

Written by Funn Lim

Let me say this first; what an exciting episode!! Explosive, dramatic, so many arguments and some funny moments during dead serious moments! Anyway again I made a mistake in my last recap; Pang Hang wanted to increase 30% of his fees, not 3 times his fees and Bo Kei wants him to reduce 10% of his fees.

Ok, let's start.

Cheung Kiu gave Bit Ching 2 pistols and wished them all luck.

A deadlock. Cheung Kiu and fellow rice merchants can't agree with Pang Hang and suddenly Cheung Kiu's chest hurts and he left. Pang Hang looked worried.

Meanwhile Bit Ching, Chai Gau and gang were transporting the white rice when they heard there were bandits and Bit Ching felt they should just go back and let the rice be taken by bandits. In moments like this, Chai Gau proved his usefulness as he urged the men not to give up, to continue, to move on, that if they succeed in this great endeavour, they will never be kulis again. As they rested, everyone had good enough food but Bit Ching saw Chai Gau eating grains. He walked to him offered him buns and noodles but Chai Gau said "No young master, I will eat these grain. I want to remind myself of the difficulties of this journey, this Great Grain Journey and to promise never to ever eat like this anymore. Moreover grains are healthy and energy giving. Don't look at this small sack, it is enough for the entire journey. So Bit Ching let him be. Halfway through it was raining heavily. Morale was low and suddenly one guy slipped and the entire cart fell and Bit Ching dislocated his arm. Everyone was worried but Bit Ching said "No no I am fine, move on!" and Chai Gau screamed "See! Young master himself who is hurt urge us to move on. Fellow brothers, how many more years do we have in our lives? Seize the day! This is our time! Seize it! Move men! Move!!" and so they moved.


That is like Chai Gau's motto; "how many more years do we have in our lives? Seize the day!". I quite agree. No wonder he is the natural leader and interestingly the men listen to him for whatever reason.

The negotiations of the rice merchants continues. Cheung Kiu asked Bo kei to represent him, on the pretext he is not feeling well. That is also to avoid conflict with his brother in law. So Bo Kei and fellow men were there but Pang Hang talked to everyone as if she didn't exist. Cheung Kiu did advised Bo Kei "always use the softer approach with this man, the hard approach will only make things worse". As Bo Kei tried to explain her position, Pang Hang kept ignoring her and urged everyone to just sign the agreement. Everyone hesitated but wanted to end the negotiations and as they were about to sign, Bo Kei fed up with Pang Hang's attitude loudly said "You all can't sign the agreement!" and Pang Hang was angry and asked "Shut up! Sign!" but Bo Kei ignored him as he ignored her and she said loudly "Have you ever signed an agreement with a thief? Once you sign this, this thief will continue to want more and what is to stop him from asking for more? You bow down now, and he will forever walk all over you. That's the nature of a thief!" and Pang Hang angrily said "SHUT UP!" but Bo Kei ignored him and continued "There is only one way to fight and win when fighting a thief; that is to be more angrier than the thief, be louder and more aggressive. I will not sign this agreement with the thief" and Pang Hang laughed and said "Fine! Don't sign! See who will transport your rice!" and Bo Kei said "I won't lie to everyone anymore. We at Hing Fung Nin, right at this moment is transporting our own white rice on land. Yes, it is more expensive but that... " she points to a shocked Pang Hang ".. is our way of showing to the thief we will never bow down anymore and be trampled on" and so she left and Pang Hang shouted "Fine! If that is the case, everyone I will raise the fee by 25% but Hing Fung Nin, not a penny less from 30%!!" but everyone disgusted with Pang Hang left too and Pang Hang was left fuming but worried.

Bit Ching, Chai Gau and gang were reaching town when they heard footsteps and horses' footsteps and the bandits arrived and said "Leave your rice, you may all go!" and Bit Ching said "Men, your lives first. Leave the rice" but Chai Gau refused and walked to the leader on the horse and said "we are delivering rice for the poor who are starving. Please let us pass" but he was punched and yet he continued "These are for the poor! Have a heart! Let us through!" and he was kicked and even Bit Ching stopped him but Chai Gau ran back and begged "Sir please! We can pay you cash! Just leave the rice" and he was pushed to the ground. They left with the rice and Bit Ching said "Chai Gau, father will understand we have tried our best" but Chai Gau refused to give up and cried "I will not eat grain for the rest of my life! Young master, you all go first. I know a friend who knows bandits, he can help me locate the rice. I will bring back the rice" and Bit Ching reluctantly said yes but said "Remember Chai Gau, if you can't get back the rice, come back! Leave the rice! Here, take these 2 guns to protect yourself" and Chai Gau said "Believe me young master, I will come back, with or without the rice".

