

Written by Funn Lim

First before I start, I made some huge mistakes with my last recap, all about names and relationships.

The name I wrote as Cheng Kiu is actually Cheung Kiu. Sheren is Hong Bo Kei but her actual name was Hong Bo Yin. Bit Man is the son of Fung Yee, not Pang Kiu whilst Bit Mo is Pang Kiu's son and not Fung Yee's. Eldest son is Bit Man, second son is But Ching and youngest is Bit Mo. No daughters.

Ok, let's continue the greatest riddle; where was Cheung Kiu 23 years ago?

Cheung Kiu ordered everyone out of the room but Fung Yee looked at Pang Kiu who looked at her.

Pause here.

I do notice Fung Yee is very sneaky whilst Pang Kiu is very open and often used by Fung Yee. Fung Yee never directly say anything, it is always through Pang Kiu and Pang Kiu being the dumbest often got used by Fung Yee as a vessel to convey what Fung Yee actually feels. Evil woman that Fung Yee!


So Cheung Kiu was entertaining the Lord when he noticed at the corner of his eyes Bit Man leading some guards here and there and everywhere. He looked worried.

Meanwhile a fellow servant ran to Bo Kei and told her; "Bo Kei, I saw many guards! I think they're after you!" and advised her to run and hide and so Bo Kei did. The guards ran by with Bit Man who bumped into Chai Gau who was busy eating and Bit Man roared "You lazy demon pig! You are laying around not doing any work!" and Chai Gau quickly denied it and Bit Man roared "You lazy pig! If you see a 30 to 40 ish woman dressed as a servant walked by tell me!" and Chai Gau agreed. When he left, Chai Gau mumbled to himself "Useless bastard! Call me a lazy pig? Who's the pig here! Oh, how I wish you would just..." and then he looked down at a well and saw Bo kei hiding inside, looking very scared. Chai Gau said "They just left. Come up, here let me help you" and he helped her up and then said with spite "You go run now! They're looking for you. But remember if you were to be killed and become a wandering ghost, remember, it was that useless Bit Man that caused you your death! Remember to haunt him! Remember that!" and Bo Kei was too stunned to say anything and ran for her life.

Meanwhile at the dinner, Cheung Kiu introduced the rice they were going to eat; the emperor's gift of rice to him.

Pause here.

I specifically remember all the rice were stolen by the hungry villagers. Where then is the rice? Could it be as Cheung Kiu said to the Lord before that they can eat ordinary rice pretend to be emperor's rice? They can't do that, that's an offence.


