

Written by Funn Lim

Just into episode 3 and we have 2 crisis in this episode alone! Drama! Intrigue! And let me announce, I like Ron Ng! In here anyway...

Ok, continue with the recap ...

And so at the misguidance of the vengeful and small hearted Chai Gau, stupid Bit Man went head and told everyone in the village (actually more like town village, bigger than village, smaller than town but I will stick with village) to bring out big gongs and start beating as hard as they can. The birds began to drop dead, and not just those troublesome birds but every single species.


Bo Kei and hubby are on honeymoon when Bo Kei expressed that she wishes to help with the business. Cheung Kiu said "You have suffered so much, why not just let me pamper you and enjoy your life as "siu lai lai"? but Bo Kei said "I learned so much from my father. He taught me the value of hardwork. I often accompanied him when he was out on assignments..."


Young Bo Kei, as in child Bo Kei and narrating...

"I always wondered why other officials looked healthy with red flushed cheeks and yet my father always had these blood shot eyes and when I saw how he went about his work, I understood. One year there was famine and father worked especially hard. I was given the task of giving out porridge and I gave one to this old woman who took the porridge so gratefully, her tears of joys made me understand why my father worked so hard. I aspire to be like him..." and Cheung Kiu gently said "Indeed, your father was the most honourable good official, if only the empire has more officials like him, there wouldn't be hungry people" and Bo Kei said "The cause of famine is often 70% environmental and 30% human intervention and Cheung Kiu, you are now the rice baron. Make good use of your wealth so that no one will ever have to go through hunger ever again. I wish to help you ..." and Cheung Kiu nodded and said "As you wish...".

Back at home, Bo Kei came home alone (presumably Cheung Kiu was still away on work) and she was very disturbed by those loud gong noises, not knowing what happened. Bo Kei was in the garden and she saw the birds dropping dead one by one and it was all sort of species. She ran out and immediately she knew this was a bad sign. She ran to the villagers and Chai Gau to stop them but Chai Gau said "4th Madam, it was Young first master that ordered us to do this. He said this is the best method. We are just following instructions" but Chai Gau obviously knew the dire consequences of this action and he said nothing and beat the gong harder. Bo Kei ran to the villagers begging "Please stop beating. This will not help, in fact next year will be a disaster, we will all suffer and it will be famine again! Please stop!!" but nobody listened and pushed her away. She saw Bit Man and ran after him. She quickly ran to Bit Man in the house I think who arrogantly said he has found the best way to be rid of those pesky birds and next year will guarantee full harvest and cheaper price for rice. His mother approved, every other idiots in the house approve except Bit Ching who looked disturbed by what he saw. Their exchange was a heated one and I am reproducing here simply because I can! HA HA HA!

Bo Kei explained "No! This is the wrong way. You're killing not just those pesky birds, you're killing all birds!". Bit Man arrogantly said "And so? Better to be rid of all birds!" and Bo kei shocked said "Do you even understand what you're doing? Killing all birds means there will not be any bird to eat the ..."

Pause here. I can't say worms so I think she meant the catterpillers. Certainly not locusts because she said "... chung" so since there are destructive catterpillars, I shall say catterpillers.

".. catterpillers! That would mean the crops would be infested and since there is no way to stop the catterpillers, the entire land would have to be set fire and burnt to the ground. There would not be any rice, more so harvest and there will be famine and the price of rice will go up and the people, those people out there will suffer the most!"

That got everybody's attention but Bit Man stubbornly said "So what?" and Bo Kei said "Stop them now! Order them and stop them now!" but Bit Man said "I am the eldest in this house, I am in charge of the business, they will listen to me!" but Bo Kei said "There was such an incident some years ago and thousands died of hunger! Can you guarantee that that won't happen here?" and Bit Man said "YES!" and Bo Kei shocked by his arrogance said "Can you guarantee there won't be catterpillers destroying the crops?" and Bit Man said "YES!" and Bo Kei said "Can you guarantee that there will be good harvest next year?" and Bit Man said "YES" and Bo Kei said "And if it happens, will you bear the responsibility alone?" and Bit Man said "You can tell them to come find me Cheung Bit Man and I will personally cook the rice and feed them myself! Are you satisfied now, you bitch?!"