Bit Ching came home, everyone was relieved and Cheung Kiu was unperturbed that the rice was lost but when he heard how Chai Gau has followed the trail of the rice, he was angry, "How can anyone not care for his own life? That Chai Gau! He is such a fool!" and Bo Kei was suitably worried for Chai Gau.

Further negotiations, this time Pang Hang knew they had failed in the delivery of the rice and now insisted on 30% increase and boasted "That is why my fee is worth the price I quoted! I have never failed you all! Come on, give these men the agreement!" and he gave one to Bo Kei but Bo Kei said "I will not sign" and Pang Hang laughed and said "Well if that is the case Hing Fung Nin can prepare itself for bankruptcy!!" but his laughter turned to anger when Bo Kei said "Well, husband and I have discussed about this. What you don't understand is my husband is so rich, he can feed himself and a few generations without having to work ever again. He has decided to retire to the countryside and enjoy life with me at a slower pace and so yes, Hing Fung Nin has decided to close shop. In fact, (she called a servant), remember to post a notice that we shall be closed henceforth as Hing Fung Nin is closing its business" and everyone was shocked.

At night the local official paid Cheung Kiu a visit and Cheung Kiu explained "Why do I want to suffer so much? I better retire than to be strangled by all these business talk. I am not feeling well Sir, I apologise but my decision is final. With all these worries I might as well just not do anymore!" and the official said panicking "Why not I speak with Pang Hang? I shall use my power and make him agree to a middle ground" and Cheung Kiu fraily said "If that is the case... (calls the servant) tomorrow reopen the shops!".

And so another meeting, this time Pang Hang was smiling, being very polite and said he will reduce the sum to 25%. Bo Kei discussed with the merchants and said "We don't agree. 10%." and Pang Hang angrily said "10%? You want me to increase only 10%?" and Bo Kei said "I think you heard us wrong. I meant you reduce your current fee to 10%" and Pang Hang was so angry he accidently threw his cup of tea towards Bo Kei, and struck her head and she was bleeding. He was shocked and Bo Kei angrily said "See! There is nothing to negotiate anymore!" and she left angrily and they all followed her as Pang Hang looking mighty confused kept saying "Come on! I didn't mean to hit her! It was an accident! I swear! Just an accident!!".

Chai Gau is sitting by the side of a store, carving something onto the potatoes. He was trying to carve the company chop of Hing Fung Nin and finally succeeded after many tries as a letter writer said "I got the letter ready as you instructed". He then walked into the bandit's lair so to speak (it is a rundown big house) and dressed in expensive clothings. I think he sold the pistols to buy the clothes. Why? You shall see in the soon to be shown hilarious scene(s).

"Who are you?!" cried the bandits and Chai Gau said "I am the representative of Hing Fung Nin's big boss, Master Cheung Kiu. I am here on behalf of my father!" and everyone laughed and said "You, his son? You look very familiar" and Chai Gau said "I am here to make you an offer. My father prepared an IOU (I Owe You - debt note) complete with his chop in exchange for the rice!" and they looked and said "How come the amount is not stated?" and Chai Gau smiled and said "We can discuss and I am authorised to fill in whatever number we agree on" and suddenly one whip on his back and Chai Gau cried in pain and the bandit said "You look like that kuli we saw earlier!" and Chai Gau was whipped again and he cried "Who says I can't work from the bottom up? Who says a master's son can't be a kuli to learn the ways of the trade?!" and one bandit who is 2nd in command said "You're sure you are his son?" and Chai Gau cried "Of course I am! But he never married my mother" and they cried "You're illegitimate!" and Chai Gau cried "Not so loud! It is not something my father wants everyone to know!" and more whip and Chai Gau cried "Come on! That hurts!! Stop it!" and the 2nd in command said "My brother here says he saw you before in town, you had a dog bone between your lips and you were running and yelping like a dog on the streets!!" and this time they all intimidated Chai Gau and the big boss told Chai Gau to do the same an Chai Gau was chased out of the place with a dog bone between his lips.

Pause here. This is like what? 3rd time he has suffered such degradation? Poor Chai Gau but he is persistent, a quality even Cheung Kiu sometimes lack.

Pang Hang came by to visit Bo Kei who was on the bed with a bandage over her head. He was apologetic and said "Alright. 15%, that is my last offer. how about that?" but Bo Kei ignored him until a servant came in and said the official is here and Cheung Kiu had to leave and so did Pang Hang. In the study room I suppose Cheung Kiu was pressured to agree to the new price as the town was near chaos and reluctantly, Cheung Kiu, a man with lesser resolve than Chai Gau said "Alright" and Pang Hang was very happy but Bo Kei staggered in and said "Brother in law, will you agree to a further deduction of (if I remember correctly) $10,000? In that case the price of the rice can be stabilized. I am only asking for 15% plus $10,000. Pang Hang thought for a while and then reluctantly said "$5000, how about that?" and Bo Kei had to nod her head in agreement.