But the Lord was not paying attention and he angrily roared to his assistant "Do you think I am an idiot? I can see from the corner of my eye people rushing here and there, the guards running everywhere. I demand to know what is going on!" but the assistant denied anything is going on and he asked Cheung Kiu who denied and he roared "I knew something was up! As you served me your mind was elsewhere! What is going on?!" and so the assistant said they were looking for a fugitive, who was the daughter of a fallen official beheaded 23 years before for corruption. Naturally the Lord was very angry and so demanded to know who she was and the asistant quietly said "My Lord, the fugitive is one of your servants serving in your household" and the Lord roared "If I don't even show any mercy to my ungrateful relative for that scandal (he meant the ep 1 scandal), you think I will have mercy on just a servant?" and that time Bo Kei was dragged inside and Cheung Kiu saw her and was shocked to his core. Bo Kei too was shocked to see him and the Lord quickly said "So you're that fugitive, daughter of that corrupted official. Alright, dear good man, you may behead her without any further order" but Cheung Kiu quickly and emotionally said "My lord, please, please spare her life!" and the Lord was naturally curious and Cheung Kiu quickly said "Her father, Official Hong was never a corrupted official. He was a good man, a great official for the empire and he died wrongly for a crime he never committed! Everybody knew that my Lord, everybody still remembers that till today!" and his wives are cried "Speak no more! Do not anger the Lord!" but the Lord said "Continue..." and Cheung Kiu said tearfully (and shown in flashback a bit as he narrated) "He had no choice. The villagers were very hungry, there was no harvest, people were so hungry they ate leaves, then they ate roots, when they had nothing to eat, they ate human flesh. Parents cut their own flesh to feed their hungry children. It was devastation everywhere and Official Hong, a good and responsible official as he was back then couldn't stand by and do nothing and so he opened the military rice reserves to feed the people. He did it for good reason, there was no corruption. The day Official Hong and his entire family were beheaded, the entire village cried for him and his family. The rain poured for 3 days non stop, the villagers risked their lives to gather his body and his family and gave him a proper burial. How can a corrupted official be so loved by the people?" but the Lord angrily said "But he broke the law and was justly punished for it. And his family, this daughter should have all been beheaded. Remove her now!" and Cheung Kiu cried "No my lord! No! How can you now punish his only descendant when you knew he did what he did for the people? How can this be justice? You said so yourself that our empire lacks good and honest officials and there was one and he was beheaded for being just that and now you wish to kill his only descendant! I don't understand how that can be justice! That is injustice! INJUSTICE!" and Cheung Kiu was very emotional whilst Bo Kei was crying silently, looking at him whilst his wives begged him to stop talking whilst the Lord was very angry and said "If you do not stop talking now, I will punish you as well! Remove her and behead her now!" and Cheung Kiu cried as he was held back by his children and wives "My Lord, if you wish to behead her, behead me as well! I deserve to be punished as well, I too was a co-conspirator!" and his wives said "No sir no he wasn't" but the Lord said "Be very careful with what you're saying!" and Cheung Kiu cried "My Lord (in flashback) I knew what her father planned to do and I was asked to help by filling in the empty reserves with rice and I agreed. I was on my way that night with my men and rice when my father rushed after me, told me to stop but I went ahead anyway however my father fell and fainted and I rushed back and the next thing I know I was knocked unconcious. It is to my regret to this day I could not and did not fulfil my promise to her father! It is my greatest regret and I couldn't eat, I couldn't sleep, I may be the richest man with fortune enough for 5 generations, but what is the used of all that money when I can't even eat well and sleep well because of my conscience? Because of my guilt? I involved myself in charity because that was what Official Hong taught me by his selfless act!" but the Lord was very angry and pointed at Cheung Kiu to stop but Cheung Kiu tearfully continued "My Lord, I am rewarded with rice by the emperor simply because I donated 1/3 of my wealth. But Official Hong sacrificed his life and the lives of his entire family for the people and he is branded a corrupted official! That is not justice!" but the Lord now at last issuing one last warning but Cheung Kiu cried "My Lord, if that is the case, take all my wealth. Take my entire fortune in exchange for her life! Spare her life, please!!" but the Lord said "If you do not shut up now, I will behead your entire family!" and Cheung Kiu was lost for words but then Bo Kei tearfully said "Cheung Kiu, enough, what you've done is enough. I only needed to know why you didn't turn up and now that I know, I am contented. I can die in peace, please beg no more" and Cheung Kiu felt defeated and Bo Kei resigned to her fate as the Lord said "So, has everybody stopped talking? Good. We shall all now continue with our meal and the emperor's delicious rice and you (signalling his assistant), you shall thereafter continue your search for this fugitive Hong Bo Yin" and Bo Kei and everybody was shocked and the shocked assistant said "But My Lord, the fugitive is right here" and the Lord mischeviously said "Where?" and he said "There!" and Lord said "That? That is Hong Bo Kei, my servant. She can't possibly be the fugitive. I know a fugitive is a fugitive and even if Official Hong was an honest and upright official who did wrong, we can't just simply accuse anyone. That is not her. She was brought into my household as a maid when she was a mere child, no, not her, isn't that right Master Cheung?" and Cheung Kiu quickly smartened up and said "Yes yes" but Pang Kiu said stupidly "But.. but she is Hong Bo Yin!" but Fung Yee understood she was defeated said "Well when I first saw her I thought she was too but now on second thought, I don't see the resemblance" and the Lord happily said "Good that we have cleared the misunderstanding! Now, Bo Kei, you helped cooked this meal as well? I must try your cooking!" and everybody was very happy except for the few sourface and Bit Ching stood and clapped the Lord and said "A toast to the wise Lordship!" and everybody said the same thing and so problem solved.

