Written by Funn Lim
Finally an end of The Kidnapping Of Bit Mo. Was a bit worried it will drag on but why should I worried? Knowing TVB, every case is probably solved in about 2 to 3 episodes. Anyway in this episode we discover the formidable power of Bo Kei, the relentlessness of Chai Gau, the stupidity of Bit Man and the difficulty of being Bit Ching.
Recap, first ...
Aiyah, poor Bit Mo is still missing and Bo Kei does not know what to do. As recapped earlier, Cheung Kiu wants to pay and Bo Kei knew Bit Mo's time is now very very limited. She sat alone in her room thinking what Cheung Kiu said.
Pause here.
I really do think by Cheung Kiu taking away the decision making power from her and back to him is his way of trying to protect Bo Kei is Bit Mo were to die. He really loves her and the fact Bo Kei didn't quite care about that and still insisted her point, means she really cares for Bit Mo and loves Cheung Kiu very much so as not to have him suffer the loss of a son.
As she was thinking, she looked at her jewelry box (full of jade by the way) and a thought struck her.
Next scene she is with Mo's uncle's wife (Nancy Wu) and Bo Kei pushed all the jades to her and said gently "Please help me. He loves you the most, he will listen to you. Help me to persuade him to release Chai Gau" and the wife was reluctant but Bo Kei cleverly placed a jade bracelet on her hand and I think she complimented her and so the deal was struck.
Poor Chai Gau, languising alone in prison, feeling hopeless and unworthy. He looked around, and suddenly his door opened and the guard shouted "Chai Gau, you can go now!" but Chai Gau was slow to stand up. I am sure he must be thinking "Is this another cruel joke? Life can't that good to me" sort of thinking as he has lost all hopes but the guard told him to get lost and reluctantly he walked out slowly, raised his head and saw Bo Kei standing before him, arms crossed over her chest with a tiny smile as if she's saying "See! See! I am a woman of my words" and for that moment Chai Gau was lost for words.
Chai Gau was treated to a large meal as Bo kei said "Look, I have fulfilled my part of the bargain. Now you fulfill yours; what did you observe?"
Eh, like a broken record, can be a rap music!
Anyway Chai Gau when earlier with a sign of humility suddenly became his old bastard self again. HATE HIM! Anyway he said "I've been thinking. It is just my observation. What if you caught them and beat them and they confess when they may not have done it? It will be my fault!" and Bo kei assured him she won't do that but Chai Gau finally stated his real reason as he said "No no I won't tell you. I better not" and Bo Kei begged him "Please, we don't have time anymore. Cheung Kiu will pay the ransom money, Mo will surely die! Please tell me what you know!" and Chai Gau arrogantly and selfishly said "Ok, if that is the case, you promise me SEVEN things"
WAHHH. Seven! Why not One Thousand Chai Gau Gor!
Bo Kei was desperate and so she said "Ok, yes" and Chai Gau said "One, you will not beat them for confession" and Bo Kei said "Yes yes" and Chai Gau continued "Two, I want to be a salaried worker" and Bo Kei like a machine says "Yes Yes" and "Three, I want that crazy Bit Man to leave me alone!" and Bo Kei said "I can talk to him about that" Chai Gau was like "Are you sure you can deliver?" and Bo Kei angrily said "Ok, whatever you want, I will promise you! The next demand, what is it? and "I want that no good uncle to leave me alone and better yet, have Master Cheung, the official and you to be witnesses so that he won't go back on his promise" and Bo Kei was reluctant but said "I can persuade him but you will first tell me what you know" but Chai Gau said "NO! You get these done first AND THEN I will tell you what I know" and Bo Kei getting angry said "We don't have time! Mo's life is in danger! Tell me first!" but Chai Gau said "NO! You people never hold true to your promises! Why should I trust any of you?" and Bo Kei getting teary eyed said "You always accuse us as such. But what about you? You never hold true to your promises as well!" and Chai Gau was quiet for a while and then said "Fine, since we can't agree, no deal!" and he walked out of the dinner room and down the stairs (they're in a restaurant) as Bo Kei ran out and at the top of the stairs and at the top of her lungs crying her heart out "Chai Gau! Please help me! Please help Mo! He can't die! I can't let him die! Please for once Chai Gau, just for once, help me!" and she squatted down and cried her heart out as Chai Gau finally looked back at her for a moment, sneered and proceeded to walk down the stairs.
