

Written by Funn Lim

What a frustrating episode. It is like one of those stuck with 3 lines;

1. "Don't pay the ransom money! Mo will surely die!"
2. "I have decided to pay the ransom money"
3. "Why should I help Cheung family? Let them rot in hell!"

Again and again for 1 hour and still no conclusion. And I felt this is one of the episodes where it is entertaining but not well written.

The recap, first...

I missed the first 10 minutes so I didn't know how Bo Kei reaches the conclusion that if ransom is paid, Mo will die. However I was told that Bo Kei believes it is an insider's job simply because Mo followed that man, so Mo must have known him. But she doesn't know who and she approached of all people, Chai Gau to help look around. I think she believes Chai Gau is new and so is not the guy, it must be someone familiar and is operating with a few people. Chai Gau indeed has his theories and almost told Bo Kei but when insulted again by Bit Man, Chai Gau refused to help Bo Kei. Bo Kei had to be nice to him and still he refuses to divulge what he knows.

Meanwhile Bo kei wrote to Cheung Kiu to believe in her and so Cheung Kiu wrote to the family that Bo kei is in charge of this crisis, he believes in her and so he will not be returning. I was like WHAT? HUH?! WHAT THE HECK!! He should be returning, such an important thing but that will be explained later into the episode.

Bit Man was pissed that his mom is no longer the person with the power to decide and Fung Yee instead of feeling bad actually feels rather happy. She says "If Mo dies, it will be her fault. If Mo lives, well we will be just as fine. This is one responsibility I really do not wish to take so I shall gladly let her take the blame".

So Bo Kei was one woman voice against everyone except Bit Ching who is on her side. By now there are 2 ransom letters. Old grandma Cheung came and scolded Fung Yee for not telling her Mo was kidnapped and Fung Yee naturally said "Well Husband said 4th sister is in charge so whether Mo LIVES or Mo DIES, it will be up to her". She said it in such a spiteful manner, I feel for Bo Kei. Grandma said "We will pay the ransom money. Now gather the money" and Pang Kiu was very glad to hear that but Bo Kei insisted no and she argued with Grandma and when Grandma said she will decide, and since Bo Kei is not Mo's mother, she wouldn't know how it feels (ouch!), Bo Kei looked her squarely in the eyes and said "Well then, if you decide that is what you want to do, better prepare 2 things;". Ok here I can't remember what were the other thing, but one was those incense for prayer and I think the other must be a coffin. Which means she says what grandma is doing will guarantee Mo's death. Grandma was so angry she slapped Bo Kei but Bo Kei persisted; "I have seen this situation before. The Lord Prince experienced this before. His son was kidnapped and it took 5 ransom letters before he decided he will pay. He persevered through 5 letter. And after that, the entire household was crying, the mother of the child fainted and everybody mourned when his Lordship returned with the boy's life. He was only 8 years old. His Lordship repeatedly banged his head on the wall, crying 'Why couldn't I understand a simple logic that even a child understands?' and this is exactly how it is now. It is a simple logic mother; pay the ransom and Mo will die! And as long as you don't pay, there is hope!" and everybody seems convinced and even Pang Kiu gently said "Luckily you are here, if not I would have done the worst thing".

And so Bo Kei has some time whilst Pang Kiu's brother is ordered to look everywhere.

Bo Kei went to Chai Gau but Chai Gau refused to help and so Bo Kei gave him some money to enjoy himself, so that he will relax a bit and help her. He went to the prostitutes.

Meanwhile Pang Kiu kept having nightmares, how Mo begged his mother for help and she didn't, how he was tied up and thrown into the river and in one of the most shocking scene, Pang Kiu dreamt Mo in the river, struggling to save himself and saying in the water "Mother, why won't you save me? How you can be so heartless? Mother, why won't you save me?" and at the same time Cheung Kiu awoke from his dreams, also seeing the same thing. His servants rushed in and advised "Master, perhaps you should go back and make the decisions" but Cheung Kiu refused and said "No no, Bo Kei is right".