Pause here.

So few people clapped! I was very entranced by this scene as I saw how angry the Lord was as Cheung Kiu went on and on until he shut up because the Lord said he will chop off everybody's head. He explained why he was missing that night and I felt he was a steadfast honourable man. But I wonder, how was he when he thought Bo Kei has died? Maybe that will be shown later as to how he met and married his 3 wives. I also liked watching Bo Kei who wasn't fearless but in the end got the answer she wanted and could die in peace. A great scene and the great topping is of course the Lord finding a way out of this situation. Of course if the Lord said so who dares say otherwise? So Fung Yee was smart to shut up. Also notice how Lau Fong was crying when she heard the story, she has a good heart I tell you, so is Bit Ching.

Cheung Kiu took Bo Kei to pay respect to her entire family. So Cheung Kiu actually built them a shrine/temple. Must be drowned in guilt all these years. Bo Kei then told Cheung Kiu how she survived; "I was in prison and one prison guard took pity on my family. He was touched by my father's honourable act and so arranged for a female prisoner to be sentenced to death to take my place whilst I escaped and went into the Lord's household and stay hidden for 20 odd years as a servant". Cheung Kiu looked at her softly and said "These 20 years must have been very difficult for you" and suddenly they heard some sobbing and it was Cheung Kiu's old servant, crying. He was also crying back in the confrontation scene. Cheung Kiu asked him why he was crying and he tearfully said "I was the reason your whole family died!" and Bo Kei and Cheung Kiu asked "How can that be? You have nothing to do with it" and he explained "Remember the night you were ready to leave and I begged you not to?"


Young Cheung Kiu was in a hurry, it was raining and the old servant was then younger and begged "Please young master, please don't go. If the master knows, he will kill me!" but Cheung Kiu said "Go away! I have to go! There are lives at stake! And if father asks, just say I knocked you unconcious!" and so he left.

Back to present, Cheung Kiu was very angry and said "So you told father?!" and servant said "No, I didn't dare to. I was very worried when First Madam walked in..

Flashback and we see a young bitchy looking Fung Yee, there to visit Cheung Kiu, probably eyeing him already when she grilled servant to tell her everything and he did and...

"I think it was First Madam who told Old Master" and Cheung Kiu was very angry and said "So it was Fung Yee! That Fung Yee!!" and old servant said "But Master, don't blame First Madam. She just wanted you to be safe" but Bo Kei said "It is alright Cheung Kiu. When the Lord praised my father as honourable, he has given my father back his dignity and acknowledged my father's actions. I am grateful for that" and Cheung Kiu faced her and said "Bo Yin, I have decided to visit mother who is at a temple. She has been there for sometime. I will speak with her and my wish to marry you. You will be my first wife of equal status with Fung Yee. I have an engagement agreement with you first anyway, I was to marry you as my first wife back then. Let us not waste more time. Will you marry me?" but Bo Kei thoughtfully and wisely said "The Hong Bo Yin you knew is already dead. This is Hong Bo Kei. And this Hong Bo Kei does not wish to be equal first wife in your family. I am more than happy to be your wife of any status, as long as I get to spend my life with you" but Cheung Kiu said "How can I subject you to the status of 4th wife? That is too unfair for you" but Bo Kei wisely said as she hugged him "As long as I am with you, I don't care about my status. If I were to enter your household as equal first wife, there would be endless arguments. But entering as your 4th wife, at least there is a chance for a peaceful existence" and so Cheung Kiu reluctantly agreed.

Pause here.

I like how wise Bo Kei is. She knew they didn't like her and so it was wise that she tried to diffuse the situation the way she did. But she should have been first wife. Now they will all walk all over her.


