

Written by Funn Lim

Tonight's episode is a rather short one. Same length but less story so to speak.

I really wanted to see how everyone reacted to Fung Yee's slap of Bit Man but this episode started with Bit Man going to see Cheung Kiu and asking for forgiveness and Bit Man saying "I shouldn't have taken credit for what Ching did. I am truly sorry father. But I am also very scared; I have heard rumours that father intends to nominate another heir apparent and I am the eldest, I should be the one running the business. Father I know I was wrong for what I did but I was very scared..."

and Cheung Kiu roared "Shut up! I do not want to hear whatever you have to say. Get out now, I do not wish to see your face anymore!" and so Bit Man left.

With his mom he complained "He told me to get lost mom! Do you have money? Lend me some so I can go somewhere else and open a business with friends. I can no longer stay here mother!" but Fung Yee said "Don't be silly. Your father may say what he means and may mean what he said, but you're still his son. There must be a reason, some leverage for you ... I will speak with Uncle Cheung Fatt for that leverage..."

At dinner or lunch or whatever, Fung Yee said to Cheung Kiu "Husband, Bit Man told me he would like to leave this family and open his own business. Of course your opinion must be sought..." and I guess FUng Yee expected Cheung Kiu to drop on his knees and beg Bit Man to stay, a bit of emotional ransom here but Cheung Kiu said "That is a good idea. He should strike out of his own, learn to be a man". But Lau Fong said to Bit Man "We are a family, why are you leaving? The past has gone, stay" and Pang Kiu and Mo also said the same thing (earlier Pang Kiu was said to have forgiven Bit Man for what he did) but Cheung Kiu said "Why are you all speaking on his behalf? Let him be!" and so Fung Yee's plan backfired.

Uncle Cheung Fatt's turn now. He faced Cheung Kiu who was with Bo Kei in the study room and he said "I think you have decided wrongly master. Young Master Bit Man must stay. The reason he must stay is because you must teach him. He can be taught" but Cheung Kiu said "He can't be taught. He is in fact beyond help!" and Uncle Cheung Fatt said "Then it is your fault. Did you tell him why he was wrong when he took credit for Bit Man's work? No you didn't. Did you ever taught him what went wrong when he did what he did wrong? No. He is the eldest son. Before old Master died, I promised him I will help Young master. He musn't leave" and Cheung Kiu angrily said "Teach him? He had broken every rule and became the very man with all the principles I despise! He is beyond help! Cheung Fatt, this is my family's problem, not yours. You can leave now" and Bo Kei said "Uncle Cheung Fatt, let me handle this, you leave first" and so he left.

Pause here.

Cheung KIu wasn't very harsh on Cheung Fatt, in fact he listened to what he had to say which shows how high Cheung Fatt's position is. My recap may sound stern though.

Cheung Kiu said to Bo Kei "What do you think? Should I allow him to stay?"

Wow. Now Bo Kei has his body and mind! I can understand Fung Yee's anger. Anyway Bo Kei wisely said "He must stay, but he can never be entrusted with the business" and Cheung Kiu agreed. And Cheung Kiu also wanted to hold 2 tables for celebration and invite Chai Gau over and insisted "that useless son will toast Chai Gau, that will teach him some humility".

Bit Man refused but his mom said "Be patient my son. It took a lot of persuasion on my part and Cheung Fatt's tears to allow you to stay. Just be patient" and so he walked into the dinner and there was Chai Gau drinking happily. Cheung Kiu said "Bit Man, toast Chai Gau Gor 3 times". So now Chai Gau is Brother Chai Gau!!

Bit Man toasted Chai Gau 3 times, each time apologising and Chai Gau roused everybody into pledging their loyalty for Cheung Kiu.

Later in the evening Chai Gau was very drunk. He toasted Bit Mo, and insisted Bit Mo to drink when Pang Kiu said he can't as he said "You must learn to drink! If not how you can be a man and hold up this family?"