BASTARD! I so so so hate him in this scene! Heartless!
Meanwhile it was getting dark and Bit Ching and a few of his men were looking for Mo. One of the workers said "Young master, it is getting dark. We should stop now" and Bit Ching said thoughtfully "Yes, it is dark. Why don't you all go and I will continue alone" and the worker said "Young master that is not what I meant. We don't have torches and lanterns, with nighttime coming, we won't be able to see" and Bit Ching said "Ok, we leave". At home, Lau Fong scolded Bit Ching for missing and then for hurting his hand when Bit Man said "Mother I know Mo is somewhere in the caves. They didn't search there! I must find him, if not I will feel guilty for the rest of my life" and Lau Fong had nothing more to say.
Chai Gau went back to the rice company and everyone was eating and was surprised to see him as they thought he was surely gonna be jailed for 3 years. The suspected kidnappers joined in the chat and Chai Gau said very loudly "Oh I am very lucky aren't I? You know how I got out? Old Master Cheung! I must say, Old Master Cheung is such a class act and such a smart cunning man! When he knew I was in jail, he personally had me released, took me back home and I even had dinner at the Cheung mansion!" and everyone was like really? Joking right? but Chai Gau said even louder "But he had a motive! Whilst I was eating, he suddenly asked me 'Are you the man responsible for kidnapping my son?' and I was so shocked at his accusation I assured him I wasn't. He went on to say he knew the kidnappers are people within the company and he told me to observe for him. See? Master Cheung is so smart. But I couldn't help him much and Old Master Cheung was very angry someone kidnapped him son that he said very loudly that he will not pay a single penny to the kidnappers. He said he will rather pay the $7000 to the officials to find his son. And if his son is not found, he will pay even more reward. And if his son is not released at all, he vowed that he will even use his entire fortune and offer it to anyone to can find the kidnappers and bring them to justice!" and now the people were shocked to hear this and the kidnappers worried as someone said "Wow, that would mean this entire village will be looking for the kidnappers?" and Chai Gau laughed and said "With a reward so huge, believe me, even the nearby villagers will join in the hunt! Old Master Cheung said if the kidnappers are smart, they will release young master Bit Mo and then run away and never return! I tell you, Old Master Cheung is such a cunning man!" and everybody was discussing what they heard and the kidnappers sat down looking very worried since what Chai Gau said has logic whilst Chai Gau sat down looking smug. What he didn't know was Bo Kei was standing nearby behind the wall, teary eyed and smiling a small smile knowing Chai Gau just did her a huge favour.
Pause here.
Here Chai Gau redeemed himself and in spectacular fashion. This is a brilliant scene. No one in their right mind would believe Chai Gau but he said it in such a way that is so believable. Since these workers probably rarely interact with Cheung Kiu, to them he is the formidable big boss and to use his name in place of what was actually Bo Kei's idea, it was a master stroke. And the whole giving away his whole fortune as reward is also believable and so the kidnappers would now be shaking since the game is up! Brilliant scene. And I like how the camera zoom to Bo Kei and her expression.
That night, Bit Ching with a torch went looking alone until he saw a sack, ran to it, opened it and lo and behold, an unconcious Bit Mo! Bit Mo was very weak and so Bit Ching carried him through the night back to town. It must be very far because Bit Ching couldn't go on any longer and collapsed in front of a shop where the owner saw Bit Ching looking half dead and an unconcious Bit Mo. Bit Man just woke up, ran to Bit Ching when he saw Bit Mo and asked where he found him and Bit Ching through short breath told a little and Bit Ching fainted. Bit Man took the opportunity and carried Bit Mo that few steps back home, himself by then looking half dead and everyone ran out happy to see Mo alive and well and everyone said thank you to Bit Man who narrated how he and a few men went looking, then he alone saw Bit Mo and carried him back all the way and even his father said he must be tired but Bit Man was like I am ok and then Bit Ching walked in and heard the lie, looked straight at Bit Man who looked at him and said "Well, we are brothers aren't we? We help each other. What I did for Bit Mo is just me being a brother" and he impliedly told Bit Ching maintain his silence and they're still brothers and angrily Bit Ching stalked into his room. Lau Fong ran in and scolded Bit Ching for not seeing Bit Mo and also "you were looking for Mo, now he is back and you are in your room! How do you think that will look on you?" and Bit Ching angrily said "Mother, it was all a lie! I was the one who found Bit Mo, I was the one who carried him all the way back! I can't believe brother is such a despicable man" and his mother paused for a while and said "Do you wish for recognition for what you did?" and Bit Ching said "Mother I don't want all that. I just want justice" and Lau Fong said "well since you and I know, that is enough. Better not cross Bit Man! Let him take credit! Come son, don't be upset" and Bit Ching looked at his mother, couldn't believe what she just said!