Pause here.

He said "Chau Po Leung" which roughly translated as I think dirty meddlesome busybody but in the context of the sentence, one word fits that and it is BITCH.

Bo Kei looked so shocked, her eyes brimming with tears at Bit Man stubborness. Fung Yee slyly said "4th sister, the business has always been the men of the house to take care of. We women can have no say in it. Let it go..." and Bo Kei ran out in tears.

Pause here.

Before you think she ran out crying like a girly girl, no, she just ran out, tears in her eyes, in frustration.

In the room, I suspect study room or something, she stood alone hearing the gong sounds when Bit Ching rushed in and said "4th mother, I believe you. What can we do now?" and Bo Kei saw 2 pistols and took them and asked Bit Ching "Do you know how to use these pistols?" and Bit Ching said "Yes but what can they do?" and Bo Kei said urgently "Teach me!".

Then Bo Kei ran out with 2 pistols, stopped at the door and looked around. Everybody was shocked and Bit Man was so scared he walked away and said "What? You want to kill me you bitch?" but Bo Kei ignored him and ran in again and took a stool and ran out. Bit Ching helped her stand on the stool and she fired first shot in the air, half the people stopped beating the gongs and she fired the other pistol and everybody stopped. She then shouted "I am the 4th wife of the Cheung family. You can listen to me and stop with the gongs. You can go home now!" but the people were confused and said "But young master said to do this. Now who are we supposed to listen to?" and Bit Man ran out and said "Me of course! I run the business! Continue with what you're doing, ignore this woman!" but Bo Kei said "Listen everyone! I am in charge. My husband entrusted the business to me before he left for his trip this morning and so you should listen to me!" but everyone was like HUH? and shocked and Bit Man said "Don't listen to her!" but Bo Kei said "Do you think I will dare to say such lie? Don't you think my husband will return and he will find out and if I was lying he would most certainly divorce me! So I am not lying!" but Bit Man said "How dare you say such lies!" and suddenly Cheung Kiu returned, looking sick and everybody was surprised to see him as he explained he was on the ship when he felt unwell and so returned early. He diplomatically said "We shall discuss this family business in the house. Now everyone, Bit Man is right and 4th Madam is of course not wrong either! Thank you for helping us, you can all go home. Go home..." and Bit Man started to protest when he quietly said "Go inside first".

One inside, Bit Man said "Father, she interrupted me in my work, she questioned my authority and I am running the business and ..." and Cheung Kiu scolded "Be quiet! You almost caused a disaster and you still refused to listen?" and Bit Man stubbornly said "I was just trying to help with the business. I am not wrong!!" and Cheung Kiu said "Thanks to Bo Kei, you have just escaped from the biggest disaster! Go to your room, I do not wish to speak with you!" and so Bit Ching stomped away whilst Pang Kiu said "Husband, 4th sister said in your absence she is running the business. Is it true?" and Cheung Kiu said "I do not wish to discuss that. I am going to my room, my stomach hurts" but Pang Kiu stopped him and said "So next time you're out on trips, who will run the business?" and Cheung Kiu said "Well,I will tell you the next time I leave town!"

In the room, Cheung Kiu said "I was just pretending to be sick. I heard what was going on and rushed back" and Bo Kei said "I am sorry to have troubled you" and Cheung Kiu said "No no, that Bit Man, he nearly caused a crisis! If he is stupid or unwilling to learn, I can understand but the problem with him is he is not even willing to admit he is wrong when he know he is. I know he as the eldest son should inherit my business but I think I am going to think twice about that now. Bit Mo, he is good at studies and I hope to find him a position in the government, that leaves on Bit Man..." but Bo Kei smiled and said "What about Bit Ching?" and Cheung Kiu said "Bit Ching? That silly boy couldn't study and when I told him to work in the business, he chose to deliver the rice, rather running everywhere than stay in one place. He is too soft, he mingles with the workers like they're equal to him. If I were to let him run the business, I am afraid he won't be able to make any decision" but Bo Kei smiled and said "I hardly interact with your sons but I like Bit Ching whom I get along the most. I beg to differ. I do think Bit Ching is meant for far greater things" and Cheung Kiu said "Well, I will be a fair man. Whoever has the ability can inherit my business. If you so wish, you can take Bit Ching under your wings and teach him, I will be very happy with that" and Bo Kei smiled, looking like she is entertaining that idea. Fung Yee was outside, listening to everything and walked in and smiled and was doing something I can't remember. Anyway Fung Yee, evil glint in her eye.