Then Chai Gau couldn't stop talking and said "Mo, you must be forever thankful to someone for saying you. Not me! But 4th Madam! She did so many things for you, she even knelt down and cried in the restaurant, she looked so haggard, all to ensure your safety! You must be forever grateful to her!" and of course everyone was getting unomfortable and then Chai Gau continued "I wanna toast 4th madam, without her I am nothing. Master, I am sure you must have heard rumours about 4th Madam gang? Well it is true. I Chai Gau is the leader of 4th Madam gang, everyone here is!" and o kei said "Chai Gau, you are drunk. Take him home to rest" but Chai Gau pushed people away and said "No! I wanna speak! 4th madam is such a good boss, treating us very well! We all have a saying , with 4th Madam around, we will never suffer again!" and Bo kei this time said "Chai Gau, enough!" and Chai Gau said "4th Madam is probably the only good person in this company, everybody is a pig!!" and of course Cheung Kiu looked angry, Bit Man was laughing to himself and everyone was shocked as Bo kei walked right up to Chai Gau and said 'Chai Gau, you really will listen to me?" and Chai Gau said "YES" and she said "You will do as I say?" and he shouted "YES, ANYTHING FOR 4th MADAM, ANYTHING!" and Bo Kei said "Really?" and he said "YES!" and so she said "Fine. Chai Gau, you're from henceforth fired. Remove him now!" and Chai Gau just dropped to the floor drunk.

That night. Bit Ching came home and both Bo Kei and Cheung Kiu waited for him. Cheung Kiu asked "Ching, where were you? You knew there was a dinner party tonight, why did you not return home?" and Bit Ching said morosely "I know father and I avoided it intentionally" and Cheung Kiu asked "Why?" and Bit Ching said "Father I never wanted any congratulatory dinner or any praises. Saving Mo is my duty, he is my brother and without any praises I will still do the same. The more I am praised for what I did, the more I feel bad" and Cheung Kiu couldn't understand and asked "Why? Why is that? Who doesn't want to be praised?" and Ching said "Father, if you really want to praise me, please do me a favour. Quickly announce big brother as your heir apparent, let me go about my tasks as usual, that would make my mother's life easier. The more I am praised, the difficult it is for her. All I want is for mother to be happy, please father, if you wish to reward me, then let mother be happy" and he walked off. Cheung Kiu was silent, what Bit Ching said slowly sinking in and then Bo Kei and Cheung Kiu looked behind and saw Lau Fong by the door, tears streaming down her cheeks.

Pause here.

I thought what Bit Ching said was very mature of him. Perhaps now Cheung Kiu should understand why Bit Ching didn't want to be the heir apparent.

In the morning Chai Gau strolled in for work, cheerfully saying good morning when Bit Man was there, smirking. 2 of the workers told him "Are you pretending amnesia or what? 4th Madam have already sacked you!" and Chai Gau refused to believe them but they said it was true. One of the older supervisor pushed Chai Gau and said "LEAVE! You've been fired!" and Chai Gau pushed him back roughly and said "Don't you dare push me! I thought 4th Madam is the only good person in this town and in the end she is like everyone, a pig! A bit fat lying pig! Fine I will leave. I want everyone to know this family gives promises and never keeps them. I Chai Gau can work anywhere! Even if in future you were to bring a "kiu" (at this moment the English term is lost to me!) to take back here I will not even enter it!" and so he left, again with dramatic fashion.

Meanwhile Bit Ching's potential love interest.

Ok, let me rephrase that.

Meanwhile, Bit Ching's obvious future wife story. I mean no other girls for Bit Ching?

Bit Ching was approached by police who said they captured 2 swindlers and he was asked to identify them and indeed it was the mother-daughter team, badly beaten, in chains, in wooden cages. Bit Ching in a moment of weakness after being begged to do so said the mother is to be blamed, not the daughter.

At night she saw the girl running in the rain, someone said she was stealing and he was not pleased until he heard she stole some funeral lantern as her mom will be beaten heavily 400 times which means sure death. Unless someone pays... was it $5000? I think so.

Bit Ching in again a moment of weakness borrowed the money from Bit Mo and he didn't tell his father but Bit Mo who was asked by Cheung Kiu why Bit Ching seems strange and he told father about the swindlers.

Next scene Bit Ching is bargaining with the guards to reduce the sum, but finally paid full $5000. Right at that moment, door opened and there were guards and Cheung Kiu and Bo Kei. The guards said "You said you were guards? IMPOSTERS!" and they all ran, including the mother and daughter who were caught again. The real guards said they were all imposters and the real ones have been hunting them for sometime.

Bit Ching felt stupid, of course.

Pause here.

2 women operating as swindlers I understand. But another 2 or 3 more pretending to be guards? How they knew Bit Ching would give the money and be soft hearted? After all they didn't see that side of him in previous encounters! This is one part of the story that suck big time. What a bummer and a letdown.