So guess who disagrees?

Pang Kiu with Fung Yee and Lau Fong were going to visit old Mrs Cheung the mother at the temple and Fung Yee as usual said nothing and the one to make herself look bad as in Chinese says "Jo Chau Yan" is Pang Kiu who said to timid Lau Fong "Remember, you must object to this wedding! Just object!" but Lau Fong said "Everybody knows I have no opinion" and Pang Kiu roared "So get one! Remember, whatever mother says, just say I OBJECT!"

So they all 3 stood before the mother and objected to the wedding but old Mrs Cheung seems like a wise old woman as she said "Kiu came by to see me this morning and told me he intends to marry Bo Yin (I can't remember she called her Bo Yin or Bo Kei but I shall stick to Bo Yin since she couldn't have called her by her new name) and since he intends to, no matter what I say he won't change his mind. And since you 3 as his wives can't change his mind, what am I his mother to say?" but Pang Kiu said "But mother, this woman is dangerous. Who are we to say the Lord won't lose his position and some other Lord comes to arrest the entire family because of this woman? Moreover she is a fox demon (suggesting Bo Kei is a seductress)! This is dangerous!" and Mrs Cheung said "I have known Bo Yin since she was a child. She was to marry Kiu. Moreover, I have never known her as a fox demon and I don't believe being in the kitchen for 20 years would make a woman a fox demon. I would suggest you all accept her with grace and open heart" and Fung Yee, being the so called diplomatic one said "Yes mother, we will" so Pang Kiu shut up.

Meanwhile. Chai Gau hasn't got salary since he works for free. Still he wanted to find prostitute! So he was kicked out and found one young pretty woman making a pass at him (Nancy Wu) and so he lustily followed him only to be caught scaling the walls of her house and she turns out to be the mistress/wife of Pang Kiu's brother, Pang Hang (the one who forced Chai Gau to bite dog bone and run like a dog in Ep 1). And so again he was forced to do the same thing, go through the same humiliation.

Pause here.

Chai Gau is pretty annoying thus far. He is smart, he is cunning, unfortunately he is also not very learned and is in a way pretty dumb. He also wants things he can't have and is often humiliated because he caused his own humiliation. At this point I do not pity him and I think he deserved the humiliation.

Back to the household.

Wedding day! And guess what? Just one step to completing the ceremony Pang Kiu ran out and cried "I know you want to marry 4th sister but how can you both marry when Mo is not here yet?" and so they waited for her son Bit Mo but about to marry again when Pang Kiu said "Oh my god, maybe he was robbed! I did told him to get the gold gift I ordered for 4th sister, maybe he got attacked!" and Cheung Kiu was getting worried but Bit Ching said "Father why not you just marry first and we search for Bit Mo after this" and then dramatically the servant came running in with a bloody shoe and Pang Kiu said "OH NO! HE MUST HAVE FALLEN INTO THE RIVER!" and promptly fainted. This time Cheung Kiu was very worried and Bo Kei said "Cheung Kiu, why not you go search for Mo? I will take care of 2nd sister here. We will marry later" and so off they went looking everywhere. Bo Kei was worried too until he saw the servant carrying out the food plates from Pang Kiu's room, all eaten and Bo Kei Pang Kiu orchestrated all this.

When Cheung Kiu came back he looked very worried but Bo kei said "Cheung Kiu, I promise you, Mo will be alright. He will be back soon, in one piece" and Cheung Kiu said "How you know that for sure?" and Bo Kei said "I just know" and then dramatically Bit Mo was announced as alive and well and immediately Cheung Kiu asked "WHERE WERE YOU?" and Bit Mo explained "I did go to the gold shop to take the gift and then I bumped into uncle who insisted I go for a tour" and Cheung Kiu said "On my wedding day? You know better than that!" and Bit Mo guiltily said "I know father but uncle insisted. And then he dragged me to a drink and you know me and alcohol..." and by then Cheung Kiu knew whose trick it was.