Next thing, she and Bit Man were seeing old servant, not sure of his name but checking the cast list should be Lee Cheung Fatt, the same man who knocked out Cheung Kiu 23 years ago. Anyway Fung Yee said "You know uncle, I hated 2 men in this family. One was husband who gave my Bit Man to you to be taught at whatever the cost and when you beat my Bit Man my heart hurts. The second is you because how can a mere lowly servant teach my son?"

and he laughed! Was it supposed to be a joke?

"But you're my son's godfather and now we have a problem. Cheung Kiu said all 3 sons shall have equal chance to inherit the business. I am worried uncle"

When I say uncle just a term of respect, not really uncle as in relations.

Old servant said "Old master (Cheung Kiu's father) loved Bit Man the most and when he died he specifically instructed me to ensure the business is passed only to the eldest grandchild and that is Bit Man. Don't you worry Madam, I intend to carry out old master's wishes" and Fung Yee smiled as she held his hand and said "I am glad you said that".

Pause here.

What can the old servant do I wonder? And since the old servant cried the loudest when Bo Kei reappeared, I would hope he is on Bo Kei's side!


Chai Gau and gang were eating the fried birds when Bit Man walked in, angry and decided to cut I think 30% of their salary. Chai Gau scolded them all for being cowards at not fighting back, that even Bo Kei, just a woman would dare to take pistols and fire the pistols, more so them, men! Why not stage protests, go to old master for justice but everybody blamed him and told him to shut up, they have families to feed. Chai Gau felt very angry.

Pause here.

Is Chai Gau gonna be leader of the workers perhaps? He may be smart, he is also impulsive. I still don't like him.

Meanwhile Bit Ching is out to deliver rice and true enough he is the guys' guy as he said to his fellow workers "I heard there is a delicious noodle shop here! We go after delivery!!" and everyone cheered. Suddenly they were stopped by some commotion, and one young girl dressed in her red wedding dress was thrown onto the street by a few men, next was an old woman, dramatically thrown out.

And no entrance into a scene as dramatic as that.

The young girl and old woman are mother and daughter and they cried hugging each other. Next scene they're in a restaurant narrating their tale...

"My daughter is sickly and so I thought the only way to get her medical help is to marry her off. We found this family, the son isn't too bad although with one leg shorter than the other. They met my daughter and agreed to marry her. We came all the way from our village but when they found out she was sickly, they threw us out! Now we have no money!" and the young girl said softly "Mother, you leave for the village. I don't think I can make it" and the mother cried as Bit Ching sympathised with them and said "They can't just throw you out for that reason, someone with a disadvantage can't complain about other people who are having disavantage" and he ended up giving them some money, borrowed from the workers as he promised to pay them back.

Next scene Cheung Kiu was looking at Bo Kei learning the business as she said "Cheung Kiu, I looked at the accounts and I really do believe there is room for Hing Fung Nin to expand, why not buy more land?" and Cheung Kiu said "You certainly have foresight! Yes, I am discussing with one landowner, once he could find me a suitable land and the price is right, I am buying". Cheung Kiu then said "Why not we go out for lunch since you have yet to walk around this town?" and so they went out. They saw people surrounding a young girl kneeling and crying with a sign that says she will sell herself to bury her dead mother, the body covered with a mat next to her. The girl looked familiar and then I realise she was the same girl Bit Ching met earlier.

At the restaurant as Bo Kei looked down at the girl crying, she said "Is the situation here so dire that there is an increase of swindlers?" and Cheung Kiu asked "How did you know she is lying?" and Bo Kei said "I saw the mother's toes twitched".