Anyway Bit Ching said "Ahhhh luckily the money still here!" and to the old servant "Uncle, so now you know, never get cheated by swindlers and stupid like I am. How indeed there were fake guards eh? Erm, father, do you have anything to say to me before I go?" and Cheung Kiu said "What more can I say that you haven't already said yourself? Come on, let's leave, Cheung Bit Chun!"

Here Chun is same as Stupid. Funny moment, father and son banter.

Chai Gau went to see Bo Kei where she was having lunch, humbly said "4th madam, I am so sorry. Please forgive me! I will repent. Please give me back my job, please", as Bo Kei ate, leave, went home, etc etc and he kept seeing her and saying the same thing and she ignored him repeatedly. Until at last she said to a servant to bring him in if he is still waiting outside and slowly and quietly Chai Gau walked in and immediately said sorry, etc and Bo Kei said "Do you know what you did wrong?" and Chai Gau thought for a while and said "I shouldn't have embarassed 4th madam and put you in a spot. I shouldn't have kept saying 4th madam gang, 4th madam gang and I swear I will never drink again. I am so sorry Madam". Bo Kei sternly said "Your problem is when you're a dirt, you blame everyone for your predicament, but when you're successful, and just a tiny bit of that and you displayed your arrogance" and Chai Gau admitted it was true and Bo Kei said "You once said the dogs in the village and the children treated you with more respect than here. Why then do you stay?" and Chai Gau revealed the truth "I wanted to make something of myself. I wanted to return to my village with carts of white rice for everyone" and Bo Kei said "That night, Master and I actually want to promote you to supervisor and increase your salary 3 fold and yet you didn't know when to stop talking. You screwed up your own chances" and Chai Gau looked remorseful and said "4th madam, please don't fire me, please, I can even forget about the supervisor and just be a common worker with reduced salary" and Bo kei said "I never intended to fire you" and Chai Gau was surprised and she continued "Do you know what you have though? Something good?" and Chai Gau said "I can't think of anything except sometimes I can see things the way others can't" and Bo Kei smiled as he answered the question and she said "We at Hing Fung Nin lacks something; capable people. Someone who can think out of the box, and you're such person. Chai Gau, don't ever think you're the only one who has ever faced hardship. I too was just a servant a few months ago before I became 4th madam. I too have suffered hunger and many more difficulties. I wouldn't want to see you fail, I in fact want you to succeed. You could have had a huge career ahead of you, and you're capable of that. Chai Gau, Master Cheung and I would hope you will rise up the ranks again and be assistant supervisor, supervisor, 4th boss and even 3rd boss and you're capable of that. And one day you will go home with carts full of white rice and I know you can. Go back to the warehouse and continue your work. You will have to work your way up again but I am sure you will manage quite well". Chai Gau looked mighty grateful (I hope for real) and he turned around and there was Cheung Kiu approving what Bo Kei said and he said "Whatever 4th Madam says, those are my words too, work hard" and Chai Gau said "Thank you Master, thank you" and he left. Bo Kei looked at Cheung Kiu and smiled a little.

Pause here.

Chai Gau deserves this lesson in humility. He just doesn't know when to shut up but that also mean he is someone who is honest with his feelings in a way. 4th Madam wanted to teach him a lesson only, and Chai Gau is useful and smart. 4th Madam certainly knows how to make good use of useful people! I hope Chai Gau learns his lesson but knowing him, I doubt it.

Meanwhile big trouble. Bo Kei notices every rice shop in the town was raising their prices and Bo Kei told Cheung Kiu who told her the government said got famine everywhere so rice is scarce and so the shops just raised the price first. Bo Kei urged Cheung Kiu to remember his promise to her and to feed the people and urged him not to raise prices but Cheung Kiu said Pang Kiu's brother Pang Hang who delivers the rice is taking 30% I think of the profits and that is so high that they need to recover the money. But Bo kei said "Urge him to reduce the fee by 30%. They're all so well fed and yet the citizens had none. Urge him husband" and he agreed.

Pause here.

Bo Kei can't expect Cheung Kiu to do charity? Pang Hang has a right to the profit since he contributed greatly to the business but well, the next scene explains why Pang Hang doesn't deserve your sympathy...

There was a meeting with rice shop owners and Pang Hang wanted to increase the fee by 3 fold!!!! Everyone argued but as Cheung Kiu walked out and told Bo kei the news, Cheung Kiu had a moment of fainting but he said he was ok and told Bo Kei to go to the shop and look after it as "If the public knew the negotiations today is not successful, there would be riot at our shops!".

