

Written by Funn Lim

If there is any mistake in the names, this is only 1st episode so I will learn up the names as I go. For now I am using the names in the Cast List which I hope is accurate.

And so it begans...

What is this man?! WHAT IS THISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS... Begans...

Let me start again.


And so it begins...

Darn, I missed the first 5 minutes! And yet I have seen this particular episode 4 times during the promo over at ASTRO ON DEMAND and yet I can't remember much, except it was awesome.

Anyway, the recap first ...

A group of officials accompanied by a group of servants and guards were escorting/protecting a large cargo; first grade rice to a destination we shall know later. However they reached a snag; rumour has it that the road at the front was blocked by very hungry residents. That place was hit hard with famine and there was no food, people was so hungry they could eat flesh and they were mad with hunger, losing all reasons. The main official didn't know what to do; they had a duty to carry out that is to deliver the rice on the orders of the Emperor but they would be dead if they were to clash with the hungry villagers since they had lost reason. Not knowing whether to turn back, choose another route or move forward, one servant ran forward and her name was Hong Bo Kei (of course her name wasn't Bo Kei then I think). Anyway for the simplicity of this recap I shall call her Sheren for the time being. Sheren gave a suggestion; do not cross their path, push all the carts of rice to the edge of the cliff. The official was undecided but it was too late. The villagers have arrived and they were mad with hunger. Sheren urgently said "Sir, no matter what, do not shoot them!" but I think there was an accidental shot that killed one of the villagers and so the rest rushed forward, clashing with the guards as the servants were in fear when Sheren shouted "Hurry! Push the carts to the edge of the cliff! Don't look! Just push! Push now!! HURRY!!" and so they pushed and she stood on top of one of the cart and shouted "LISTEN!! LISTEN HERE!! If you let us pass by, if you do not harm us, you can have all these 1st grade rice to appease your hunger! BUT... if you harm us, we will push all these over the cliff and you will have not rice!!" but the villagers were beyond reason and started to move towards Sheren menacingly when one lone voice shouted out "WAIT!!" and it was a dirty looking villager, angry and yet having power over these weak minds and he was as we shall later know, Chai Kau (Wayne Lai). For the time being I shall call him Wayne. Wayne looked at Sheren, sizing her up and she looked at him, guessing about him when he said "You all can leave, and leave the rice and horses here!" and they quickly left as Wayne shouted "Come on men! Take the rice!!".

At the temple, the official was happy a disaster was averted but he worries that "We have already lost all the rice. If we don't reach the town in time, what can I do?" and this was after he found out the road was yet blocked again. Sheren suggested a different route that she knows of but "It is 7 days journey". The official said "But we have lost all our supplies, how can we survive the journey..." and Sheren with her quick thinking said "Everyone. Take out the food you have with you" and they were laid out on the table and she said "Divide all these into 7 packages and we shall use one package a day, that way I think we can make it". And so it was done.

Sitting alone by the fire, Sheren was silent as the voices of hunger from the villagers made her remember her past.

Zoom to the past, we see a young pretty Sheren, I suppose 16 perhaps? Another actress...Angel Chiang. Not sure who she is but she is very pretty and so very young. Anyway, we now know that Sheren was once the daughter of an official, Official Hong, not sure about his rank. He presided over a town that was hit hard by famine and the hungry villagers were ready to revolt as he sighed heavily and said "Please listen to me. I will open the reserves to the rice, you all no longer need to be hungry. But I will need time to do this. Each village is to send a representative and we shall discuss how best to distribute the rice. If you think I am lying to you because I am a servant of the dynasty (removing his official hat, a huge symbolic gesture which is only done when one resigns or fired from the job), here, you may have my hat. I promise you, I will hold true to my promise. If not you shall have my life, my mother's, my wife's and my daughter's as well". And so the villagers were satisfied.