But his resolve seems to be sinking.

Pause here.

I can understand Bo Kei's logic, but she can't just wait and see and depend on Chai Gau. Cheung Kiu also sees her logic, if he is there he will break down and pay the ransom and Mo will die. But he should be at home instead of away!


Chai Gau went to the toilet (disgusting sounds included in this scene and I was eating dinner!) and he was about to leave when he saw Pang Kiu's brother walking in and he hid. Angry with that guy, he did something and ran but bumped into his wife and men. He ran faster when the uncle came out and a whole pot of white powder fell on his head. Immediately everybody knew who did it and ran after Chai Gau and beat him. Chai Gau volunteered to bite a bone and run twice the length this time but uncle took out his mistress/wife's (not sure of their relationship) undergarment and said this will cause Chai Gau to be imprisoned for 3 years. So Chai Gau begged and all but of no use.

Pause here.

What is wrong with Chai Gau? He knew he will get caught and yet he did it. Why? WHY?


Chai Gau in prison and Bo Kei visits him. Bo Kei promises Chai Gau she will help him but first he must reveal what he observed. Chai Gau refuses and cried "Why should I help the stinkin' Cheung family? Look how they treat us! I wasn't always like this you know! I too had a mother, even if the mother adopted me and we were poor, but we were happy! One trouser and we shared that, food we shared, even in my village the children and dogs treated me with respect but here in the city, your Cheung family, the dogs, everybody treated me like I'm some vermin! I too am human! I too deserve better treatment than this! Why should I help you?! Why?" and Bo Kei knelt next to him and said "I believe you don't I? You told me you have observed something and I didn't even know what it is and yet I believed you and I still do. I will help you. Give me some time, and I will help you" and so Bo kei left.

Bo Kei went to see the uncle but he wasn't there so she went home. Later the uncle dropped by to see her and Bo kei diplomatically asked "Can you please help me, just this once and release Chai Gau?" and of course he refuses and advises Bo Kei not to believe such a vermin and "if you are free, well go accompany my sister" and he left. Fung Yee and Bit Man heard what they said and Bit Man laughed at Bo Kei's stupidity to believe in Chai Gau.

Bo Kei is at lost as to what to do. During at night, Pang Kiu cried and insisted they pay the ransom money. Grandma agreed. Bo Kei argued her point and everyone wanted to know how she was so sure she could help and Pang Kiu urged her to reveal the name and she reluctantly revealed she had someone who can help and immediately Fung Yee grabbed this point and asked who and reluctantly Chai Gau's name was mentioned and so the whole Oscar winning performance of mother and son team begins.

Bit Man said "I know who this Chai Gau is" and Fung yee smiled and said "Well, tell me! So that I can invite this Mr Chai to come to our place for dinner and treat him like a special guest" and Bit Man laughed and said "he won't help" and Fung Yee asked why and Bit MAn refused to answer until everyone told him to with Bo kei looking on, dreading the reply and Bit Man cynically laughed and said "He is a scroundrel. This is a man who doesn't think twice to bite a bone and yelp like a dog in public, he is also now in prison for 3 years because he stole a woman's undergarment!" and so everyone was shocked and grandma decided to pay the ransom and Bo Kei said "Trust in me please, Chai Gau knows something, he can help, trust in me!" and arguments ensued to the point Pang Kiu flipped the table over and said "Someone save my Mo! I don't care! I will pay the ransom!" and Bit Ching quietly told his mom "Remember to object, mother" and grandma agreed although Fung Yee said "But husband said we must listen to 4th sister" and grandma exploded "Well then I will take the responsibility for this decision" and Fung Yee smiled satisfyingly whilst I think someone asked Lau Fong what she thinks and immediately she said "I agree" and Bit Ching looked at her sharply. And so Bo Kei stood silently in tears.