At the shop,indeed people are coming to their shop to buy buy buy as they're the lowest price. Bit Man rushed in and reported the news and Bo Kei thought for a while and then said "Fine, increase the price" and Bit Man was running out when she cried out I think she said "Increase by 5 times the price" or maybe 50%, not sure, anywhere huge amount as Bit Man stopped and said "Are you sure?" and she said "Yes" and so he went out and said the new price, emphasising on Bo Kei as the decision maker. Everyone cursed Bo Kei as she left whilst Bit Man smiled to himself. Evil!

At home and dinner, Bit Man reported to Cheung Kiu what happened and Pang Kiu said "See husband, she is running the business down!" and Cheung Kiu said "Shut up if you don't know anything! What she did was right! By increasing so high she is ensuring our warehouse has rice left. Imagine if we the biggest rice wholeseller doesn't have rice left, what would happen? The people would steal from our shop and more! So don't speak if you don't know anything!" and Pang Kiu shouted "Yes, I am an ignorant woman, I am stupid! Why can't you be nice to my brother? He is my only family and if I had to take sides I won't have my brother as my family!" and Cheung Kiu roared "Your brother is the one bleeding us dry! He made unreasonable demands I will never agree with this blood sucker and I won't call him family anymore. AND YOU! You're always on your brother's side!" and Pang Kiu was lost for words. Cheung Kiu went back into his room, asking Bo Kei to follow him.

Meanwhile Chai Gau requested to see Master and so Bit Ching brought him in. Chai Gau said "Master, 4th Madam (the new twins, always together) I have a small humble suggestion that might work" and so Bo Kei said "What is it? share it with us Chai Gau" and he said very humbly and totally out of character "Sir, Madam, why not we deliver the rice from our other warehouse into here ourselves?" and Cheung Kiu said immediately "That can't be done" and Bo Kei urged Chai Gau to continue and he said "It can be done, we do it by road, ourselves, deliver the rice" and Cheung Kiu said "YOu know that would be 3 times the price!" and Chai Gau said "But that is not the point sir. Sir, right now that Pang Hang is squeezing you by the neck because you depend on him. But now is time for you to squeeze harder back! He needs you just as much! If you deliver your own rice, imagine there would be no business for him and his men, surely he would close down!" but Cheung Kiu said "That can't be done!" and Chai Gau said "Sir, I have always been in fights when I was fighting hunger back in the village. I learn that the winner isn't always the bigger one but rather the one who has got nothing to lose. Sir, now you're squeezed so hard you have nothing to lose but Pang Hang, he has everything to lose. I know the roads well, I can lead the way. Sir, you must try, don't just admit defeat, don't be such a coward!" and Bo Kei looked sternly at Chai Gau and warned "Chai Gau, remember what I said about the words you use?" and Chai Gau immediately said "I mean I don't mean master is a coward but I am saying the advantage is with us now. We should squeeze back harder!" and Bo Kei said "Chai Gau, thank you for your suggestion. You go back first and we will discuss" and happily Chai Gau left.

Bo Kei said "Chai Gau is right, we have nothing to lose!" and Bit Ching said "I agree father, I will help too!" and Cheung Kiu now realised what Chai Gau meant and said with resolve "Fine. I will show that useless bastard not to mess with me. I will squeeze his neck harder than he squeezes mine, I have more fortune than him, so this is just losing a little but I will run him out of business and show him who's the boss!!!"

Next episode, the delivery of the rice is not easy, Pang Hang unleashes his anger and threw cups at Bo Kei's face!!

Drama! Woahhhhhhh...............

Anyway I did say this episode is shorter in story term right? That is due to the swindler story which I shall forget ever happen. I like Chai Gau's suggestion and he is right. That to me is perhaps the best scene with such a good recommendation. Chai Gau is smart.

Performances wise, no complaints except poor Kiki Sheung in a one dimensional role whilst Susan Tse, is like a super special guest star with nothing to do.

Elliot Yue is in fine form though I kinda dislike how his Cheung Kiu so obviously favours Bo Kei with her following him everywhere. Even if his wives are annoying, he should be fair to them as well as in give them some time.

Sheren Teng is in good form as well. I like her lecture of Wayne's Chai Gau. She shows compassion, gentleness and yet authority in that one scene.

Wayne Lai is amazing even if again he shouts much too much. I like how he confesses to Sheren's Bo kei about his dream; a very intimate moment in my opinion. Wayne Lai got the role just right. The poster looks scary though; I wonder if he will become really scary angry type? He does have the potential leadership but like Bo Kei said, he must learn to not say the wrong words at the wrong time even if it was the truth!