At night Sheren's father met with the other officials and said "My dear friends, we all know opening the rice reserves is punishable by death. They're rice meant for the military but I am left with no choice. By doing so, I am risking the lives of my family and 3 generations thereafter. If you do not agree with me, I will understand. Hand in your resignation, when I am caught, I will inform the Emperor that you have had no role in this, you did not know this and with that your life may be spared". But one official emotionally said "Sir! I am with you! We are all with you!!" and so as he opened the reserves he said to his daughter "The reserves is only checked once every 3 years. I pray to the heaven to bless us with good harvest for the next 3 years so that I can fill the reserves again" and Sheren confidently said "Father, do not worry. Even if we do not have good harvest, I will ask Cheng Kiu to help us".

Cheng Kiu is her fiance and a rice merchant.

The scene switched to a man, dirty looking, emerging from haystack and looking bright eyed and in shocked as he saw the beautiful city with beautiful women and exciting things. This was Wayne. He stole some clothes, came across a barking dog and in anger and hunger he chased after the dog and beat the dog to death! He was cooking the dog when the owner came and cried out for his dog and not only did Wayne NOT apologise, he dragged that old man to eat his own dog and also the fur as well and retorted "NOW YOU TOO HAVE EATEN YOUR OWN DOG! SEE WHEN THE CORONER OPENS UP OUR BELLIES AND WHEN HE SEES YOURS HE WILL THINK THAT YOU WERE SO TERRIBLE TO EVEN EAT THE FUR!!" and the man ran away whilst Wayne enjoyed his meal and took a nap. When he woke up the old man came back with a few guys, led by one angry looking man and they beat Wayne up as Wayne said "Please please spare my life! Please!" and he mentioned his name as Chai Kau and the man said "Chai Kau? Kau? (in cantonese that can mean dog). Here, put this dog bone in your mouth, walk on all fours from one end of the town to the other and bark as you do, and I will let you live" and so Wayne had to walk on all fours, barking as he walked to the end as everybody pointed and laughed at him and in the end when he reached the end he ran as fast as he could. Running into the dark backalley, he slumped onto the wall and cried as he remembered how he came to the city.


Wayne was in the village and a very old woman on a bed tearfully said "Kau, you leave! Leave now! I am much too old and frail to make the journey but you can. There is nothing here for you in the village. You have never been to the city, but at least even with no money and even if you have to beg, you will survive but here, you won't" but Wayne tearfully said "What about you?" and the old woman said "I picked you up from the streets. You have survived then, I wouldn't want you to perish here now. I will be fine, go!" and Wayne tearfully left 3 potatoes for her and as he walked out reluctantly and crying, the old woman said in a thin voice "Go Kau, go..." and so he left.

As Wayne remembered his old adopted mother (who probably died of hunger back in the village) and the humiliation he suffered, he cried and cried his heart out.

The next scene we see a group of women dressed very nicely playing cards or something when someone announced "Old master is back!!" and the oldest one said "Alright, let us stop now" and they all went to greet an middle aged man which we know as Cheng Kiu. Cheng Kiu has 3 wives, the eldest is Fung Yee who has a son named Bit Mo if I am not mistaken. I am not familiar with the actor. She gives me an impression she came from a well to do family. Second wife is Pang Kiu, who I think her background is rough as her brother whose name I didn't catch but the one who humiliated Wayne runs some society or club or whatever you call it back then. She seems uneducated. Anyway she has a son as well that is Bit Man. 3rd wife I suspect is from a poor family since she seems to have no status in the family and her name is Lau Fong who also has a son named Bit Ching who seems rather intelligent. The father came in and happily said he was being awarded premium rice from the emperor for his huge donation to the empire and Pang Kiu said "Husband, when you wanted to give all those money away I was heart sick but since we are awarded with such gift from the emperor, it was all worth it!!" and Cheng Kiu said "You think the emperor would want our dirty money (the way he said it was merchant's copper smelling coins I think is how you translate it, meaning low grade people's money which suggests he may be rich but he does not have status), "It is because the treasury is bankrupt and they have no choice!" and Pang Kiu said "Oh whatever! This is an honour indeed. Husband you must have a celebration and give my family one table, after all my brother was the one who helped you with the business using all his ships and he never asked for payment!" and Cheng Kiu surprised by her demands said "Alright" and Fung Yee said "I too will have one table. I wanted 5 (I think she said 5 or 3, can't remember) but I will make the arrangements to fit them into 1" and Cheng Kiu approved of Fung Yee's thinking and then said "You, Fong, 1 table as well?" and Fong humbly said "Husband, I do not have any relatives. I don't need any. If there isn't enough space, Bit Ching and I need not even attend the dinner" and Cheng Kiu angrily said "Ridiculous! Everyone knows I Cheng Kiu have 3 wives, if you do not attend how does that look like?!" but Fong secretly smiled a little, happy her husband thought that way. Then Cheng Kiu said "oh yes, remember I asked our sons to prepare gifts for his Lordship? Better be good gifts, this Lordship presenting the rice to me on behalf of the Emperor need not even kneel before the emperor!" and so Bit Man give his father a sword, saying it was used by a famous somebody and since the Lord was a general he would like it. Bit Mo brought out a scroll of writings by some famous poet. Then came Bit Ching rushing in with a cage and in it a bird that fell a feather. Fong was embarrassed as everybody laughed at Bit Ching and his father rejected his gift when suddenly the bird cried out "May you have good harvest! May you have good harvest!" and the father was very pleased, and so was Fong. And then servant from the Lord's mansion asked to see Cheng Kiu and Cheng Kiu quickly left for the mansion.