Then Bit Ching walked by and saw the girl and said "You here?" and the girl shocked to see him said "Oh generous young master! How come you're here?" and Bit Ching said "What is going on? Your mother is dead? I thought you were the sickly one?" and as Bo kei observed from above smiling to herself Cheung Kiu smiled and said "And that is who Bit Ching is. He can chat away with people he hardly know, he doesn't know his priorities, he is too friendly" but he was smiling as he said this. And as they passed them, Cheung Kiu borrowed a cigarette pipe and flicked the ashes at the leg of the body and suddenly the woman spring up! Bo Kei and Cheung Kiu laughed as Bit Ching (who didn't know they were there) realised he was swindled and ran after them demanding back his money as the girl and mom ran and everybody whispered "What an idiot to lend them money!!"

Pause here.

I really like how Bo Kei and Cheung Kiu laughed at Bit Ching. I think Cheung Kiu didn't think much of Bit Ching when it comes to business side and it was Bo Kei who opened his eyes to let him see the goodness in Bit Ching.

Back at home, Bit Ching returned drenched in sweat and Bo kei and Cheung Kiu tried not to laugh whilst Bit Mo, reading a book couldn't help but laugh and Bit Ching knew they all knew what happened and was very embarassed. Bit Mo teased him "Was the girl pretty?" and Bit Ching said "It had nothing to do with her beauty, I pitied them" and Bit Mo laughed and said "So you only helped because she was pretty?" and Bit Ching dragged Bit Mo and said "One more word and you're done with!" as he dragged Bit Mo into the room playfully. Cheung Kiu said "See? Bit Ching...he is too naive, too helpful!" and Bo Kei said "I beg to differ. I do think he will make something of himself one day..."

Pause here.

I may have switched the dialogue here a bit with the earlier one where Cheung Kiu discussed on the new possible heir, really can't remember the sequence but the dialogue as I remembered it is pretty faithful.

Cheung Kiu was leaving to discuss land purchase when Pang Kiu looked at him and asked "Husband you said before you will tell me who will run the business when you're away" and Cheung Kiu said "What? Am I not coming back? Whatever decision is to be made, wait for my return!" and so he left.

Next scene, Bit Ching was walking on the streets when he saw those swindlers again dressed as monks and he ran after them and lost them again. He walked into an alley and suddenly he was knocked out cold. Bit Mo was waiting for Bit Ching to take him back from school (I was like seriously? How great is that these 2 brothers' affection for one another that one would take the other back from school?) when someone ran to him and said "Young 2nd master is knocked unconcious, young master!" and so Bit Mo followed that man (obviously he knows the man right?) and saw Bit Ching on the floor who was slowly regaining his conciousness when he saw Bit Mo being put into a sack and carried away and as he cried "Bit Mo.." he was knocked unconcious again.

When he woke up, he ran looking for Bit Mo back at home and saw Pang Kiu who said Bit Mo wasn't home yet and Bit Ching narrated what happened and Pang Kiu panicked when Bit Man said it could be kidnap for ransom and Fung Yee displayed her authority by saying "Don't worry, if it is money they want, we have. Bit Mo will be fine, do not worry my sister" and Lau Fong who was earlier scolded by Pang Kiu as "you stupid pig" when she suggested Bit Mo has followed his uncle on another trip went to Fung Yee and tearfully said "we are so lucky to have you here eldest sister, I wouldn't know what to do without you" and Fung Yee smiled satisfyingly.

Meanwhile the workers heard what happened and Chai Gau was especially happy with the news thinking "This stinking greedy family deserves that!" when he noticed whilst all the workers gather around to hear the story, 3 in particular continued eating. Chai Gau suspected something wasn't right.

Meanwhile old servant went to look for old master but he had gone out with the land owner and old servant looked worrid.

At night, the ransom letter came demanding for $3000 and Fung Yee got ready with the money to pay. Lau Fong volunteered to take the ransom money to the kidnapper as she knows a bit of kung fu. Bit Ching wanted to follow as he felt he was responsible for Mo's disappearance and Pang Kiu made sure he knows just that! Unfair to blame him! But Bo Kei was very disturbed when she heard how Bit Ching was knocked out TWICE in 2 different times and she ran after Bit Ching to tell Bit Ching to tell her what happened, every detail of it.