"Pang Kiu... she thinks she can stop my wedding!" and Bit Ching said "Father, you mean 2nd mother orchestrated this to prevent the wedding?" and Cheung Kiu angrily said "Fine! We shall have the wedding now!" and I think it was Bit Ching or someone who said "But is it already past hoi si (I remember he said Hoi si as in Hoi time but I don't know what time is Hoi si. Maybe 11pm?), no people marry during such unlucky hour" and Cheung Kiu said "Well I shall fight negativity with negativity! We shall marry now" and Bit Ching I think said "But everyone is asleep now" and Cheung Kiu said "Wake them up! I will show them all who is the master of this house!". Bo Kei looks worried, I think she didn't want to rock the boat that way.

And so they had the wedding in late night and when Cheung Kiu happily said "Eventhought the guests have left, as long as the family is here I am very happy! Now let's eat the wedding feast!" and Pang Kiu said "It is so late now" and Cheung Kiu said "Well, supper then!"

During supper, Cheung Kiu said happily "I depend on all 4 of you to run this household together and live peacefully" and Bo Kei stood up and said "I would like to toast First sister since I have already known you since childhood (ahhhh love rival!!!) but haven't seen each other for 2 decades" and Fung Yee smilingly drank whilst Bo Kei said "Cheung Kiu, could you please introduce 2nd sister and 3rd sister to me since I am not familiar with them?"

Pause here.

I thought Pang Kiu has seen Bo Kei a few times 20 years ago? So they all live at the same place but Bo Kei doesn't seem to know her.

Cheung Kiu said "Pang Kiu and I met under very interesting circumstances, as if the saying goes haven't fought haven't met! Her brother runs the courier service and it was because of his help my business got expanded so fast" and reluctantly Pang Kiu drank the wine. No wonder she dared to talk so much, brother got power!

Cheung Kiu said "Fong, you introduce yourself" and Lau Fong humbly said "My name is Lau Fong. My father was a security guard and I often followed him on his assignments. During one assignment for husband, my father was killed and husband took pity on me and married me as his 3rd wife and..." and Cheung Kiu loudly said "Why do you say as if I had no choice but to marry you? Bo Kei, don't listen to her. I didn't marry her because of that reason!" and Lau Fong smiled a little when Cheung Kiu said that. Bo Kei toasted Lau Fong and smilingly said "I think we will be very good sisters" and Fong agreed.

And so the induction was clear and the wedding a done deal.

Next scene was Chai Gau eating away when Bit Man appeared and said "I have a problem. The harvest in certain land is not good. Give me some solution" but no one bothered until he said "If you give me some good solution, this 20 tael (I stand to be corrected on the name of 20 LEUNG GAN) is yours to keep" and everybody rushed to give ideas until Chai Gau shouted loudly "I have a solution..." and he basically suggested scaring the crows or something away from eating the crops and Bit Man liked the idea but kept the 20 tael silver! The workers said to Chai Gau "You really are a stupid pig. You think he would have given you the money?" and Chai Gau angry ran to Bit Man and said "But young master, that idea may work only for a few birds. The best way to get rid of the birds us to use loud gongs and scare them to death! That way they will leave the crops alone!" and so Bit Man ordered everyone to do just that after lunch and Chai Gau looked away smiling satisfyingly he had fooled the stupid and arrogant Bit Man.

Next episode, the birds all died as Bo Kei reprimanded Bit Man that with all the birds dead, the crops are exposed to catterpillers!! Trouble!

I love this episode, especially the scene how Cheung Kiu selflessly tried to save Bo Kei's life and the cunning Lord Prince's simple solution. I also liked how Mrs Cheung responded to the 3 wives and how Cheung Kiu insisted the wedding must go on. However I feel nothing for Bit Man and especially Chai Gau right now, frankly I dislike them both, Chai Gau a bit more.

The story is a bit like rushing train but that is good. At this point a bit like Safe Guards but all family feud dramas are the same. I like the realistic dialogue of Safe Guards and in this episode there is some resemblance of Safe Guard's brilliant dialogue.