Pause here.
This is the episode where people do things that no one else knows and somebody else takes credit for it. Bo kei had a huge role to play in Mo's safe return, but no one notices. Chai Gau had a role to play as well and no one knew. And now poor Bit Ching.
All was happy and well. Bo Kei and Cheung Kiu met with Bit Ching at the delivery depot and Cheung Kiu said to Bit Ching "I have always thought you were never serious at your work. But your 4th mother said you will do great things in life because.. what is it you said Bo Kei?" and Bit Ching said "Yes 4th mother, what is it?" and Bo Kei was like "How shall I put it? You can win the hearts of people" and Bit Ching said "I do get along with everyone" and Cheung Kiu said "That is why I want you to take up the position of 2nd boss (as in heir apparent to the business, thus pushing Bit Man to either same position or out of the picture, I suspect same position) and to takeover the business" and Bit Ching was so surprised he said "But father, I don't think I am capable of that" and Cheung Kiu said "Bo Kei thinks you can" and Bo Kei smiled kindly and agreed and Bit Ching said "Alright father, I will think about your offer" and Cheung Kiu was like "You need to think about my offer?!" and Bit Ching said "yes father" and he walked off whilst Bo Kei smiled.
Pause here.
Cheung Kiu wasn't upset or offended just surprised Bit Ching treated this like a negotiation instead of an instruction!
Bit Man is super upset. He told his mom what Uncle Cheung Fatt said about the offer to Bit Ching and his mother very shrewdly used Pang Kiu who was there to deliver a gift, saying thanks to them for saving Mo and pledging her allegiance to first wife. First wise told her what she knew and Pang Kiu and first wife and Bit Man went to Lau Fong who didn't know what was going on. Pang Kiu scolded Lau Fong "Remember when you married into this family and my brother wanted to kick you out? Remember who helped you? I did. Big sister's family has helped husband with his business by opening the doors to all officials. My brother helped with the transportation. What did your family do? Never forget, you're a nobody, you're useless and now you think your son can inherit the business? What makes you think you have that right? What makes you think you can benefit by taking that whore's side?"
Pause here. The word used is not as direct as saying whore but in the end it bears that meaning.
Lau Fong now very scared said "I never wanted that. My son wouldn't have wanted that too" and Pang Kiu said "You swear? I swore that whoever saved my Mo, will have my allegiance and I will crush those who hurts my benefactor! So do you swear?" and Lau Fong reluctantly swore whilst crying hard "I Lau Fong swear that I will never take the side of 4th sister..." and Pang Kiu interrupted and said "the whore" and Lau Fong said "the wore and my son will never become the 2nd boss and will not takeover the business" and Bit Man said "But the consequences? Isn't all swearing includes consequences such as thunder will strike you to death?" and Pang Kiu said "Say it!" and Lau Fong cried "or my son and I will be struck by lightning and will die a terrible death" and Pang Kiu said "First sis, let's go" whilst Lau Fong cried hard.
Pause here.
Like gangster I tell you! Lau Fong is so meek. Imagine if her son is boss, he controls the power, she will have power! Think that way! But nope! Always been bullied, feeling small..