Meanwhile, Wayne saw a group of people waiting for work and he joined in and we see Bit Man supervising the area as everyone wanted work but Wayne upped them all when he cried out "I will work for free if you give me food and lodging!!" and so he was hired.

Back to Sheren who reached town and she saw Cheng Kiu being barked at by a big dog and the Lord asked him to go in. One woman said to Sheren "Is that the Cheng Kiu you have longed to see all these years?" and Sheren eyes fixed on Cheng Kiu as she remembered their past...

Young Bo Kei ran to young Cheng Kiu's rice shop and dragged him into the alley. Cheung Kiu was concerned about her as Bo Kei said "You know my father opened the rice reserves? You know the rice reserves is empty? The official is coming suddenly! He will see an empty reserves and all our heads will be beheaded, all 100s of them. Cheng Kiu, will you help my father?" and Cheng Kiu said "I will. Wait for me at the reserves at night and I shall be there with the white rice to fill the reserves" and Bo Kei was very happy at Cheng Kiu's willingness to help.

Back to present time. Sheren saw Cheng Kiu speaking with the Lord who spoke how he hated flattery with money and even dismissed his relative who asked for mercy as he found out the relative did not accurately reported the famine and caused many villagers to die when he locked the town gates. As Cheng Kiu said thanks for the rice that was stolen, he smartly said "I already have accepted the emperor's token of thanks. Let the rice feed those in need whilst we shall have the ordinary white rice at the banquet which will be as delicious" and the Lord was very pleased with Cheng Kiu's reply. Sheren was too as she remembered the past...


Young Bo Kei was waiting with her father in the rain but there was no sign of Cheng Kiu. Her father said "Are you sure Cheng Kiu said he will be here?" and Bo Kei said "Yes father, he will never lie to me" but the official reached there first and demanded to see the reserves and Bo Kei's father in a state of panic fainted to the ground dramatically as Bo Kei cried "Father! Father".

Present time, we see Sheren looking at Cheng Kiu, eyes a bit misty, not a look of anger but curiosity as she whispered (I think she said this in an earlier scene but seems apt to add it here); "Where were you that night?"

Indeed, Cheng Kiu, where were you that night?!

Wayne had his first big bowl of rice and ate so much Bit Man warned him and Wayne cursed Bit Man under his breath when he was sent away to do another job and he quickly went. As he carried stuff, he bumped into somebody but that is of no importance to the plot.