Performance wise, Sheren Tang gave a winning performance. She didn't speak with heavy or hushed breath like she usually does. Her wedding make up is scary and her hair looks like it could do with a bit more budget than it is given. I like how she quietly stared at Cheung Kiu as he pleaded for her life. Understated performance is my cup of tea.

Elliot Yue was however a bit over the top although understandably so since he was pleading for a life. However I wasn't that used to seeing him that way, the way he desperately pleaded, the way his mouth quiverred as he spoke. That is good acting but somehow something doesn't convince me.

Susan Tse's make up is scary. But her performance thus far is like the silent ninja, striking without you knowing and using that stupid Pang Kiu. Not much opinion.

Kiki Sheung is more in your face sort of performance and thus far I like her performance even if her Pang Kiu is annoying.

My favourite of the wives' thus far is the gentle and timid Lau Fong and I never thought I say this but Kara Wai was simply amazing with her understated performance. She has improved so much and I know she won awards and all but I was never convinced by her performance, maybe it is the accent. Here I like how she smiles whenever Cheung Kiu scolds her, out of affection of course.

The young ones as in Pierre Ngo and Kelvin Leung whom I am not familiar with gave very good performances. Even Ron Ng didn't annoy me since he has very little role thus far and I do like his Bit Ching. But no way Pierre is the older one although these two as in character may be separated by a few months. Who knows?

The young Cheung Kiu as in Stephen Wong... ahhhh that poor guy. I saw that series Dik Yan Kit (amended-I wrote Sung Sai Kit initially-which shows how tired I was when I was typing this! But not ashamed lar of the mistake, I too thought it was funny!) where he played Wayne Lai's son, tonight was that series' last episode and I saw how he killed himself after betraying his father to accompany his father and as his father finally realised he has such a good son, that was heart wrenching. Then I saw this and I kinda felt for Cheung Kiu here as he desperately wanted to help his one true love. Great performance. I have been seeing him in several performances, I think I could say my opinion of him is favourable.

I do not know who Jessie Shum is but she was ok, very little role, didn't suck but did have BITCH on her forehead as Fung Yee.

Now... Wayne Lai.... excellent as always. I am not sure if this was just a coincidence or just the normal insult to call people Pig Demon (Chu Jing) which meant stupid lazy pig in context but it reminded me of him as Pig Demon in Journey To The West. Could that be some inner joke or something? But I don't like Chai Gau.

Nancy Wu a small role here, seducing Wayne Lai. No comment. By the way when I was in HK I saw her back when she was doing some promo at Ocean's Park. Wearing god knows how many inches heels, I felt scared for her feet! She was wearing a shiny dress, short and from her back she looked very slim, not very tall by my standard. How I knew it was her? My sister went "THAT'S NANCY WU!! NANCY WU!!" and I was like who cares. Apparently not many did either, or maybe HK residents may have just seen so many stars walking by they got immuned by it.

Anyway, a great 2nd episode. Really look forward to 3rd episode.

A bit of comment on the opening theme sequence. Love the whole idea and the colour tone and is this series filmed in a different resolution as in Widescreen? The opening theme felt like it, the entire show felt like it. In fact the opening theme sequence felt like a very grand production, unfortunately and what a pity, Sheren Teng's hair looked fake and flat and uninspiring.

Ok, favourite scene and line in this episode...

"That? That is Hong Bo Kei, my servant. She can't possibly be the fugitive. I know a fugitive is a fugitive and even if Official Hong was an honest and upright official who did wrong, we can't just simply accuse anyone. That is not her. She was brought into my household as a maid when she was a mere child, no, not her, isn't that right Master Cheung?"