They were walking out when Bit Ching passed by and knew something was up. He ran in and saw his mother crying hard and immediately Lau Fong said "Son, is it true your father wants you to be the 2nd boss?" and Bit Ching said "That was father's wishes, what did they do?" and Lau Fong begged "Please reject your father! Please! I already had to swear that you won't be 2nd boss or lightning shall strike us to death!" and Bit Ching angry said "Mother, how can you let them walk all over you like that? Moreover, it was father's wishes, not mine!" and Lau Fong cried and cupped his face for a moment and said "All I ever want is for you to be well, healthy, safe and married with children. That is all I want son, please say no to your father" and Bit Ching sighed and said "Alright mother, alright"
Pause here. And guess what? Bit Man's sons will bully Bit Ching's sons! That's how bullies operate! Lau Fong is so weak here, I was so angry with her!
Bit Ching met with Cheung Kiu and Bo Kei and said "Father I respectfully decline your offer" and Cheung Kiu angry said "What?" and Bit Ching said "That position is not for me. I like to be free, so I have to say no" and Cheung Kiu angry said "So you want to be a kuli is that it? A kuli for the rest of your life?" and Bit Ching said "Father may I go now? I have work to do at the delivery depot" and Cheung Kiu angrily said "Fine! Go back to your kuli work! GO!" and Bit Ching left, face dark and Cheung Kiu said "Useless son! Rather be a kuli than to carve a career for himself!" and Bo Kei calmed Cheung Kiu down, suspecting something wasn't right.
And this shows how much Cheung Kiu knows about what happens in the house. I doubt he knows Lau Fong is the punching bag!
Meanwhile Bo Kei said "Remember I told you about one of the worker, Chai Gau?" and Cheung Kiu said "The one you want to raise his rank to assistant supervisor (I think that's the title, either that or supervisor which is impossible)? Well I let you make the decision, I trust your judgment. In fact when I am away I want you to run the production department with Bit Man" and Bo Kei said "But what about Bit Man?" and Cheung Kiu "Don't worry I will speak to Bit Man".
Next scene Bit Man walked into the canteen (sort of) and told the workers that Chai Gau is promoted to assistant supervisor by 4th Madam. And he stalked off. Chai Gau was so happy, and everyone congratulated him as Chai Gau said "Well THANKS TO 4th MADAM! I Chai Gau rarely feel respect for anyone but 4th Madam, a forthright, brave and unrelentless woman deserves my respect!" and one of the worker said "Since Chai Gau you're our leader and such good terms with 4th madam, maybe you can speak with her to raising our salary to 30 shillings a day like the market rate? Ours now is only 25 shilling!" and Chai Gau boastfully said "Ok I will".
Bit Man is very angry. "That Chai Gau, barely in position for a day and now is asking for 30 shillings a day for all workers! Just because that whore is on his side!" and his mother said "Son, let him have it. If he wants 30 shillings, give him 35. If he wants 35, give him 45" and Bit Man asked why and his mother said "Take back the power my son, remember that, power play"
Ok I think I don't quite underdstand what she meant but I suppose she wants her son to offer better terms?
Chai Gau came back to announce they got 35 shillings!! Next thing Chai Gai asked for better food, some meat for the workers and Bit Man happily obliged and gave each table a whole chicken! And everyone said "THANK YOU 4th MADAM!!". Next Chai Gau asked if Bit Man can consider giving the workers a day off during some important festivals to spend time with their families and Bit Man said he will consider. Chai Gau was very happy.
Later that day Bit Man came with his men and said "Ever since 4th mother ran this place with Chai Gau as the supervisor, I was made to understand there is now a group called 4th mother group asking for all sorts of demand and making life difficult here. If that is the case, this company does not condone groups and bosses favouring one to the other. And so all of 4th Madam's group is hereby fired!" and Chai Gau shocked "Oh, you so you played me didn't you?" and Bit Man walked off. Everyone was angry and Chai Gau said "Clearly 4th MAdam doesn't know about this! Let's ask her to give us an explanation!!" and so they left the company towards Cheung mansion.
At home, fmaily dinner I think though outside looks early. Maybe family lunch. Or maybe already at night, can't remember. Anyway servant opened the door and voila, many many angry looking kuli. The servant closed the door and ran in to find Cheung Kiu though they all asked for Bo Kei.
So Cheung Kei asked Bit Man who immediately told him the truth, his version.