Meanwhile Chai Gau was on the streets and saw Pang Hang's men coming out of the prostitutes' place. He deduced those bandits were Pang Hang's fellow men, if not why would those Pang Hang men be here? He returned once again to the bandits and he said "I know who you are working for. Pang Hang!" and the bandits were shocked he knew and asked how he knew and Chai Gau said "My father wrote me a telegram and he said he knew you all work for Pang Hang and stole his rice to disrupt the negiations. No worries, he is not calling the police. He is in fact making you an offer; work for us, be our feeder agent and you will earn big money. You don't need to be bandits anymore. You know how much is Pang Hang earning? Imagine this. You take 10% of each consignment, and Hing Fung Nin has 5000 a year for one particular rice and not to talk about other rice from other branches, you can earn up to $20,000 a year! Imagine that!" but the men asked "Why would Cheung Kiu destroy his brother in law's business? Isn't he married to his sister?" and Chai Gau said "Well he is but he was forced to marry Pang Hang's fat sister for the business. If it had been voluntary, there wouldn't be me would it?" but the leader cried "I will not betray my brother Pang Hang. Get lost!" and everyone told Chai Gau to get lost.

Poor Chai Gau, lost again. But will he give up? NEVER!

He ambushed the 2nd in command and showed him Pang Hang's men and their activities which involves visits to the prostitutes, gambling, having loads of money and the 2nd in command shook his head. Later, he came back during the bandit's celebration of the big boss' birthday bearing a gift. The boss laughed and took it and opened it and it was empty and thereupon Chai Gau pointed the pistols at him, firing one shot and everyone knew the pistols were real.

Pause here; so Chai Gau didn't sell the pistols. Now I remember Bit Ching giving him some money when he said he was running after the bandits, hence his budget for his clothes.

The master bandit asked "What do you want?" and Chai Gau said to the 2nd in command "Just give me the signal! I will shoot this master of yours and you can be number 1 and work with us and never go hungry again. Come on, give me the signal and the position is all yours!" but the 2nd in command said "NO! He is my boss! Don't you dare hurt him!" and everybody cried the same thing and Chai Gau said to the master bandit "See? See? This is real loyalty and brotherhood! Your men has a chance for richness, your 2nd in command has a chance at your position but they all said no! This is loyalty! Pang Hang? What loyalty? His men dresses in expensive clothes, bisit brothels, gambles and eat expensive dinners and you all? Look at your birthday celebration! Not even a good tasting wine! Not even a chicken to be seen on the table! Look at yourselves! And you call him your brother?" but the master bandit said "No, I will not betray my sworn brother!" and Chai Gau sarcastically asked "How much did he pay you for kidnapping our rice? $2000? $1000?" and the 2nd in command quietly said "$500". Chai Gau roared "And he earns tens of thousands and more each year! Why are you talking loyalty with this scumbag? Do you know he is well known for marrying a beautiful wife? Tiny waist, ample chest, beautiful soft skin, melodic voice, such a beautiful enchantress and every man who ever laid eyes on her desired her, lust after her. And you master bandit? Your wife? I have heard about her looks. Square face, she looks so ugly you dare not even take her out and introduce her to everyone! Am I right? And Pang Hang... he is enjoying life and using your loyalty!" and the master bandit seems to be listening as he said "Don't talk about my wife!" and Chai Gau said "Men, my brothers, how many more years are we left with? Seize the day! Seize this opportunity! You have a chance to stop being a bandit and work legally, for us Hing Fung Nin and never go hungry again!! Turn the tables on that bastard Pang Hang! Seize what's yours!" and Chai Gau turned one of the tables. The men soon followed as each cried "Sir, we want to enjoy life! We musn't let Pang Hang misuse our brotherhood! Sir! Turn the tables on Pang Hang!" and finally the master bandit asked "Are you all sure about this?" and they cried yes in unison and suddenly the master bandit turned the table himself and cried "And so we will turn the tables on Pang Hang!!" and Chai Gau celebrated with them happily.

Pause here. The scene where Chai Gau described how poor these men were, indeed on the table just 3 or 4 dishes, mainly vege! Such poor bandits. And the talk about the wives and the comparison between rich and poor when it comes to wives is to me the best and funniest scene in this drama heavy episode.