- Lord Prince to everyone


  1. You are correct. Hoi Si (亥時) is from 9pm to 11pm.

    Kent Cheng's character in 'Greatness of a Hero' is called 'Dik Yan Kit'. Sung Sai Kit is the Qing Dynasty lawyer lah. :D

    I also thought Pierre is younger than Ron in real life. But, I have a check in google, and it turns out, Pierre is the older one. Some people just have young look. It's like Gigi Lai and Ada Choi. Gigi is older in real life but looks younger than Ada in 'Gem of Life'. But, there's a rumour that Ron way back then that Ron gave false profile and his age is actually older and stated and his name is different. It was during the time were Ron just got popular and was hugely promoted. But, the rumour has died down long ago. So, officiall Ron was born in 1979 while Pierre was born in 1976.

    Can't comment on the series since I haven't seen it beyond episode 1. But, I like you reveal and glad that you like this series.

    'Safe Guards', 'Sweetness of Salt', 'The Conqueror's Story' and 'Rosy Business' are all produced by Li Tim Shing. Thus, they have the same feel. I like Li Tim Shing's series. He doesn't drag his series. They always have fast pace and his plot driven (but doesn't neglect character developement). And he really really like to use Wayne Lai. He has Wayne Lai in nearly all his series. :D

  1. I was like 'Sung Sai Kit?!' lol...

  1. This comment has been removed by the author.
  1. Btw, off topic. What do you think of 'Sweetness of Salt'?

    Has it been aired in Astro yet?

  1. Ok lar, laugh laugh laugh lar! Ok lar, I made mistake lar! Very tired when writing this! I even confused the 2 young actors in Dik Yan Kit mind you! They kinda look alike, the one who plays Wayne's son and the one who plays Kent's son.

    Kidd, how come now you're hester again? What happened to Kidd?

    To answer your question...

    Sweetness Of Salt already shown, finished, done with, gone, Dik Yan Kit replaced it and now Dik Yan Kit also finished and gone. I didn't quite follow Sweetness Of Salt but I was quite impressed with that actor who plays the sickly young master who married Tavia. I've seen him before but don't know his name. And I kinda expected him to die, if not how Tavia will end up with Steven. A bit pissed that Tavia and Steven impliedly got together at last but not expressly. How many series already they ended up either apart, dead apart or impliedly together but never shown expressly, unlike Ray and Linda, kissing away? Steven Ma as usual got the good guy role down to perfection.

    Between anyone here seen Dik Yan Kit? I was shocked to see Sonija die, Sunny die, so many die. I was like what happened? I kinda missed a few episode and suddenly at least 3 people dead.

  1. Your blog won't allow me to use Kidd. No option to key in 'Kidd' like in your main blog. Can only choose from the list:

  1. Young Master was played by Raymond Wong. The way he died was so blah. I would rather they make him die of sickness than him getting well and then got killed off like that.

    Yes, Raymond was especially good in this role. He was not so impressive in other roles. But, somehow, he performed this role especially well. Maybe his sickly appearance help.
    You should remember him in that Bobby-Angela series. He played Angela's old boyfriend who came back to woo Angela and make up for his past mistake.

  1. Tavia and Raymond Wong were not the original choice of cast. The role of young master was supposedly tailormade for Joey Leung to regain his popularity after his scandal (him cheating on his gf with someone in a car) while Tavia's role was supposed to go to Linda.

    Maybe if Sing Seut was played by Linda, the couple will get to kiss. :P

  1. Joey Leung? He does look sickly but I want handsome sickly. So no luckily not Joey Leung. What is Joey Leung doing anyway?

  1. I specifically remember all the rice were stolen by the hungry villagers. Where then is the rice? Could it be as Cheung Kiu said to the Lord before that they can eat ordinary rice pretend to be emperor's rice? They can't do that, that's an offence.

    Cheung Kiu replaced the Emperor's rice with another top grade rice, not ordinary rice. Only the Lord Officer and Cheung Kiu knew the difference, so it's a win win situation (no officers head are going to roll down because they lost the rice, and the guests are happy thought they have privilege of tasting emperor bestowed rice). You see some guests claiming / praising the rice served, but in fact they are just merchants with no real appreciation for rice grades.

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