moments with Mo!

Susan Tse was ok. A bit opera-ish for my taste but still ok.

Pierre Ngo was too subdued. I was wishing he did a Ben Wong and cried his heart out, over the top. I find his performance during father's death and thereafter way way way too subdued. Be a hypocrite and make the scene fun and funny as well as sad and infuriating as Safe Guards was.


Favourite line... difficult...a fight between Bo Kei looking at Cheung Kiu who looked back tenderly and muttering her name or Kiu's death. I will go with Kiu's death which was rather sad, not sadder but as sad ...

"I will not insist anymore.. I will not fight anymore... please... please let me get back to home... please..."

- Pang Kiu to herself/heaven


  1. Bit Man looks like he's genuinely sad in the one closeup he has when his father died. I even see some tears in his eyes.

    Uh, wrong acting from Pierre? Isn't Bit Man supposed to be fake and selfish and not care about his dad? Or maybe, no matter how bad he is, he still has some caring heart in him?

  1. No he doesn't care or rather beyond caring. He wasn't sad actually, he was in fact "acting" which was why I feel it is essential he has an OTT scene when it comes to his father. However that sad look you noted though fleeting can be seen in Ep 19.

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