Back at home, everyone was ready to sign the agreement and the someone ran in and said "Chai Gau is back! With the rice!" and Bo Kei shouted "Don't sign the agreement!" and they ran out to the main street and there was Chai Gau, sitting coolly on top of the rice sacks like a hero he is, led by the former bandits, each feeling rather welcomed by the crowd. Chai Gau ran to Cheung Kiu and Bo Kei and said "Master, 4th Madam, I have returned with the rice. AND I have opened the roads for us all. The former bandits have agreed to be our protector and protect our rice on the roads in exhange of 5% fee!"

Cheung Kiu was very happy, so was Bo Kei who looked at Chai Gau with admiration in her eyes, not love but a certain newfound respect for this man who never gives up and Bit Ching cheered "Chai Gau is the best! Chai Gau is the best!" and everyone shouted the same as the rest of the family sulkily looked on whilst Pang Hang looked on knowing he is screwed as the other merchants joined in the chant of "Chai Gau is the best!" and Chai Gau basked in the glory of it all.

Next episode, Cheung Kiu will collapse and did I hear he dies? So soon? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! And Fung Yee will discard Pang Kiu and create hatred in Pang Kiu for Bo Kei. Despicable woman.

What a great episode, and I enjoyed writing the recap so so much! In the midst of heavy drama there were some very funny moments such as Pang Hang throwing the cup accidentally and he looked remorseful (he is not that bad a guy and I hope he will help Bo Kei later one instead of hurting her) whilst the scenes were Chai Gau kept going back and calling himself Cheung Kiu's son was very funny! The best was of course the whole scene of how poor the bandits were, Pang Hang paying only $500 (cheapskate!) and the wives thing. That was truly so very funny!

I have decided to like Bit Ching more. He is such a positive person, he cares for his men, he does his duty steadfastly and he is a nice guy and his men are ready to go through thick and thin for him. Bit Man? Never! Chai Gau himself is also a very positive person but he did what he did driven by his hunger or rather his fear of being dirt poor again. He has this desire to succeed and yet at this point he has so far been doing everything but not ruthlessly to the point of destroying people for his own success. So to me he has integrity and he is also a step above the Cheung men in the sense he takes risks, he goes for it. Bit Ching and Cheung Kiu don't. Chai Gau in a way is like Bo Kei, except Chai Gau is hungrier in that sense. I can see why the men come to see him as a leader; they're afraid of speaking their minds and Chai Gau who in a way has nothing to lose as he has no family to take care of but everything to lose in the sense if he is kicked out of Hing Fung Nin he will probably die of hunger however smart he is (after all only Bo Kei knows how to use his talent and control him) and yet he fearlessly speak his mind in some scenes when he has had it and is fed up. Interesting character.

Performance wise, Lee Sing Cheung as Pang Hang, a veteran actor of many many years is a standout. The way he could just change his expression, from hard to soft to regret to comedic moment, absolutely flawless and I hope his character will be well used and developed in this series.

The other minor actors whose name I can't remember or know also stood out. This episode is like a bonus for the secondary actors because the main ones are not heavily featured in here except for Wayne who is excellent as usual with this ever present hunger for success in his eyes who can adapt to any situation, Sheren who has this desperation in her eyes and Elliot Yue who did very well indeed as he complained about being squeezed and how he wants to retire.

Everybody else very little role tonight except for Ron Ng who can probably go through the entire length of this series with one single expression and still I like Bit Ching very very much.

Not much to say except an excellent episode.

My favourite scene/line? Guess which one?

"Do you know he (Pang Hang) is well known for marrying a beautiful wife? Tiny waist, ample chest, beautiful soft skin, melodic voice, such a beautiful enchantress and every man who ever laid eyes on her desired her, lust after her. And you master bandit? Your wife? I have heard about her looks. Square face, she looks so ugly you dare not even take her out and introduce her to everyone! Am I right? "

- Chai Gau to the master bandit


  1. I guess it's due to their different life experience. The Cheung men grew up with a silver spoon in their mouth. Cheung Kiu most probably inherited the rice business from his father. So, they are less willing to take risk, to leave their comfort zone. Bo Kei has been a fugitive before and gone to prison and Chai Gau was dirt poor. They have gone through hardship. I guess that's why they are more daring to take risk.

  1. I agree. Yes, Cheung Kiu inherited the business from his father. But having said that he is a businessman and his business must have gone through good and bad times. Surely he should know the risks and weigh them? And the way Bo Kei and Cheung Kiu said how very rich they are, and yet when Mo was kidnapped that $7000 seems like a difficult sum to raise.

  1. It was difficult to raise so many cash in short notice. 7000 back is a lot. Their wealth are more invested in land (rice fields) and their distributors. But of course the screenwriter have to delay a bit to add to the tension.

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