As everyone was prepared to deliver the money, Bo Kei ran out urgently and said "No, don't pay the kidnappers! If you do that, they will surely kill Bit Mo!" and everybody stopped in their tracks and..

GODDAMNIT!!! Next episode! Arghhhhhh! So how she came to that conclusion? Next episode...Pang Kiu turned the tables, Bo Kei asked Chai Gau for help..did Bit Mo survive?! And what has it got to do with Chai Gau?!

Ohhhhhh tension! Suspense! Talking about stopping at the right moment!

I love tonight's episode. What I like?

Well I see a different side of Bit Ching and I find him lovable. Only someone as careful as Bo Kei could see his good qualities and I like that Bo Kei has a positive influence on Cheung Kiu when it comes to looking at his sons' qualities.

I also love the confrontation scene between Bit Man and Bo Kei and how she diffused the time bomb that Bit Man almost created and how Cheung Kiu diplomatically stopped the fight, outside of the house.

I also like how Bo Kei and Cheung Kiu interract with one another and their mutual love and respect.

I also like how Chai Gau sees Bo Kei, even in one line about even Bo Kei, just a woman would dare to take pistols and fire the pistols shows his growing grudging respect for this woman. I wonder though, does Bo Kei remember him from their first encounter with the hungry villagers?

I also like how Cheung Kiu teased Bit Man about the whole swindlers episode.

Basically a really entertaining episode with some hard hitting dialogue thanks to Bit Man.

Performances wise, I must commend Pierre Ngo for being so totally irritating. The way he stubbornly said he can bear the consequences for me was the highlight of this episode, such realistic dialogue and such stubborness! Felt like slapping him.

But Chai Gau irritated me more since his selfishness cause Bo Kei trouble and that being so Wayne Lai, who seems to either shout his lines or mumbles them got Chai Gau to perfection. Although I hope he stops shouting. So far Chai Gau is still not prominent yet as a role.

Elliot Yue did better when he didn't have to be emotional and I like how he interacted with Kiki Sheung's Pang Kiu, how he avoided her questions.

Ron Ng, ahhhh I like Bit Ching so I shall say I like Ron Ng in here thus far since he doesn't need to be emotional or funny. Just be like himself, deadpan delivery of his lines, except more emotion here. And when I was ready to praise him and say "RON NG CAN ACTTTTT", there comes the scene where he went back home looking for Bit Mo and his expression when he realised Bit Mo wasn't home was... one of... ermmm...well....blankness. Urghhhh, terrible acting for that scene. At least Pierre looked like he didn't care which he didn't and Sheren looked concerned which she is but Ron.. who is supposed to be very close to him and felt guilty that Bit Mo got kidnapped looked ... blank. Totally blank. I gave him far too much credit in my recap I tell you. But I like Bit Ching.

Kiki Sheung and the other ladies, such as Susan Tse were good in their respective roles, even if I am very annoyed with them, one for being so outrightly annoying and the other being so conniving.

The young girl swindler right now I am not sure her real name or character name. Nothing much for me to comment on except for once, someone young playing someone young.

I continue to be very impressed with Kara Wai's performance. The way she got insulted and she felt small, eyes brimming with tears, great performance. When she took out the shoes with hidden knives I was like SAFE GUARDS! but different character. Here she is docile, sweet, low confidence, in Safe Guards, very authoritative but in the end loving wife. I feel her performance is better in here than in Safe Guards.

Sheren Teng continues to dominate the episode with her character and her performance. Her incredulous look when Pierre's Bit Man said what he said was a classic. I too with have that look and in my mind will say "WHAT AN IDIOT!". Her hair however...

Her hair also dominate the screen for all the wrong reasons. Such ugly wig like hair. Why? She looks so out of place with that hair!

You know as I was watching how Fung Yee and Bit Man talked with the old servant about successorship of the business, it reminded me strongly of one scene in Safe Guards with which the dialogue is one of the greatest ever to have been written. It was how Steven Ma's character gently explained to his adopted mother why his eldest son Wayne can't inherit the business and I felt the same speech can be used in here. Bit Man will run it to the ground with his stupidity except Wayne in Safe Guards did caused big havoc and he learned from his mistakes whilst Bit Man, how many more havocs does he need before he realises he is not someone capable of running the business? Will he ever realise that?