"Father, this Chai Gau is the leader of the 4th Madam group. He demanded for so many things ever since he got promoted, using 4th mom as an excuse. First he wanted holidays, I had to agree"
Cheung Kiu was shocked and said "But the market isn't that way"
".. I know father. Then he wanted 2 chickens for each table during dinner.."
Cheung Kiu was like "WHAT?!" and Bo Kei just looked on
"and then he wanted salary for everybody raised to 35 shillings a day!"
and Cheung Kiu said "But the market rate is 30 shillings! How demanding can they be?"
"... which is why I fired all of them"
Bo Kei said "I didn't know all these, I was out on business" and Bit Ching, one of the 2 sane voices on the table said "But brother, if that is the case you can just fire Chai Gau but why did you fire everybody?" and Bit Man said "You don't know anything brother! They're one group, it is now like favouring one group over the other, other workers are asking why this group gets holidays and raised salaries and they all think it is because they're the 4th madam group!"
Cheung Kiu said "You did right. They all should be fired for being so unreasonable" and Bit Ching wanted to speak on behalf of the workers with Bo Kei looking on. Then Bo Kei looked at uncle Cheung Fatt squarely in the eyes and asked "Uncle Cheung Fatt, tell me honestly, how much did Chai Gau asked for the race? Was it really 35 shillings?" and Uncle Cheung Fatt was like "ermmmm, uhmmmm, ermmm... he asked too high!" and Bo Kei now gave him that death stare and asked slowly and calmly "Uncle Cheung Fatt, I hope you will answer my question with honesty and with a clear conscience. How much did Chai Gau asked?" and Cheung Fatt looked at Fung Yee and then Bit Man and then said "ermm... 35 shillings" and then Chai Gau and gang burst in and Chai Gau at the top of his lungs said "You're lying you old bastard! You're lying! Old Master, listen to me, he is lying!!" and Chai Gau faced Cheung Kiu with Bo kei right beside him and he shouted "I asked for 30 shillings like in market rate! I did asked for meat but I didn't ask for 2 whole chickens for each table! I didn't ask unreasonably! Young master here played a trick on me Old Master! I was framed! Please believe us!" and Bit Man ran to Cheung Kiu and said "Father don't you believe this underwear stealing scoundrel!" but Cheung Kiu diplomatically said to Chai Gau "You all go home first and I will get to the bottom of this and give you a proper answer" and Chai Gau satisfied leaves with everybody.
Then Cheung Kiu looked at Bit Man and asked "Can someone tell me what is going on here?!" but here is the moment girl power rises...
Again the death stare by Bo Kei who was so angry just said to Bit Man "Do you know why the workers are unhappy? Because you have been mistreating them.." and Cheung Kiu looked at Bit Man and said "Is it true?" and Bit Man said "No father no!" and Bo Kei asked "Did you or did you not pay them below market rate at only 25 shillings?" and Cheung Kiu was like WHAT?!.
Eh Cheung Kiu, you didn't know meh?
"Cheung Kiu, he even didn't pay one worker whilst providing only food each day and that worker is Chai Gau, the man you just spoke to" and Cheung Kiu couldn't believe what he heard and said "Who could act so unconsciounably? Not paying salary for food?"
"Husband, it is a well known fact Bit Man bullies the workers. That is why they're unhappy. And there is another fact. Bit Man, you said you saved Mo. How did you find him?"
and Bit Man looked at Bo Kei and started to say "Father don't listen to this crazy bitch! Of course I saved Mo!" and Bo Kei said "There are 2 reasons why Mo came back safely and none of them concerns Man" and Pang Kiu was like "WHAT IS GOING ON?!" and Bo kei explained "First reason was Chai Gau. He was the one who made the observation on who could be the kidnappers and he actually went to the workers and told a lie; that husband already knew the kidnappers were amongst them and that husband is ready to give up his entire fortune to hunt down the kidnappers. It is of no coincidence Bit Mo was released that night and some workers disappeared since then" and Cheung Kiu looked at the speechless Bit Man and Fung Yee too was speechless and then Bo kei continued; "The 2nd reason is the real person who actually went in search of Mo and carried him home all the way to the point of exhaustion and this was told to me by the shop owner who saw this person and Bit Man just happened to pass by and took credit for what he didn't do and that real person who saved Mo is Bit Ching" and Pang Kiu was like "What?! Can someone tell me the truth!" and Bit Ching looked reluctant, Lau Fong totally useless when Pang Kiu asked "Is it true Fong?" and Lau Fong tears in her eyes said "No it's not true. Ching was sleeping early that night".