Ron Ng...has more expression today but still was wooden. Lift of an eyebrow, and that is curiosity, purse lips and squeeze two eyes together to show concern.. and yet his facial muscle never quite move at all. I forgot to mention him in last episode, where his character was great but his acting is a different degree of how wooden. In here his best scene was how he confronted his father about not wanting the job for the sake of his mother and Ron had the right serious worried deadpan look to deliver that scene. But actually still looking very deadpan all over even during the cuter light hearted moments.

The mother-daughter swindler team is such a waste of time. I hope they will be useful in the story.

Finally Kara Hui, hated her character but she was fantastic in the scene where she silently cried when she heard what Bit Ching had to say for her welfare.

All in all, great episode even if the scene where drunk Chai Gau saying too much was so darn long but the point is obvious; I too like Bo Kei wishes Chai Gau to just shut up!

Best line?
"Sir, I have always been in fights when I was fighting hunger back in the village. I learn that the winner isn't always the bigger one but rather the one who has got nothing to lose. Sir, now you're squeezed so hard you have nothing to lose but Pang Hang, he has everything to lose. I know the roads well, I can lead the way. Sir, you must try, don't just admit defeat, don't be such a coward!"

- Chai Gau to Cheung Kiu


  1. Thanks for the recap again. Great episode today. Now, Cheung Kiu slowly realise what predicament Bit Ching is in. He's unambitious (I mean not 'seung chun' in cantonese) because of his mother. I feel bad for Bit Ching. He has such a weak mother. I bet from young, she's always pushing to stay low profile, not to develope his full potential and swallow all unfairness. It's to credit that he still can grow up to be a nice easygoing guy instead of someone full of repressed anger.

    As for the swindlers. They are good at observing people gua. Bit Ching did help the mother and daughter the first time. Maybe after that, the swindlers started observing Bit Ching for quite while and determine that Bit Ching is a very soft-hearted person and the chances if him falling into their trap will be high. They have nothing to lost if Bit Ching doesn't pay. So, why not try?

    I like how Bit Ching fall to their trap again and again. It shows that he's a really kind-hearted and trusting person. He has good view of people in general.

    Agree that Cheung Kiu shouldn't be so unfair to his wives. Yes, he love Bo Kei the most and Bo Kei helps in a lot and give him a lot of support that his other wives couldn't. But, they are still his wives. He shouldn't neglect them. It will just cause more discontent in the wives. I especially pity Pang Kiu here. Yes, she's loud and annoying, but from episode one until now (based on your recap), Cheung Kiu seems to have never said a nice word to her. What she said about her brother his very true. He's her only family. I can understand her predicament. I can also understand Cheung Kiu and his frustration with this brother in-law, but, still feel for Pang Kiu when he scolded her.

    I don't know if Cheung Kiu ever love Pang Kiu. But since they have a son together, there must be some affection there. Cheung Kiu was actually forced to marry Pang Kiu. He does not do it willingly. Pang Kiu on the other hand love Cheung Kiu very much.

  1. It's interesting how Pierre Ngo gain so much popularity from such a despicable character. Will there be more development in his character later, to show a more 3 dimensional character instead of just despicable? Or Pierre just gain audience affection because his acting his good in this series?

  1. I think Bit Man will go even worse when Cheung Kiu dies thanks to his mother. Maybe he will be good like how Safe Guards was or he will end up in jail. I don't know. I want a happy ending though. Bit Man is just misguided.

    I think Cheung Kiu did love all his wives but certainly there is favouritism here. Pang Kiu may be blunt but she is an open book. Fung Yee is more calculative and therefore worse. I do agree with Cheung Kiu's asessment of Pang Kiu's brother. Pang Kiu has to take sides, her brother can't expect to squeeze Cheung Kiu's neck so to speak.

    I think the swindlers story is just a waste of time. As for Cheung Kiu realising how difficult life is for Lau Fong, maybe he knew? He can't be that ignorant? And yet even when he knew nothing was done.

    This series so far has a flaw. Everybody seems to individually selfish, I see that as part of plot growth but even between sons and mothers I see no affection even if on paper there is. I find them all so cold, so impersonal. Maybe it is still too early. You must admit, Moonlight Resonance, despite Linda's mom being positively evil and all, there is a genuine affection between mother and daughter from the start. COuld it be the lack of chemistry?

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