Anyway if you are not watching this series, it is still new so do watch it! A must watch I tell you! But if you have the time and the opportunity, SAFE GUARDS is a must watch. I feel at this point Safe Guards is the better series and I regard Safe Guards as my top 3 favourite series of all time by TVB.

Modern drama - Looking Back In Anger
Fantasy dramedy - Journey To The West (ONE and never TWO)
Man Chor period I suppose - Safe Guards

So excited about tomorrow's episode. Finally something that makes me eager to watch and pay attention to and not want to miss a single second. Really, how did Bo Kei knew? Hmmmmmmmmmm...........................

Favourite scene and line...

"You can tell them to come find me Cheung Bit Man and I will personally cook the rice and feed them myself! Are you satisfied now, you bitch?!"

- Bit Man to Bo Kei


  1. Bit Ching sound like a really likable character. Maybe if he's played by a more capable actor, that actor will be popular like Wayne, Pierre and Susan.

    Ron's problem has always been his eyes. He can't express through his eyes very well. He has improved though compared to the really blank expression in 'Twin of Brothers'. But, I guess not enough.

    Maybe his stint in China will help. Many TVB actors who have participated in Mainland production seem to improve a lot in their acting.

  1. To say Ron is terrible is not a fair assessment. He has improved, a lot. However like you said, not just his sleepy eyes but his entire face is like frozen. It's like to show an emotion is of such great difficulty to him. Bit Ching thus far is a wonderful character. He is fair to Bo Kei, treats his younger brother respectfully, has great rapport with the workers and is likeable. The fact in ep 1 his father went to him to deliver a message to Bo Kei shows he is trustworthy even if his father felt he can't take on responsibility as his father felt he doesn't take his work seriously.

    Another actor as in more expressive actor would do Bit Ching more justice but right now I am feeling neutral towards Ron and that is a good thing. But who else can play Bit Ching? TVB has a seriously lack of older actors and younger actors. Please don't say Bosco. Yes he is more expressive but his sleepy eyes isn't my idea of Bit Ching's eyes. Someone playful, youthful but with an honest dependable face. WHO?

    He is in China now? You must understand China is like Britain, HK like America. Like in Britain all chinese actors can do drama and comedy. They're schooled in both dept and a pity almost all their voices are either dubbed by someone else or themselves but gives off this quality of studio sound which is bad because voice must be authentic. Because almost of them has this wonderful acting voice. Like American actors who are often very famous but acting wise isn't that wide ranging, I think Ron will benefit from exposure to classically trained actors in mainland production. It is a good thing actually.

    By the way Kidd, how come you did not watch this series?

  1. I didn't watch much series now. A lot of new series I didn't watch. Plus, for now, I prefer light-hearted series who does not require to think a lot.

  1. As for other actor for Bit Ching, I really can't think of anyone. Young actors I can think of a few, but, he must look older than Bit Mo and younger than Bit Man.

    Fred Cheng is a good actor, but, despite being 27 years old, still look like a kid.

    Maybe Jason Chan. Nah..

    Kenneth Ma is too old. Raymond is too famous now to play supporting character. He's in the lead actor league now.

    Maybe just use back Stephen Wong. It's not like TVB has not use the same actor to play father and son before.

    I would recommend Ruco Chan. He's good versatile actor who can play all kind of roles. And he's younger than Pierre by one year.

    Come to think of it, look wise, I find Matthew Ko the most suitable. He is young and has an honest look and can look quite playful when he smiles. But, his acting isn't any better than Ron.

  1. I do feel that Cheung Kiu trusted Bit Ching in the matter of Bo Kei in episode 1 is partly because his mom is Lau Fong. Bit Mo is also nice but, his mom is Pang Kiu. If Pang Kiu knows, she will make a scene. Lau Fong won't. Lau Fong might not be as capable as Bo Kei, but, I feel that Cheung Kiu trusted her at least in terms of keeping secrets and not making life difficult for Cheung Kiu.

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