And Bit Ching too wanted to deny when Cheung Kiu asked him, Bit Mo asked him and Bo Kei said to Bit Ching "Ching, be brave and speak up" and Bit Ching said reluctantly "Yes it is true"
Cheung Kiu turned to Bit Mo and scolded "YOU USELESS PIECE OF GARBAGE!!!" and wanted to strike Bit Man when Fung Yee with the skills of a ninja swooped right in front of Cheung Kiu (and that is a tiny space between Cheung Kiu and Bit Man mind you) and did something she should have done years before but didn't do it this time out of sincerity anyway, that is to give Bit Man one tight loud SLAP on the cheek. Everyone, including Bit Man was shocked as Fung Yee scolded "You useless son!" and Bit Man was too stunned to say anything.
Next episode...
Pang Kiu's brother wants to raise his fees and rice becomes expensive and Bit Man said something to Bo Kei who decided to do something. What something? Tune in to the next recap!
The end scene is spectacularly dramatic I tell you. I love how Bo Kei stood up for herself, which is something Lau Fong should learn from her and which is something she very kindly urged Bit Ching to do. I like the way she treats Bit Ching; like her own son, teaching him, guiding him into becoming a man.
For me Bit Man dug his own grave when he did what he did. He really thought Bo Kei is like Lau Fong and that is very dumb for him to think so. As for what Fung Yee did, well she did it to preserve her authority. Disgusting mother and son.
But I am more disgusted by Lau Fong's meek weak attitude. Doesn't she realise if Bit Ching is the boss, her status is upgraded? Which mother would wish their children forever beneath someone else?
As for Chai Gau, you must admit he does stand up for himself even half the time he is scared. Moreover he hates Bit Man so he is guaranteed to take Bo Kei's side. Also although he doesn't show much I feel there is a grudging respect between him and Bo Kei.
As for performances, a few standouts.
Even if I don't like Lau Fong, I thought Kara did exceedingly well in that scene she was bullied into cursing herself and her son. Her tears, her trembling hands, etc, all excellent. And then she fell flat in affection between mother and son. I don't feel the affection. In fact I felt no affection between respective actresses and their respective sons. Why I said so for Kara is because one scene she cupped his face, and I felt that is a sign of affection but she withdrawn way too son. She should caress his face longer, since she is speaking her innermost fear that her son might be hurt and her innermost wish that is to see him safe and sound. I thought that one scene she was terribly inadequate.
Susan Tse has very little to do except to be despicable.
I was thinking about Kiki Sheung and I feel her role is one dimensional thus far. So now that her Pang Kiu knows it was Ching who saved her son, I wonder will her attitude change towards Bit Ching and especially Lau Fong? We shall see.
Elliot Yue did very well. I felt he expressed the right amount of shock, surprised, etc. I especially like the way he responded when he found out the truth about Bit Man and what he did. However his moustache is a bit weird. Kinda too wide? I am nitpicking of course.
Wayne Lai is again shouting most of his lines and frankly I am frustrated with that approach. I hope he tones down. But acting wise, he is awesome as awesome can be. The scene on how he manipulated the workers and made them believe in his lie, the way he was afraid to leave the prison, his own self of worthlesness, excellent expression.
Sheren Teng continues to rule! I think this episode maximises her dull eyes as in those lids half closed and the way she looked at the other actors are classic; that eyes of gratitude, eyes of fear, eyes of anger, eyes of frustration, all in the eyes and those death stares. I still don't like her hair though.
One question; I was wondering if Bo Kei intends to step into the business when she first married Cheung Kiu? If yes she should have stepped in as equal first wife, easier to do her job because right now she is pissing off a lot of people.
Anyway looking forward to the next crisis!
My favourite scene and line...
"With a reward so huge, believe me, even the nearby villagers will join in the hunt! Old Master Cheung said if the kidnappers are smart, they will release young master Bit Mo and then run away and never return! I tell you, Old Master Cheung is such a cunning man!"
- Chai Gau to fellow workers