Pause here. Again I may have mixed up the timeline a bit.

Anyway, she went to see Chai Gau again, hoping to persuade him to reveal what he knows but Chai Gau shouted angrily "I will no more help you to help the stinkin' Cheung family. You told me to wait! WAIT! WAIT! WAIT! To what end? I will wait no more. Go home and tell them I will have this Cheung Bit Mo die with me than me dying alone!" and Bo Kei was very frustrated but persuaded Chai Gau to "Please believe in me, I need time, I will get you out of here, I promise!" and so Chai Gau let her leave whilst not believing a word she says.

Back at home Bo Kei is exhausted but realises the house seems rather empty. Lau Fong and a morose looking Bit Ching appeared and persauded she goes to her room and as they left, suddenly a group of men came out and locked her room and sealed the windows. Bo Kei knew what was happening and begged to be let out. Meanwhile Bit Ching could stand by no longer and took the keys from his mom but Lau Fong cried "No son no! We can't defy the family, they will surely kill you!" but Bit Ching bravely said "Mother, Mo is my brother. I want to save him too! I can't just let them do this!" and he ran to Bo kei's room, opened the door and Bo Kei was told the family will be paying the ransom because I think by now it is 3rd letter demanding for $7000 within 1 hour of Mo will be killed. She ran to the accounts room with the other two, saw them counting money and Bo Kei asked Pang Kiu, who was holding the ransom money and the letter to see the letter. Since she wanted to, Pang Kiu gave her the letter but Bo Kei grabbed both the letter and the money and ran for her life! They all ran after her and Bit Ching took a stool whilst Bo kei took a gong, ran to the streets and Bit Ching helped her onto the stool as Pang Kiu looked on angrily and she sounded the gong and said "Everyone, I am the 4th madam of Cheung household. As all of you know what is going on, our Bit Mo was kidnapped and the kidnappers are demanding $7000!" and the villagers whispered "What? So much? Can't pay! Once pay, they will ask for more" and Pang Kiu heard that and she looked morose as Bo Kei continued "This is my message to the kidnappers, and I am sure this will reach their ears. When our old master was alive, he had some ground rules when it comes to ransom money. One, never to pay a ransom, two, never to negotiate and three, never to agree with the kidnapper's demands" and so everyone thought what strange rules which of course is made up by Bo kei anyway.. "and to the kidnappers, I warn you. You will either return Bit Mo to us by today or if he dies, I will assure you, I will spend this $7000 as reward to all members of the police force and anyone who can help to track all of you down, whereever you are and you will wish we will never be able to find you!"

Quite a cool threat!

Back inside, Pang Kiu looked confused and interestingly silent when she saw Cheung Kiu has returned. She ran to Cheung Kiu and cried "Husband, what should we do now? I don't know what to do!" and Bo kei too ran to him and Cheung Kiu said "I believe Bo Kei is right, and so is everyone else. But I have thought long and hard and I have decided to pay the ransom" and Bo Kei was shocked and said "Husband, you can't do that! You can't agree" and Cheung Kiu held her shoulders and said "Bo Kei, you have done enough for this family. I will want to pay, I kept dreaming Mo calling my name, I can't stand it anymore" but Bo Kei begged "Don't Cheung Kiu, don't give up hope, don't!" but Cheung Kiu actually wisely said "I will still want to pay. Bo Kei, I know Mo may die if I pay but at least I have done what I should do, rather than I don't pay and he dies. I will be the one to live with that guilt if ransom is paid and Mo is killed. I alone will live with that decision and you won't have to. You're not Mo's mother, you don't need to bear such a guilt, let me bear that guilt, you have done enough" and Bo Kei looked on, tears in her eyes, speechless as to what she should say.