Sheren was in Cheng Kiu's mansion cooking the banquet when Fung Yee saw her and quickly recognised her. She mentioned this to of all people the big mouth Pang Kiu and quickly Pang Kiu rushed into the study room where Cheng Kiu, all sons and all wives were there. Already there were some discussion on Bo Kei by Fung Yee and as Pang Kiu said loudly "Husband, I heard your old fiancee that fugitive is here. Is it true?" and when Bit Man asked "What is going on?" and I think it was Pang Kiu who explained "Over more than 20 years ago your father was once engaged to this girl named Hong Bo Kei but her father a government official was charged with corruption (sort of) and her entire family was beheaded" and Cheng Kiu angrily said "Like you said, entire family beheaded! How that can be Hong Bo Kei standing there?!" and Fung Yee said "Well I did say she looked like Bo Kei, maybe she isn't" and I think one of the sons said "But father, we have a fugitive in the house, we will be charged with harbouring a fugitive, we will all get into trouble!" and Cheng Kiu said angrily "I already said there is no such person here!" but Pang Kiu insisted and said "But she is here!" Cheng Kiu retorted "How many times you have seen her?" and she said "A few times!" and he said "Well, I have known her since childhood! So you think I could recognise her better or you could?! Any more word like FUGITIVE uttered in this house I will smack whoever that says that word, get me?" and so everybody had to shut up.

Quietly Cheng Kiu dragged Bit Ching aside and said "Will you do something for me?" and Bit Ching went to Sheren and quietly said "Hong Bo Kei?" and Sheren was surprised to hear her name as Bit Ching said "My father Cheng Kiu sent me. He said to meet at the old place tonight" and Sheren understood. And the servant of Fung Yee seen all that and reported to Fung Yee who told everybody as Cheng Kiu was entertaining the Lord and Bit Ching presented the bird and the Lord was very happy. But Cheng Kiu also notices everybody is slowly leaving the room which was funny if you seen that scene, unintentionally so. All the wives and sons. So Cheng Kiu took his leave and left as well.

Meanwhile Bit Man dragged Bit Ching by the collar and angrily asked "What did father tell you to say to that fugitive?" and Bit Ching said "Nothing! He just asked me to take out that bird!" and Bit Man said "Liar!! What did he asked you to say!!" and Bit Ching said "I promised father I won't say! I can't!" as Fong tried to drag Bit Ching away and the whole argument went on as Bit Man said "You know there is a fugitive in this house and you're helping that fugitive?!" when suddenly the door bursts open loudly and Cheng Kiu rushed in and probably the best scene, knocked and slapped Bit Man one the head as he angrily said "I already said no mention of the word fugitive in this house and here I was, hearing you said fugitive 4 or 5 times that I could even hear out there!!" and Bit Man ran loose as Bit Ching and Fong grabbed Cheng Kiu and Bit Man said "I am the eldest son in this house! I have every right to question what is going on and with that fugitive here, she is endangering our lives!!" and Cheng Kiu was so angry he said "That word again?!" and he rushed to beat Bit Man but was held back. After he calmed down he said "I forbid you to say that word, understand? Now everyone leave, go and serve the Lord, NOW!" and so they did but Fung Yee looked at everybody with an evil glint in her eyes.

Next episode, frankly I didn't catch what will happen next. Something to do with Wayne and Sheren as well.

Anyway what a 1st episode.

It was rather interesting to see the past explained all in episode 1. I like that. It is not drawn out. I like how the past is remembered, I like the fact younger actors were used, and all were competent. I like how the story unfolds and Sheren's still expression as she remembered the past as well as when she looked at Cheng Kiu, her eyes was one of question that surely you and I was also asking; Where was Cheng Kiu that night? He didn't seem so heartless so what happened? This was what was in Sheren's mind as well.

It is also interesting how Cheng Kiu went to Bit Ching for help instead of Bit Man or Bit Mo. It shows he trusts Bit Ching, and Bit Ching is trustworthy in his father's opinion.

So far I have no opinion on the wives as too early to tell but like I observed above, Fong seems to be the one with the least power and since she smiled when Cheng Kiu scolded her about her status as the 3rd wife, it also shows she might have been ignored more than the other 2. And since everyone seems to know Bo Kei is, so all of them were once in the same village? Was Cheng Kiu already married then or rather he was just engaged to Bo Kei but when Bo Kei supposedly died, he married the other 3? How old was Bo Kei? 16 perhaps? Cheng Kiu probably 20? First wife probably 19? 20? Since 20 odd years have passed, that would make him 40 ish? So Bo Kei is at least 36 to 38? What about Chai Kau? Younger than Bo Kei? Somewhere around there?

Anyway first episodes usually sucks but this one is captivating. I wanna know what happened to Cheng Kiu, how Bo Kei will get out of her fugitive status.

Performances wise, it ranges from good to excellent. So far no one is awful, yet. Even the younger Bo Kei, Cheng Kiu were good. A special mention to the ke-le-fe whose name I now know as Wong Wai Leung whom I felt in his at the most 10 minute performance was excellent. His fear, his humility, his panic, all very well done!

Ron Ng didn't suck, nor was he great. Too early to tell.

Pierre Ngo promises to be a good villain, he is already annoying in here. But he is the eldest son? He looks younger than Ron!

The older ones, Elliot Yue was great. I love the way he denied "Who? Bo Kei? What?" sort of expression which has comedic elements in it and the way he slapped Pierre's head, jumping up and hitting Pierre's head really good. Excellent performance.

Kiki Sheung and Kara Wai both did well, I am however very annoyed with Kiki's character.

Susan Tse is strange. I mean the way she talks, so old time, so opera and since she came from that background I wouldn't fault her for that. But as she spoke in that voice with that tiny smile, it gives me an impression she is constantly hatching some evil plans. And maybe she is.

Sheren Teng was amazing. She had little to do, as in a lot but not yet overly emotional. I like how she handled the scenes where she met Cheng Kiu again. Or as the flashback went by. Her eyes didn't have anger but that of curiosity. I like that interpretation. Her Bo Kei gives me an impression that she doesn't think badly of Cheng Kiu but wonders all these years...I too.

Wayne Lai was amazing as well. At times he seems over the top with his expression but hey, that man is angry at the dog! Love how violent he is, so very realistic portrayal. And his character is very well written in the sense Chai Kau is a survivor. He may curse at your back but he is willing to do anything to survive. So there is a question of integrity which I am sure will be answered in future.

I was very amazed by the costume of Susan Tse. Breathtakingly beautiful although she seems to have loads of powder on her face.

All in all, a great 1st episode which makes me wanna watch the next one.

A note on the themesong; sung by Ron Ng... awful but like all TVB themesongs, by 5th episode you can't live without it. Where was Hacken Lee? Wasn't this a huge production?

Anyway I will end my recap with something I started with Moonlight Resonance Episodic Thought, me choosing the best line in the episode as translated by me. I know I am not always accurate but hey you must admit, I can be pretty expressive when I want to be! Very difficult to choose actually, so many good scenes but the most memorable line which was funny in a way was this...

"Well, I have known her since childhood! So you think I could recognise her better or you could?! Any more word like FUGITIVE uttered in this house I will smack whoever that says that word, get me?"
- Cheng Kiu to his wives and sons, in particular 2nd wife Pang Kiu and eldest son, Bit Man.


  1. Cheng Kiu wives and their son:

    1st wife Fung Yee - Bit Man (1st)
    2nd wife Pang Kiu - Bit Mo (3rd)
    3rd wife Fong - Bit Ching (2nd)

    Cheng Kiu history and how he come to have 3 wives will be revealed later on. I like Cheng Kiu for his craftiness (in a good way).

  1. Bit Man is the 1st wife's son? And Bit Man is Pierre Ngo right? But why in 1st episode he is always sided by Pang Kiu? And Bit Mo always sided by Fung Yee? Vry confusing. I will correct that in next episode recap but ep 1 just gives me the impression it's the other way around!

    I am not so much interested in how he met his 3 wives but rather where was he that raining night?


  1. Yes Ngo Ka Nin is Bit Man aka Fung Yee's son.

    Here's some screencaps of young Cheng Kiu and his wives, there will be some minor spoilers. I capped them because I do like some of the newbie actors/actresses in here.

    Nah, won't reveal abt why Cheng Kiu didn't come. It's going to be revealed in episode 2 anyway.

  1. Yes, Pierre indeed look younger than Ron. I also felt this way when I watch episode 1 in Astro 302 back in hometown.

    Ron should be the older brother.

    Pierre gain a lot of popularity after his role as Bit Man. Four actors gain the most from this series i.e. Wayne Lai, Pierro Ngo, Sheren Teng and Susan Tse.

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