Next episode, Bo Kei begs Chai Gau once more whilst trouble looms for Chai Gau as Bit Man makes life difficult for him,

A very emotional episode but what a poorly written one. I mean how can Cheung Kiu not be at home? How can Bo Kei expects people to just wait and wait and wait? How can she so readily trusts Chai Gau, a shady character? Moreover, can't she just bargain with Chai Gau that you reveal what you know and Bit Mo lives, You will have your freedom sort of approach instead of trust in me, trust in me. I can't blame Chai Gau for not trusting her. In fact I don't blame Chai Gau for being heartless. He is right, however unreasonable he was, why should he help those who humiliates him even when he often sought the humiliation upon himself?

But i still don't like how unrelentless but how repetetive Bo Kei was. However Cheung Kiu was very thoughtful to have took the burden away from Bo Kei; if Mo dies, Cheung Kiu can say it was his decision alone and not like how Fung Yee says, blame it all on Bo Kei.

Between I can't stand Fung Yee and Bit Man. How heartless can they be? Chai Gau I understand but these two are family with Mo and they're so cold.

Lau Fong is spineless and I like her less when she'd rather save her own skin than save Mo's. It shows this family has a lot of underlying problems now surfacing. Not as happy or united.

Pang Kiu interestingly was very quiet and understandably so.

Poor Bit Mo. By the way Bit Mo is only 16 in here. I hope he lives. Come on Chai Gau, do the right thing!! Don't drag this on for another episode!

Performances wise, no complaints and no comments really. What more can I say? Unless there is something new I will just say I like what I see, and yes, Ron Ng included. Still blank but at least Bit Ching is the only sane voice in the family of either heartless goons or cowards.

A note on Sheren Teng who gave a marvelous performance but I don't like how Bo Kei responded to many problems in this episode. It just seems she is often lost for words when I was shouting "Oh come on! Interrupt that old hag and just say what you wanna say!!" Although it was funny for that scene where she took the letter and money and ran as fast as she could.

Very blood boiling moments.

Anyway favourite line... difficult to choose but here at least Bo kei did what I feel is the right thing to do...

"Everyone, I am the 4th madam of Cheung household. As all of you know what is going on, our Bit Mo was kidnapped and the kidnappers are demanding $7000! This is my message to the kidnappers, and I am sure this will reach their ears. When my father in law was alive, he had some ground rules when it comes to ransom money. One, never to pay a ransom, two, never to negotiate and three, never to agree with the kidnapper's demands and to the kidnappers, I warn you. You will either return Bit Mo to us by today or if he dies, I will assure you, I will spend this $7000 as reward to all members of the police force and anyone who can help to track all of you down, whereever you are and you will wish we will never be able to find you!"

- Bo Kei to everyone


  1. Ok, I change my mind a bit on Cheung Kiu trusting Lau Fong.

    Does 4th Madam reminds you of 4th Dong Ka in Safe Guards? Bo Kei is the problem solver that has little support in the family. Seung Chi is also the problem solver who has little support in the family.

    It seems that in Lee Tim Shing's series there's always a character like this. Wu Ting Hin fairs better in that there's no one in the family who is against him and deliberately makes life difficult for him. But, his family is no help either and he's sick.

  1. Actually Safe Guards and this series is very similar except now we have a woman who is still the outsider, the business is rice and more big time crisis than Safe Guards which is primarily financial. But yes, very much so however I find Seung Chi more straightfoward, he tells it like it is without waiting for someone to finish speaking. Probably because 4th madam is still a woman, confined by the rules of the society and Seung Chi a man is freer. And of course this series' budget is bigger HOWEVER I still think dialogue wise Safe Guards is the better one.

  1. Yes, the difference of gender does makes a different. Plus, Bo Kei has been servant for 20 years. She would have to learn to listen more and use more soft approach.

    Wu Ting Hin is also not straight forward. He's more diplomatic and tactful. I guess it's because he has to be in the business world since young and being a government assign rice salt distributor, must have needed to deal with government officials a lot.

    But, some are in born personality.

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